W. x. FUE2R Commissioner Pracinot Number 4 -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3007. BOARD OF EQUAI.I'LATION This the 19th day of July, A. D. 1944, it is ordered by the Court that all tea payers whose easeasments oho uld be raised or lowered, shall be given legal notice by the County Cler to appear DeYora the Board of Equalization oa the 1~Sth day oY August, 1944, to show cause why their assessments Yor 1944 should not be raised or lowered es the ones may be, iI -o-o-o-o-o- ~ No. 3008. CITY OF KERRVILLE TO PROVIDE FIRE PROTECTION TO COM'R. PRECINCTS NOS. 1,2, do 4. '~, On this the 10th day of July, 1944, coming on to be oonsi dared 6y the Court, the matter oY the oY iar oY the City of Kerrville to provide fire protection Por all of Comm is eioner's Preoinc to Nos. 1, 2, end 4 of Kerr County in Dons ideration oY an a˘nuel payment of 2500.00 Yor ~I a period of 10 years, beginning with the July Term df the Commisaionar'e Court and a like amount to be paid at each regular July Term of said Court until the regular term of Bald oourt Sn July, 1953, and it appearing to the Court that said oPfi er is fair and reasonable; that ~~~ said Yire proteotion would De of materiel benefit and advantage to all oP the people residing in said precincts of %arr County, and should be made av aileble for them. Therefore, upon motion duly mnde, sae onded and unanimously adopted, it is ordered, ad- judged and deoreed by the oourt that the offer oP the City of Kerrville to provide fire protec - Son to Comm is ei one is Precincts Nos. 1, 2, and 4 oP Kerr County, be, and the same is hereby eaceptad, with the eapreas underst ending that the City of Kerrville is to provide sunh fire ~~ protest ion to all aacesaible parts oY said precincts, and that in the avant said Clty of %err- villa should at any time or on any occasion, fail or refuse to provifle such fire proteotion to i ell accessible parts of said precincts, then and in that event, this order shall terminate and be of no further Force end efPec t. The matter of whether or not any pert of any oP said pre- ainots is accessible, to be determined exclusively by the Commisaionere of said precincts. It is further or dared by the court, that said sum of X500.00 be pro-rated and paid annually as follows: X300.00 out of the regularly apport io nod Road & Bridge Funds of Preci not No. 1, end 5100.00 each, out of the regularly apportioned Road a. Bridge Funds of Precincts Nos 2 and 4. Zt is fur that ordered by the court, that the County Tress urar of Kerr County, be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the City of Kerrville the sum of X500.00 annually, in acaordanae with the terms oY this order and out oY the Sunda es herein provided. -o-o-o-o-o-o- The Foregoing minutes from page 45 to 51, inclusive were read in open ao urt and Yound correct and are hereby in all respects approved by the court, this the 14th day of August, A. D. 1944. ~..~~° , ATTEST: -~y~ _ " C1erk,Co~y, r , r ~Aty, Te s. e, Dun y on• w err Dun y,rTaxes. No. 3009. ORI4:R OF a+eTNTENANCE TAX ELECTION TO INCREASE T.UI IN COMNDN SCHOOL DISTRIC? ~20. 1'FD; STATE OF TEXAS, CODNTY OF % E R R .: WHEREAS, on the 31 et day of Tuly, A D. 1944, a petition was presented to me for an elan ti on to be held Sn Ca) Camp Verde Common School District No. 20, of this County, on the question oP sut hor lzing an additional tax of endat the rate of (b) 25 Dents, Sn addit- ion of the present tax of 25 cants heretofore voted, aggr agating a total annual tax of and at the rate of lc) 50 cents on the One Rundred Dollars valuation oP ell tazable property in said S/