lodes+Ipf~aeoord is-hie gffioe agd~filaauoh cancelled wnr~ante, roheoW + boade~all~ 0~>~gtne~ .ihehia'~bLt'iQao"for cafe-keeping and future reference. ~ .`-"' . ~ ., . -O-O-0-O-O-O- ,iio. SOSA. APPAAYAL CB ' CL1C6K!i3 QDARTERLY REPORT. •'t' ; ThiS:l~ dnY,.oar'ga;uety,A..D..1916•,aapte,ontC ba exagllged~by tgeCOUrtthe-repp~ofr .d,NO... R;. I.T,AYIQ.T„"COL9ntr,.C.lerY, covering f inee imposed, ~udgmenta rendered and fury faea eo1- looted in the County.Couxt of.Eerr County during quarter ending July 31st, 1944, amounting to p151.00, which report.appetrlag aorroot be snfl Se hereby approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3023. APPRCYAL OF HID OF KELLY CONSTRUCTION CO., TO ppPLY ASPHALT AND COVER STONE ON PA&T3 OF VOTE3 AND CHERRY CREES ROADS, PRECINCT /3, RERR COUNTY. , This the 15th day of August, A. D. 1944, came on to be heard and Dona idered the proposal or bid of Ke11y~Con atruotion Company of S¢n Antonio, Texas, to furnish, heat, haul and apply OA-230 eaphalt for fifteen cents per gallon, and to haul furnished rook from atoak pile not over a mile at Ona Dollar and Twenty-five Dents, on parts of Voges and Cherry Creek Roads to the extent of ten thousand gallona~oP asphalt, providing the county prepare the base and fur fah a water wagon in front of the eaphalt. It appear ing to the oo urt that such bid is ,j uat and fair, sad it is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that auah proposal be ewer dad the Belly Construction Company to the extent of the aforesaid apooifioation end condition. • ~ -o-oro-o-o- No. 3024. APPROVAL OF M1NTd REPORT OF COUNTY HOME DFMON~d'RRATI ON This the 15th dqy of August, A. D. 1964, came on to be heard the report of Mrs. Lola B1 nerd, County Home Demonistratioa Agent, for the month of Jui.p, 1944, xhich report be and is hereby accepted by the Court. No. 3025. IN THE COMMlSS10NKR'5 COURT OF KERR COUNTY, TEXAS, AUGUST TERM, 1944. :, An this the lgth day of .August came on to be considered by the oo Est the. proposition of Lhe. Chas. Schreiner Bnnkto trade or exchange Pive }1,000.00 United States Treasury~Honde bee irrg 2~K inters st Sated. February 1, 1944, due 1985-70, for five '1,000.00 Court House end Jail Bonds Rearing 2}'~ interest .and now held ea an investment by the permanent ~ohool fund of S.err gouaty, ToZns• And .it appearing to the court tDat each trade or eaohangs would De of mater is ~dgaAtage to the echo of .funds of Karr County, Taxes, in view of Lhe feat that the interest rate on the, United States Treasury ,Bo nda ie 1/4 of 196 greater than that earned on the court house sad fail Bonds.. ... WiDBREi1PON on Motion duly FJade, Seconded and unanimously adopted it s ordered by the Cour that said proposition be. and is hereby accepted and that Lhe Said Chas. Sahreiner Bank bey, Se hereby authorized and dir~eted.tatexohange said United Statea~~Treaeury Honde to the permpp ant school iLnd in lieu .af .the said Court House and Jail Bonds new held in au¢h funds. . -o-o-o-o-o-o- ZN COh'6iIS5IDNERS' COURT,: No. 3026 pugua t, 1944. KERR COUNTY, TEYAS This 15th day of August, q. D. 1944, it is ordered by the Commissioner e' Court of Kerr County, Teaea, that Commieaion era' Precinct No. Une (1) oP Kerr County, Texas, be end the same is hereby established with end by the Pollowiag metes sad bounds and the following arq,.t"1 ,~~, field notes and mot ea and bounds of said Commissioners' Praciact No• 1, Serr County: BEGINNING at a point is Kerr sad Gillespie County line where St SnLar~ecis the W, linoaf Sur. No. 1, B. S. k F. Scrip No.~ 1586, THENCE South to its St`W.. wrna r,_ THENCE West Loathe ,, ~. , N. W. corner of Snrvey No. 1, L. A. Patillo Certif. No. 18p,4. TEffiiCE~:?Bquth~'to the S. Y. nor p ~01 No. 2, soma scrip. Tr~E S. W. to $. corner of Bur. No. 13&2, A. Ward. THENCE B. E. to 1ti.;. SS'