forwprd a oertified Dopy of Chia order to the Comptroller of PublSo .+aaounte,.AUatia,~Tezae, ea direo tad is the herein mentioned not of the Leg ial at ur a. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3077. APPROVAL OF BONDS AND 4,UALIFICATION3 OlP OFFICERS. Thin the 8th day of January, A. D. 1945, Dame on to be ezamined by the Court .the offioial Donda of the following named of fivers, also tad for Parr County and Ste various preoina ta, et November Eleotion, 1944, and it appearing to the Court that eaoh end all of said bonds are good and aufflaient, and that eaoh of said bonds should be approved by the Court. Therefore, upon motion duly made, aeoonded end unanimously adopted, said bonds sad eaoh of them be end are hereby approved by the Court, sad enoh of said offlc era ere hereby diraot to Lake the proper oath or oaths of office ea required by law, end all of said bonds shall b rev orded by Lhe County Clerk Sa the proper rev ord of his offio e, b ~vit: L. W. Pollard, County Attorney, A. L. 9t ar key, County Surveyor, W. A. Mnetere, Constable of Preo inat No. 4. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3078. ORDER FLYING SALARY OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. This the 8th day of January, 1945, it Sa ordered and deo reed by the Court that Lhe ae lery of Sohn S. Atkins ea County Judge of Xerr County, Tezsa, be and is hereby fined at the folio ing amount for the Currant year, 1945, ea follows: As County Judge the sum of X1320.00 per annum. Said aelary of X1320.00 ea such County Judge be paid unto Judge Atkins Dy the County Clerk out of the Hoed and Bridge Fund ih equal monthly installments of 1110.00 eaoh, payable oa or attar the last day of eaoh eel ender mont beginning January 31st, 1945. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3079. ORDER FLYING SALARY OF THS COUNTY CLERK This the 8th day of Jeauar y, 1945, it ie ordered Dy Lhe Court Lhat the annual aelary of County Clerk of Karr County be end le hereby fized at an aggregate sum of $2800.00 for the o arrant year, 1945, provided by the 1944-45 Budget, as follows: X1850.00 per annum ea Coun Clerk, 4250.00 per annum for keeping Lae finance ledger end X100.00 per annum for fades ing. :ie id aelary shall be pa Sd out of the General ~'uhd Sn monthly Snatellmenta of ~183.33~eeoh, payable an or after the lest day o2 eaoh oslendar month, beg ihning January 31st, 1945, with proper warrnnta on the County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3080. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF DISTRICT Q.ERK. Thin the 8th day of January, 1945, it is ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the Diatr iet Clerk of Kerr County De end is hereby fized es pr ovifled by the 1944-45 Budget at the sum of ~9 OC.00 par annum, for the current ye er, 1945, which enlary shall be paid unto tae Die tr tot Clerk in 12 monthly installments of X75.00 eaoh, out of Ehe General Fund by pro, warrants drawn by the County Clerk oh or sitar th} last day of eaoh month's eervioea on the County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3081. 8EyB3ffL0YBd*NT OF IRVIN PARKS AS COURT HUUSE AND JAIL JANITf1R• This Bth day of Jenunry, A. D. 1945, it appearing to the Court that Irvin Parke has rshd~ satlsfaotory servioe in the pa at ea Courthouse end Jail ouatodinn for Xerr Connty, wbara- upon, on motion made, eeoonded and unahlmouely adopted, said Irvin Parke be and 1• here3ly Z' employed for the ourrent year, 1945, and hie salary is hereby fized by the Court at the sup (75.00 per month. And the County Clark be end is hereby authorised and directed to issue e deliver unto said Parke on or after the 16th dnd lnet days of eaoh month beginning January ~~