property in said District for said purpose; and ~~ It appearing that said election wus in ail respeots legally held and that said returns were duly and legally made and that there were cast at said election 21 votes, of which number there were cast: "FOR INCREASE OF SC?i00L TAX" 19 votes. "AGAINST INCREASE OF SCHOOL TAX° 2 votes. AND IT AhPEARZNG TO THE COIFiT from said returns that a majority of the legally qualified resident property taxpaying voters of said District, -,rho own .taxable property in said Dls triet and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, voting at said election, voted (d) for said increase of school tax, the Ceurt does hereby declare the proposition to levy the said tax to have been (e) carried and that this Court is authorized to levy, and have assessed and collect said tax (f) es increased from twenty-Pius cents to fifty cents. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3031. LEVY OF TAX, COHNION SCHOOL DISTRICT IQO. 10, CAi~:P VERDE, TEXAS. T:1E STATE OF Th7u;5: ZN Trl"ri C019GLSSIONL''RS' COURT OF SAID COUNTY: COUNTY OF K E R R Un this, the 21st day of August, A. D. 1944, it is hereby ordered by the Comrni ssioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, that there is hereby levied for tie year (a) 1944 on all taxable property in (b) Carron Verde Couuaon School District No. 10, of said County, on the first day of January of the current year, the following taxes: (1). An ad valorem tax of and at the rata of (e) Pif ty cents on the One Hundred Dollars valuation of all taxable property in said District, estimated Sn lawful currency of the United States of America, for the purpose of supplementing the State School Fund app ortiored to said District for the support and ra int en ance of the Fubl is Schools in said District. John S. Atkins County Judge, Kerr Cr unty, Texas --o-o-o-o-o-o-o-- No. 3032. ADU I'TZ Ot] OF THE COUNTY 1: UDCET FOIL 1945 AND LEVY OF 1944, COUNTY TAXES ' T-1E STAT.1 OF Ts:diiS,: Iid CUiJlv1ISSI0IVi:itS' COURT OF KEHR COUNTY, TEXAS. COUNTY OF K E R R .. AUCi7ST T:Riei, A. D. 1944. --~i On this the Llst day of J\yg ust, A. D. 1944, the Commissioners' Court of the County of Kerr, state of Texas, cunvened in regular se ss lop, present and presiding John S. Atkins, Count Judge and ell me tubers oP the Court being present, came on for consideration the adoption oP th County Budget as prepared by the County Judge and County Clerk end Piled with the County Clerk ~, for public inspection. notices having bean given oa the 14th Say of August, A. D. 1944 ~,, by the County Judge b~; the posting of a copy of said notice at the Court House door in the Cit of Kerrville, Texas, a copy of which notice being attached to said budget. No interested tax-payers appearing before the Court, after thorough examination end con- sid stet ion of said County Budget by the Court, upon motion made, seconded and unanimously adop said County Budget Por 1945 as heretofore complied by the County Judge and County Clerk, and tentatively approved by the Court et ita last Reg ul sr Session, be and is hereby apP roved end adopted by the Court, Zt is therefore ordered by the Court Lhet County, Road, School and Special Taxes for Kerr _ County, Texas, for the year, 1944, be and are hereby levied at the following rates based on enc ~~ $100.00 valuation, towit: ~, u Jury Tax 'flpl rioad and Bridge Fund 4 cents 2 ceirts General Fund 25 cents