15th 1845, a warrant on the County Treasurer against the General Fuffi for the sum of X37.50 eo ring hie semi-monthly salary. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~~ -~ No. 3082. ORDER FL%LNG SALARY OF SHERIFF AND BAIL GUARD OF KgRR COUNTY. This the 8th day of Tanury, 1945, it ie ordered and decreed by the Court Lhet the Sheriff's salary for the ourrent year, 1945, be and is hereby Iized as provided by the 1944-45 County Budget at the sum of if2200. 00 per annum, ea follows: $1660.00 per annum ea Sheriff of Kerr County, and X540.00 per annum ea Jail Guard of Karr County. Said entire salary to be paid by the County Clerk to 3harSSf A. F. Poore out of the General Fund in Twelve monthly installments of $153.33 eaoh of proper warrants drawn on the County Tr eeaurer on or after the lsat day of each month bag inn ing da ~~ary 31st, 1945. tad said der iff shell be Further allowed the sum of seventy oenta per day of boa rd SnB eaoh prisoner in the County Tail plus fifteen canto per day for safe-keeping eeah Prisoner. -o-o-o-o-o- No. SODS. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE 20 SHERIFF A. P. MOORE FOR DEPUTY FAT WABFIDURN. Th1a the _8th day of Jenuery,. A. D. 1945, came on to be oonaidered by the Court the matter --. of an el lowanoe to Sheriff A. P. Moore for hie office deputy, sad it app eer ing to the Court that the Sheriff is entitled to a deputy ellowanae auffiaient to pay hie office deputy, dur- ing the ourrent year, 1945. Said Sheriff Sa that efor• granted an el lowanoe of X720.00 per annum out of the General Fund for the purpose of hiring an office deputy, ea prov idad by the 1945 County Budget, sad eeme shall be paid by the County Treasurer direct to Deputy Pat Wash- burn or hie auocesaor in equal monthly inatallmenta o1 50.00 eaoh out of the General Fund, upon proper warrauta Se sued by the County Clark, on or after the lsat day of each month beg- inning January 31st, 1945. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3084. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE TO SHERIFF A. F. LOORE FOH DEPUTY C. A. RODGERS. This the 8th day of Ja Hoer y, A. ~. 1945, came on to be eon eidered by the court the propoait- ioa of an additional allowance to Sheriff A. F. Moore for deputy hire in Comm isaioner a' Pre- cinct No. 4 of Kerr County, and it appearing to the Court that the Sheriff is entitled to a deputy ellowanoe sufiiaient to pay his office deputy, during the current year, 1945. Said --. Sheriff is therefore granted an allow enae of ~B00.00 per annum for the current year, 1944, as provided by the 1944-45 County Budget, out of the General Fund, for the purpose of hiring en active deputy in said Precinct No. 4, and same aha11 be paid by the County Treasurer direct to Deputy C. A. Rodgers or hie aua oesaor in equal monthly instal lmente of X50.00 eaoh, upon proper warrants ieeued by the County Clerk, on or after the last day of eaoh month beginn~lag Jeauery 31st, 1945. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3085. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S COMMISSION. Thin the 8th day of January, A. D. 1945, St Sa ordered by the Court that the aommiasion of the County Treasurer for the ourrent year, 1845, shall be and is hereby fazed eooordingly et the rate of 2c on all reae ipte and die bur aemente, n~'to ezceed however, the sum of $150.00 for any month, or, the aggregate of 31000.00 for the year, 1945, and Bald County Clerk shall draw oaeb monih'e comet is lion of X150.00 as earned. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3088. ORDER FIXING SALARIES OF Thla the 8th daq of January, A. D. 1945, it is ordered end decreed by the Court that the compensation of the Comma asironera of Kerr County be and is hereby Sized by the Court for the ourrent year, 1945, actor ding to the 1944-45 County Budget, ea Poll owe: