to N. W. corner of Kerr County in South line of %lmb le County; THENCE Eeat with line of Berr ~~~~ .S7 and Kimble Counties to the N. E. corner oP Kerr County in the W. line of Gillespie County; TANTICE South with iYe st line oP Gillespie County and line of Kerr County to S. W. oorner of Cilleapfle County; THN37CE East with line oP Kerr & Gillespie Count iee to the place oP beginning And it Sa fur they ordered by the Court that Justice's Precinct No. 4 of Kerr County ' be and is hereby established to conform with the above field notes of Commissioners' Precinct '. No. 4 of Kerr County, and the above field notes end metes and bounds embreae and enclose the '.. i area of said Justice's Precinct No. 4 of Kerr County, Taxes. -o-o- o-o ~o -o-o -o -o - I No. 3027. COURT'S RECESS August 15th, 1944. Zt is hereby ordered by the Court that the Current Term of Court be recessed until AuS uat 21st, 1944, at 10:00 o`al oak A. iT., fur matters o7 Pub 11o I3e ac ing on Annual County Budget and Laving of 1944 Taxes, and other matte ra that may be presented to the Court. ~' No. 3028. COURT RE-CONVENED. Pursuant to ad3ouz'ment tak an by this Court the 15th day of August, 1944, Court ra- conveped this 21st day of August, 1944, at 10:00 o'ol ock A. M., for the matters of Publ io Hear ing on Annual County Budget end Laving of County 1944 Taxes and other matters that may be pre- ~I sented to the Court, with the following oPf Scera present; ', JOHN S. ATKINS, - - - - - - - - - - - County Judge, Henry Lcks to in, - - - - - - - - - - - Commiasi oner Precinct No. 1, I,, - Comm is sionar Precinct No. 2, I D. D. Beard _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ ',. Wm. Karger, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner Precinct No. 3, '.Y. H. Farr, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner Pr eoinet No. 4, ~ A. F. H(oore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Le avell, County Clerk, and the Poll acing prooeadings were iii had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-c-o- No. 3029. ALLOiYANCE OF CLAI tL4 This the 21st day of August , A. D. 1944, came on to be ezamin ed by the Court, the various claims and as co ants filed eg ai nst Karr County and its` respeotive Commissioners' Pre- cincts since the current term of this month, ell of which claims and aco ounta were approved ~ by the Court for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out oP respeotive funds as shown by the Minutes oP Accounts allowed for Kerr County, Texas, wh iah ere made a part of this orfler -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3030. OIi D::R DECL:iRING RESiR,T OF t3AINTENANCE TAX ELECTION, TO INCREASE TAX IN C016;'.ON SCH00: DISTRICT N0. 10, CABCP VERDE THE STATE OF TEXAS: IN THE CONI6I SSZONES25' COURT OF KERB COUNTY: COUNTY OF K E R R-: On this, the 21st day of August, A. D. 1944, came on to be considered the returns of an election held on the 19th day oP August, A. D. 1944, In (e) Camp Verde Common School Dist- rict No. 10, of this County, for the purpose of determining whether or not a ma for ity oP the legally 4ual Sfied resident property taxpaying voters oP said District, who own taxable pr opert in said Diat rict and who nave duly rendered the same for taxation, desire to further tsa them- salves by incr easisg the present Naint enance Tax rate of said Distriot, as hereinafter set out Por the purpose of Purther supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said Dis tx let, and to determine whether the Commisai one ra' Court of said County eha 11 be out h or lzed to levy, assess and oollect annually An Additional Taz of end at the rate oP (b) twenty-five cents, In Addition to the Present Tax of twenty-Five cents heretofore voted, aggregating a Total Annual Tsa oY and at the rate oP (c) Fifty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of all taxable property in said Dia tr ict for said purpose; and .S 8 It apPe ax ing that said election was in all respeots legally held and that said returns were duly end legally made and that there were cast at said el act ion 21 votes, of which number there were cast: "FOit Il.C REASE OF SCHOOL TAX" 19 votes. "AGAIP&;T INCREASE OF SCi{OOL TAX" 2 votes. ANU IT Al'; LentIIVG TO I4iF CuUItT from said returns that e majority of the legally 9uslified resident property taxpaying voters of said Uistric t, -~:+ho o~m taxsble i~rop er ty- in snid District and who have duly rendered the ssme for taxation, voting at said election, voted (d) for said increase of school tax, the Court does hereby declare the pr opus it]on to levy the said tar, to have been (e) carried and that this Court is authorized to levy, and have assessed end collect said tax (f) as increased from twenty-five cents to fifty cents. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3031. LEVY OF TAX, COMJiON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 10, CAi::I' VE'R Dd, TEXAS. i'!iE S^1.iTE OF TEXe,.S: IN Tii'r. COIdMiS5I0NlH5' COURT OF SAID COUNTY: COUNTY OF' K E R R Or. this, the 21st day of August, A. D. 1944, it is hereby ordered by the Comcni ss ioner s' Court of Kerr County, Texas, that there is hereby levied for tie year (a) 1944 on all taxable property in (b) Cam r. Verde Cona;:on School District No. 10, of said County, on the first day of January of the current year, the following taxes: (1). An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of (c) fifty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of all tarab le property in said District, estimated in lawful currency oY the United States of A.-nerica, for the purpose of supplementing the State School Fund apportioned to said District for the sup,^,ort and ru intenance of the Fubl is Schools in said Di str i.e t. John S. Atkins County Judge, Kerr County, Texas --o-o-o-o-o-o-o-- Iv'o. 3032. ADOI'Ti OI: OF TFPc CO UZv:Y LUD"JET FOii 1945 AND LEVY OF 1944, COUtdTY TADS T:iE STATa' OF T"ntii'.:i,: Ii: CUtT.Il:iS ION::i:S' COURT OF IiERii COUNTY, TEICAS. CGUNTY OF K E h R .. AUC;iST 1$kiial, A. D. 1944. 1 On this the 21st day of August, A. D. 1944, the Commissioners' Court of the County of - , Kerr, State of Texas, convened in regular se ssi~n, present and presiding Sohn s. Atkins, Count v udge and all me tubers of the Court being present, came on for consideration the adoption of the County Budget as prepared by the County Judge find County Clerk and filed with the County Clerk for public inspection. Fro_er notices having been given on the 1.4th day dP Aue;u st, A. D. 1944 by the County Jud P,e b7; the posting of a copy of said notice at the Court iio use door in the Cit of Kerrville, Texas, a copy of which notice being attached to said budget. No inter este3 tax-ravers appearing tef ore the Court, after thorough exaruin stion and eon- s id eret ion of said Cu unty Budget by the Cu ur t, uuon motion made, secon de3 and unanimously adop said County Budget for 1945 us heretofore comnl ied by the County Judge and County Clerk, and tentatively approved by the Court at its last Regul er Session, be and is hereby approved and adopted by the Court, It is therefore ordered by the Court that County, Road, School and Special Tsxes for Kerr County, Texas, for the year, 1944, to snd are hereby levie3 at the So llowing rates based on e:ac ~ t~lOG.00 value ti on, tow it: ',I ~ Jury Tax 4 cents iioad and 8r idge Fund 2 cents Caner sl Fund 25 cents