' No. 3067. APPROVAL OF TA% ASSESSOR AND C(;1.LECTCR'$ iTRLY $XY$N96 $SPgF,T ., - ,.r _ .. V O , ' Thie the 11th day of HeoemDer, A. D. 1044, came on to be ezamined by thpp ,Fpust the moat,hl C , ' ezpenae report of E. H. Nichols, Taa dsaeasor and Collector for the month.:of November, 1944;., showing an actual and necessary expanse of $348.45, for November, 1944, incu;red by„him in the on- duct of his office during said ^.onth oP November, 1944, and it appearing to the Cpurt that ˘ai ' Tax Assessor and Collector is entitled to the expenditure of ell the items therein listed, sai ~ report be and is hereby approved for the full amount by the Court. ' w -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3068. MONT;-ILY R~OHT OF COUNTY HOME DEMONSTRATS'ON AGENT. i~ This the 11th day of December, A. D. 1944, same on to be heard the report of Misa Jae 3awthoan, County Home Demonstration Agent of Rerr County, obver ing her servio es during the i month of November, A. D. 1944, which report having bean found eat isfao tort', be and is hereby so cepted by the Court. ~ ' -o-ono-o-o-o- No. 3069. 'PRANSFER ~~ This the 11th day of Jeoember, A. D. 1944, the County Treasurer of Rerr County be and is II hereby authorized and directed to trsnsf er the sum of 63.72 from Rerr County Road & Bridge I F:unfl f/2 to ~2err County Road &. Bridge 'Aerrants of 1936, to cover lntereat due from Juae 12, 1944 to December 12th, 1944, on Road and Bridge Warrants of 1938. ~' -n-q-q-q-q-q- - No. 3070. FIXING AMOUNT OF BOND FOR COUNTY.AND PRECINCT OFFICERS ' This the 11th day of December, A. D. 1944, came oa to be considered by .the Court the faz- ing of the amount of bond to be given by the reapeotivaCounLy end PreolnoL Officers for their 1945-46 term oP office, and it appearing to the Court the amount of bond furhlahed by each of ~ said offie ere for the 1943-44 term of off foe fast ending la suf fic ie nL for the Doming term of office, it is therefore o;dsred and adJudged by the Court that the amount of bond for the re- ~~, apective eountyahd pr eainot offiaere for 1945-1946 term of ofYioe ba and is hereby set and ~', fiaed in and at the same amount as the amount of their bond for the term of office ~uat andinB i and all of the m only and pr ecinot of fic era elected at the last November eledtion be end are {' hereby direc tad to qualify on January 2nd, 1945, by tak ink the praeor ibed oath or oaths of '~~ office and making bond reapec lively in the amount as fiaed by the Court herein. ~~ -o-oro -o -c -o-o- No. 3071. APPDRTIONMENT OF $10,000.00 OF THE GENERAL ROAD & BRIDGE FUND OF SQtR COUNTS. ~ This the 11th day of Dacemb er, A. D. 1944, be and. 1t Ss or der ad by the Court th et X10,000 00 of the unappor Lioned hoed & Hr Sdga Fonda of Rerr County, be hereby apportioned and eradlt ad to the respective commissioners' pr ecinote of Kerr County,. in the fo llow inB proportions, viz: To R & B Fund of Preoinct No. 1., 35~ - - - - - - X3500.00 To R & B Fund of Preoinat No. E, 15~i - - - - - - $1500.00 To R & H Fund of Frec inct No. 3, 15P - - - - - „$1500.00 ~ To R & B Fuad of Precinct No. 4, 35p - - - - - - $3500.00 ', And the County Clark shall ore dit the account oP eaoh of said precinots with Lhe amount there- to apportioned hereunder. -o-o-o-o-o-o- 1Le foregoing minutes from page 67 to 8H, inolualva, were road in open Court end found oorre0t, qWd are oreby in all 1'espeots approved by the Cour ,'t a th E ennary, A. D.'1945. ~ ; ATTEST: C1erk,Co y ourt,lCsrr ouaC ty,~•zee. , Dun y , . rr ~eoynt~,~e;as, . Hy ,Deputy. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-