No, 3097. IPl C016E.~SSIOtILB'S GfR7FtT, ~SHH COLTlP7, x,1,5 On ti:is the f3th dey of isnuery. 1945 it agpe<~r~ag to the ~%ourt Ghat Boad ~Io. 11, 'Rin~sU County, 5~ road nad Dridga retund- ag L•enda, rn-~ias oS' 1!~y7, Deirg oi-e of the Donde included in the Crusi#y des.oeitory t~lt~dee oontreet to Dover school foods entered ~- ~ into be C}y=..a, ~-:ohre:.ner I3eank, IIni~ar;~or~ted, at the regular ~taroh '~ Tar;; 1943 of oe•id ~%omnisaioaer'a Court, hue tlates'e3 end the • . Ches. ohreinar 3~~nQ, ~Cninoorporated, i ° rt es iraue of having said ~5az?d Na. 11 raleasE+d lraa said pledge oontsact: ,. •~` TFt4'Od uton noLioa duly made, seesoaded rind un~nir..oualy adopted R p L•t is ordered Dy the Court that the aseid Choa. Sohreine~r Sank, ~~nf.noor~o,ated, ba sad is hereby aut_mriaed to wit .d~ew said Road 2~0. 11, :Smble County, b~ road and Dridge refunding bcLda, aeriaa of 1939, froe~ a:sid pledge ooatrael sad Lhat said Ches. f'sahreiaer Beuilc, t7niaoorz orated, ba and is hereby releassfl to the extant of the value of said Bond an mid pledge oontraot. -o-o-o-o-o- Teim ~TA'1'8 OP i't:3.dS, : C '~ Fi T I It I C . T S Cut&'447C OF R S H R .: I, i~0. 3t. I.yAYBI.L, Clerk of the Courtly Oo.rt in and for Karr Gouety, i'ezaa, do hereby ¢ortify that Lt~e et~ove and foregoing is a true and aa~rreat Order dale asix;g Eletb2e~ Coyntp .pond ;10. 11, ae the setae appears of raoord in Yolume J, page 7U, of the ..-inutea of 4om+uiaaioaers' CaLrt cf ges'r County, eza6. lad Tri:31'iir~~'Y `~tH~IfiQF, I gyve harsunto set eey head and offioial opal of otfioa this the 9th day of ieaauary, A. D. 1945. u~ l~;~eas y our : 'r y, ens a. ~y put y.