&soh oommtaeioaer+ehail reoeive $5.00 per day ee per disc for osoh day eervedDy hii ae 73 a member of the Commisaioaere' Court to be paid out of the 8eae ral Road andHridgs Fund, and eaoh Commissioner shall further reoeive $5.00 for eaoh day served Sa the inapeotion and super vision of County noada, same to be paid out of the Hoed sad Bridge Fund of hie reapeotive Precfa ct, provided however, that the total compenast ion or salary of eaoh Commissioner she 11 ''~ not eao eed the following amounts agreed upon, to-wit: Commissioner of Preoinat No. 1 the sum of $lEg0~..00 for the year, 1945. i, Commissioner of Preoinat No. 2 the sum of $700.00 for the year, 1945. Commissioner of ]?r eo iaat No. 3 the sum of $700 .00 for the year, 1945. ~, Commissioner of Preo lnct No. 4 the sum of $1000.00 for the year, 1945. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3087. EMPLOYMENT OF %ATHHRN. CR&LffiiAW AS COIINTY JIIDGS'S ASSISTANT. This the 8th day of Januer y, A. D. 1945, it appearing to the Court that the Couaty Judge of Kerr County Sa in need of an assistant in hie offioe, sad that Kathryn Crenshaw Ss duly qualified for the services to be rendered in said office, whereupon, on motion made, aeoonded and unanimously adopted, said $athryn Crsnahaw be and Ss hereby employed ae eaoh assistant beginning January let, 1946 end ending Deoember 31st, 1945, and her eelary ie hereby fined bS Lhe Court at the sum of :$55.00 per month. End the County Clerk be and Se hereby e~thorize end direo tad to issue and deliver unto said Kathryn Crsnahaw on the 1st day of eaoh month, beginning February let, 1945, a warrant on the Couaty Treasurer against the General Fund for t e sum of $55.00 oover ing her monthly salary. -o-o ro-o-o-o- No. 3088. ALL0.YANCE OF CLAIMS This the 8th day of January, 1945, name on to be ezamined by the Court, Lhe var ioue olaima and eoco u{ita filed against $err County and its' reapeotive Commieaio ners' preoiao to shoe the last term of Lhe Court, all of whioh alaime and eooounta were approved by the Court for pay- i ment by the County Clerk in nmouats and out of reapeotive funds ea shorn by the Minutes of Aooounta allowed for Kerr County, Tezes, whioh are made a part of this order. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3089. APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERKS' MONTHLY REPORT. This the 8th day of January, 1945, came on to be ezamin ed by the Court the monthly eapanae report of Jno, x, Leavell, Couaty Clerk, for the month of Deombsr ,1944, showing nn aetunl and ~ neoasaery ezpanae of $778.53 iaourred by him 1n the oonduat of hie offioe during said month i of Deoember, 1944, and it appearing to the Court the said County Clerk Se hntit led to the ea- penditurea of all the items therein lie tad, ae ld report be and is hereby approved for its Sull amount by the Court. ~ -o-o-o-o-o-o- i No. 3090. APPROVAL OF TAX COLLECTOR AND A33ESSOR This the 8th day of January, 1945, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly ea- peaee report of $. H. Nichols, Taz Assessor and Collector for the month of iboember, 1944, showing en aatuel sad neoessary ezpensa of $4.75 inourred by him in Lha oonduot of hie offioe during said month of Daeember, 1944, and it appearing to the Court that se id report be end Sa approved for Lhe full amount by 6he Court. -o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3091. MONTHLY REPORT OF SUE HAWTHORN, COUNTY HOME DEMONSTRATION This the 8th day of January, 1945, oeme oa to be heard the report of Miae Sue Hewbaora Couaty Home Demonatr etion Agent ,for the month of Deoember, 1944, xh SOh report be and Ss Der eby aoaepted by the Co art. -o-o-o-o-o-o-