xap~aed, the following pronge141,uga xere had, .tq-wit: ~ ~.r•, ~ ~ . ,w :°~ ~ .':~ r °`~ ( " ~,., 6 9k+.,:3051. ALLOWANCE 0$ CL1SkS AND AC GOUNTS. This the 13th day of November, A. D. 1944, Damn on to be ezamlaed by the Goumt,tkie. xarioue olaima and accounts filed against Serr County and Ste' respective Gommiaeioaere' preoinota J1I s inoe Lho last term of the Court, ell of whioh olaima and eooounte were eppro ved by the Court ~I for payment by the Gouaty ~Cle rk in amounts and out of reaps otive funds es shown by the Yinutea I` of Apaouate..eligwed fox 8.err Gounty, Texas, whioh are made a pert of this order. -o-o-o-o-o-a-o-a- No. 3052. MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY HOMB DE6fONSTRAT SON ACYNT Thls the .13th dt~y of November, A. D. 1944, Damn on to-be heard the report of Niee Sue 8awtho County coma Demonatrstion Agent of Eerr County, severing her aervSee~ during the month of Oa to r, A. D. 1944, wbioh report having been Sound eetiaiaatory, De and ie hereby eaoepted by the Cour -cro-o-o- o-o- ~ Nq. 3053. APPROVAL OF TAS ASSESSOR AND GOLLECTOR'S MONTHLY EBPENSE REPORT This the 13th day of :November, 4. D. 1994, Dame on to. be ezemined by the Court Lhe moathlp exp enae report of E. 8.. Nlohole, Ras Assessor e,od Colleotpr for the month of October, 194#, ah owing an eotuel end ~geasary ezpenae of $171.68 for. Oe to bar, 1944, Sao ur red by him Sn the oonduot of hie offioeduring said month of October, L944, and it aypeer ing to the Oourt that said Taz As eesaor end Collector ie ant itled to the expenditure of all the items therein 1lated, said report be and 1e hereby appr wed Yor the full amAUat b8 the Court. -o-o.-o-o w ro- No. 3054. CANVASS PF ELEOTION RBT[&iNP~.~e~ OF•FLECTION:OFPZC$RS', PNA.DI< Thin 13th day of November, A. D. i944,~aams'gn to Sae gAbned~aad:•tabulated the returns of the General 8l eotlon bald throughout Serr Ooupty on. NovambeF DtM,1044, and Bald returns were duly opened and tabulated b7 the Gourt ea shown oa pages 50 to 61, S7talaslve, of Velum 3, of the Renard of dleation Returns of Serr County, Texas, and the County Clerk Se hereby •uthoriasd end directed to peq all oftioera of said elaotion out cS the Oeneral Fund.ae provided by law. - o_o-o_o_o_ ...- No. 3055. CANVAS OF SPEOIAI. ELECTION RETURNS AND ALLOWANCE OA $I3tiTI0N 0lFICERS' PER DIDI This 13th day of November, A. D. 1944, Dame on to be opened endtabulated the rat urns of the Speoiel Sahopl Elsotion held 1n Reservation School Dietriot No.19 of Serr.Gouaty, Tezas, on November 4th, 1944, and said returns were du ly~opeaed and tnb-deted by yhs Court ee shown~~nn .page 64 ofYolum 3, pf the Record of Lleotiga 8eturna of Serr Gouaty-, Tru-'~~~ssd the~Countp ;Glork is hereby authorized.ead directed to pop all oYiioera of said eleotioa out of;CheGenerel road ea provlded b~ law. -o-o-pw-o-o-o- No. 3056. AFPROYAL OF REPORT OF SUSTICE qF Ta'3E P&A.CE, YRBCINCT PO..1~ Thin Lhe 13th day of Nwamber, A. D. 1944, came on to Sao azamluedand audited by byte Court the report of Bob Bennett, Tuetioa aP the Peace of PreoinettTe. 1 of &arr 0ouaty, for the month of gotober, 1944, of Griminel Fees filed, fines, .,judgment sad fury Seen ao2leoted ahpwlag the sum of 58.00 polleoted emd dayoeitad with the County Traeeurer, eatS.Lliag him agoording t0 said import to a fee of $54.00, and it appearing tta th• Court'thet eaidreport is oorreot, same be .and L hereby apprgvad,end the0ouaty Glerk sad Gcuaty Trsaauer era tharsfore authorized sad diraoted to pay unto Juetiae 8ennetL tea Bald ~enm~pf YB.00 to be paid ont of bns Ceneral-Fund, -o-o-o~p-o~o- 3057. QUARTERLY REPORT OF DISTRICT' COURT Cl.EEi[. This 13th flay of November.~A. D.