w. x. Fin~R Comniasioner Pr aclnat Number 4 -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3007. BOARD OF EQUALI'LATION This the 10th day of duly, A. D. 1944, it is ordered by the Court that all taz payers who ae ~asessme nts oho uld be raised or lowered, shall be given legal not lce by the County Cle to appear before the Board of Equslizat ion on the 16th day of August, 1944, to show oeuae why their assessments Por 1944 should not be raised or lowered as the case may be, -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3008. CITY OF KERRVILLE TO PROVIDE FIRE PROTECTION TO COM'H. PRECINCTS N03. 1,2, A: 4. On this the 10th day oP July, 1944,~coming on to be oonai dared by the Court, the matter of the offer of the City of Kerrville to provide fire protection for ell of Comm is sioaer 's Preoinc to Nos. 1, 2, and 4 of %err County in cone ider ation of en annual payment of =500.00 fo a period of 10 years, beginning with Lhe July Term ~df the Commissioner's Court and a like amount to be paid at each rag ulsr July Term of said Court until the regal er term of said cour 1^ duly, 1953, end it appearing to the Court that said oPfiar is fair and reasonable; that said fire proteotion would De of material benefit and advantage to all of the people residing in said prec incte of %err County, and should be made available for them. Th arefore, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, St is ordered, ad- ~udged and deoreed by the oourt that the offer oP the City of %errv ills to provide fire pro to ion to Comm is ai oner's Precinots Nos. 1, 2, and 4 of Kerr County, be, and the same is hereby accepted, with the eapreas understanding that the City of Kerrville is to provide suoh fire protection to ail accessible parts of said precincts, and that in the event said City of %err villa should at any time or on any oaceslon, fail or refuse to provide suoh fire proteotion t all acoessible parts of said prealaots, then and in that event, this order shall terminate an be of no further force end affect. The matter of whether or not any part of any of said pre- cincts is accessible, to be determined exclusively by the Commissioners of said preoinata. It is further ordered by the court, that said sum of X500.00 be pro-rated and paid annually as follows: $300.00 out of the regularly apportioned Road & Bridge Funds of Preai not No. 1, and X100.00 each, out of the regularly apportioned Hoed d. Hrldge Funds of Precincts No 2 and 4. It is further ordered by the court, that the County Treasurer of Kerr County, be and 1a hereby authorized and dir ea tad to pay to the City of %er rvi lle the sum of X500.00 annually, i ac oo rdanoe with the terms of this order end out of the funds ea herein provided. -o-o-o-o-a-o- The foregoing minutes from page 45 to 51, inclusive were read in open oo art and found correot and are hereby in all reapecLa approved by the court, this the 14th day of August, A. D. 1944. ~...~~ ~ , ATTEST: -Lqd~ C1erk,Co~y, r~Zr sty,-ge s. e, oun y ou, , err oua yam. oTk~w*ze`~. o_o _o -o_o o_o-o_o_ No. 3008. ORII"c.R DF 6tarNTENANCE TAX ELECTION TO INCREASE TeIX IN COMMIN SCHOOL DISTRICT X20. THE STATE CF TEXAS,: CODNTY OF R E R R .: VlHP'.REAS, on the 31st day of duly, A D. 1944, a petition was pre aented to me Por an ales ti on to be held Sn (a) Camp Verde Common School Distriot No. 20, of this County, on the question of authorizing an additional Lax of and at the rate of (b) 25 oenta, Sn addit- ion of the present tea of 25 cents heretofore voted, aggregating a total annual tae of end at S/ the rate of (c) 50 canto on the One Hundred Dollars val uat lon of ell tazab le property in said Diatria t, for the purpose of further supplementing the 9t ate School Fund apport coned ~to acid .,~ S~ District, said petition bear inq the requisite number of signet urea oP the qusllP ied resident property tea paying voters of said District, who own taxable property in said District and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, end being 1n every resppot in conformity with le ; and It ap:ear ing that Kerr County oontaina a population of 11650 according to the last United States census; and It further ap pe sr ing that said (a) Camp Yer de, Common School Distr cot No. 2 has been heretofore properly estebl fished by order of (d) Kerr County Board of School Trustees as passed on the 17th Say of December, 1927, which 1s of record in (e) Vol. 1, page 93, of Minutes County Hoard of Trustees; and It further flppe er ing that said Distr ict,as so eat¢blishe contains an area of 30 square miles end that no other Diatr cat has been reduced in area below nine square miles by reason of the creation of this Dls tr ict; NOhY, THERb.FORE, I, john S• Atkins, in my ofPlo iel oapac ity as County Judge of Kerr County, Texas, do hereby order that an election be held on the 19th daS' of August, p, D. 1944, et (g) the School Hn use, in said (a) Cemp Verde Comron School District No• 20, of said County. as established by order of the (d) County School Board as passed on Lhe 17th day of December 1927, which order is of record in (e) Vol. 1, page 93, of Minutes County Board of Trustees; to -, i determine whether or not a ma~ar ity of the legally qualified resident property taxpaying voter of said District, who own taxable property in said District and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, desire to further tax themselves by inc teasing the present Maintenance Tax rate of said District, as hereinafter set out, for the purpose of further supplementing the State School Fund apport toned to said District, and to determine whether the Come;i ss inners' Court of said Co~.urty sh ¢11 be authorized to levy, assoas and collect annually an Additional Tax of and at the rste of (b) 25 cants, in addition to the present tax of 25 cents heretofore voted, agp,regating a total annual tax of and at the rata of (c) 50 cents on the One Hundred Dollars vet cation of all taxable property in said District for said purpose. Aoy Nowlin is hereby appointed Presiding Officer Por s¢id election and he shall select two Sudges and two Clerks to assist him in holding the same and he shall, within five days after said election has been held, make due return thereof to the Comm isaioners' Court of this County as is reo,uir by law for holding a L'eneral Election. pit persona who are legally qualified voters of this State and of this County and who are resident property tax payers in said District, who own taxable property in said District end who have duly rendered the same for taxation, shall be ` entitled to vote et said election, sod ell voters who favor the aforesaid add pion taxation for school purposes shell have written or printed on their ballots, the words: "FOR INCREASE OF SCHOOL T;.X." And those opposed to such additional taxation shall have written or printed on their ballots, the words: "AGAINST INCREASE OF :CHOOL TAX." The Sheriff of this County shall give notice of said election by posting three not is ea of said election in three public places in said District for not lass than tan days prior to Lhe data of said election. DATED this 2nd day oP August, p. D. 1944. JOHN S. ATKINS County Judge, Kerr County, Texas. I, -o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o -o- THE STATE OF TEXAS,: COUNT4 OF K E R R .. BE IT kiEPt'EIdBERED, That on this the 14th day of Avg ust, A. D. 1944, there was begun and holden a Regular Term of the Commissioner's Cogs L oP 8err County, Texas, at the Court House thereof, in the City oP Kerrville, Texas, offic era present: