No. 3067. APPROVAL OF TAX &4SESSOR AND CC$.LECTQ&'S ~ICTALY ~^~]C.FT,NSE RSP41FiT ,; ?: ,, --..~., ~p - , ' Triia the 11th day of BeoemDer, A. D. 1944, came on to be eaamined by~ the~_~upt the maAtchl 0 . ' eapanss report of E. H. Nichols, Taa Asses sor and Collector for the mon.ti} of Nevembar, 1944;., ahowing an actual end necessary exp ease of $348.45, for Nov amber, 1944, incurrp dby,him ia.Lhe on- duct of his office during said :e onth oP November, 1944, and it ap peer ing to the Court. that }ai Tax assessor and Collector is entitled to the expenditure oP all the items therein listed, eai report be and is hereby approved for the full amount by the Court. x~ -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3068. ;dONTilZY R;;P OHT OF COUNTY HOME DEi+IDNSTRATION ACENT. I~ This the 11th day of December, A. D. 1944, came on to be heard the ranort of Misa qua 3awthnrn, County Some Demon stratlon Agent of Kerr Couaty, covering her services during the iI month of November, A. D. 1944, which report having been found satisfactory, be end is hereby eocepted by the Court. ~, -o-o-o-o-o-.b- .. No• 3069. TRANSFER ~ ~ This the 11th day of ~eoember, A. D. 1944, Lha County Tresaur er of Rerr Couaty be and is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum oP 963.72 Prom Rerr County Hoad & Bridge ^~ Fund /~2 to Rarr County Ro ed &. Bridge ':farrants oP 1936, to cover interest due Prom Tune 12, 1944 to December 12th, 1944, an Hoad and HT idgo warrants of 1936. o-O-o-o-O-O- , No. 3070. FIXING AMOLMT OF HOND FOR COUNTY dND PRECINCT OFFICffitS This the 11th day of Dec amber, A. D. 1944, came on to be considered by the Court the Pia- - ing oY the amount oP bond to be given by the reaps Ctlva County and Preclnet Officers for their 1945-48 term of off lce, and it appearing to tqe Court the amount of bond furnished by each of said offie ere for the 1943-44 term of oYPice Just ending is euf Plc ie nt for the coming term of - office, it is therefore ordered and adJudged by the Court that the amount of bond for the re- spectlve counLy~etid preainot offiaera Yor 1945-1946 term of office be and is hereby set end = Yiaed in and at the acme amount as the amount of their bond for the term of oYPice Just ending and all oP the county cad Pr ecinnt of fic are elected at Lhe 1 ast November eledtion be and are hereby directed to cual ify on January 2nd, 1945, by Lek ing the pr eaoribed oath or oaths of --~ I office and making bond reapec Lively in the amount as fixed by the Court herein. -o-oro-o-o-o-o- No. 3071. APYORTIONt~:NT OF 910,000.00 OF THE GENER+IL ROAD & BRIDGE FUND OF %ERR COUNTY. Triia the 11tD day oP December, A. D. 1944, be and it is ordered by the Court that X10 ,000 00 of the unapportioaed koad & Bridge Funde of Kerr County, De ha reby appor tionad and credited to Lhe respective commissioners' precincts of Serr County, Sn Lha fo llow ]rig proportions, viz: To R & B Fund of Preoinnt No. 1., 35y6 - - - - - - $3500.00 TO RAH Fund of Preoinot No. 2, 15~i - - - - - - $1500.00 To R & H hand of Precinct No. 3, 15r - - - - - - ,-$1500.00 To R & H Fund oY Precinct No. 4, 35°6 - - - - - - X3500.00 And the County Clerk shell credit Lhe account of eaoh oP said precincts with the amount there- to appor tl oned hereunder. -o-o-o-o-o-o- The foragoiag minutes from page 87 to B8, inolusive, :ears read in epee Court and found oorrset, eqd are areDq in all l'sapeote approved by the Cour , t e th 2 aauery, A. D.'1945. ,_.; ATt83T: Clsrk,Co y our rr oun y, ezea. oua y ~ ,. rr .oyat-~,_leuae.- By ,Deputy. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- '