looi[a~lalf~reoord inhia QfSioo end~fila auoh oanoelled Wart'antayahaoka, baadq~•a~Yy 0~>~ytmta~+" ~ , 1a.hia`'"offige~#or safe-keeping aM Suture referonoe. .~~~~~"~ .. .. -o-o~-o-o-o- 9io. SO88. APPROVAL QF COL~TY CLF3K'$ AUA$TE~2T,Y REPORT. .., . . T$ip lath day. ofr la~uat:;, A.. D.. 1944,, Dame ~ os to ba easpiined •, by thti Court tbla,- report of dNO._R. LSAYffi.J.,,CavnyF];erk, goveriag f]nea imposed, tudgma nta render as and fury iaee aoi- leated is the Conntg Court of Kerr County during quarter ending July 31 at, 1944, emouatSng to X151 .DO, wh iah report. appearing oorreot Da end Se heraDy approved by the Court. . -o-o-o-o-o-o- , No. 3823. AP'PROYAL OF BID OF KELLY CONSTRUCTION CO., TO APPLY ASPHALT AND COVER STONE ON PARTS OP' VOTES AND CHERRY CREEK ROADS, PRECINCT ~3, KBRR COUNTY. , This the 15th day of August, A. D. 1944, acme on to be heard and oonsidered the proposal or Did of Kelly Con atruotion Company of San Antonio, Texas, to Earn lah, heat, haul and apply OA-230 asphalt Yor fifteen cents per gallon, and to haul furnished rook Yrom stook pile not over a mile at One Dollar and Twenty-five cents, on parts of Voges and Cherry Creek Roads to the extent of ten thousand gallons of asphalt, providing the oouaty prepare the base and Sur ish a water wagon in front of the asphalt. It appearing to the court that such Did is fast end Pair, and it is therefore ordered, adt ud gad and decreed by the Court that auoh proposal be awarded the Belly Construction Company to the eatent of the aY or eaeid spa oif io ation and condition. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3024. APPROVAL OF I~NTd REPORT OF COUNTY HOME DE3S ONSSRATION This the 15th day of August, A. D. 1944, came on to be heard the report of Mrs. Lola B1. ~iard, County Home De mon is tretion Agent, for the month of July, 1944, xh is h report IDs end is hereby aooepted by the Court. Sio. 3025, IN THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT OF ICr3tR COUNTY, TEKAS, AUGUST TEAM, 1944. .,. An this the ldth day of puguat coma on to be oonsidered by the court the proposition of ' the Chas. Sohreiner Beek to trade or exchange five X1,000,00 United States Trfleaury Honda beer ing 2~~ interest dated February 1, 1944, due 1985-70, for flue X1,000.00 -0ourt House and Jail Bonds bearing. 2v;$ interest and now held ae an investment by the permanent sohool fund of Karr Ooµnty, Texas, And .it appearing to the court that such trade or eaahange would 'be of materlal' gd~antage to the school funds of FSerr County, Texas, in view oP the Paot that the interest rata on the United States Treasury .Bonds ie 1/4 oP 19G greater then ihat~ earned on the oourt~ house sad tail Bonds.. W+iEREUYON on Motion duly Ydade, Seconded and unanimously adopted it ie ordered by the Cpyst that said nroposition be. and ie hereby ec oeptad and that the said Cho e. Bah reiner Bsnk be• e,..' ~., de her aby authorized and directed .to .exohange said United States Treasury Bonds to the per ant school fund in lieu .of .the said Court House and Jail Bonds now held Sn auoh futtda. -o-o-o-o-o-o- ZN C05~I SSIONERS' COURT,; ido. 3026 pugua t, 1944. KERB COUNTY, TEYAS This 15th day of August, A, D. 1944, it is ordered by the Commissioner a' Court of Kerr County, Texas, that Commission era' Preoinet No. une (1) of Kerr County, Texas, be end the same la hereby established with end by the following metes and bounds sad the following are•t~ field notes and metes and bounds of saifl ComB˘Sasionera' Precinot No• 1, Bank County: ~`~~~` BEGINNING at a point in Kerr and Gillespie County line where St inter eeo to the W, }iu@: aY Sur, No. 1, B. S. & F. Scrip No. 1586, THENCE South to its $. W. oorne.r, THENCE West Lgthe N. W. corner oY Survey No. 1, L. A. Patillo CartiP. No.~1847. Tf]'ENCH:a9outhto the S. ~„ oort,~; ~of No. 2, sflag scrip. THENCE S. W'. to $, oorner of Sur, No. 1382, A. Ward. THENCE S. a,~to;~ S,5'