No. 302. 1pNTHLY REi'ORT OF CCUNTY AGENT FOR MONTHS OF NOVEMH6R AND DEREA6ER 19#4. ~ l~iL TR31- the 8th day of January, A. D. 1945, acme on to be eaamined by the Court the Monthly TT irovember end December Reports of R. R. Tippit, County Agent, which repor to be ead are hereby accepted end approved by the Court and ordered filed. -o-o-o-o-o-b- No. 3093. COMBIINED ANNUAL REPORT OF COUNTY HOME DEM'uISTRATION AND COUNTY AGENTS. Thia the 8th day of January, A. D. 1945, came on to De heard the laab fined annual report of Miss sue Hawthorn, county Roma Demonetr atlon Agent and R. R. Tippit, County Agent for the year and ing December 31 at, 1944, end which report be and Sa hereby ao oepted by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3094. APPOINTMENT OF COUNT7C HEALTH OFFICER This the 8th day of January, A. D. 1945, it appearing to the Court that Dr. John Dee Jac kao is a competent ead ea tive phyaioi an of Eerrvill a, Tezea, legally oualii Sed to preat ice mediain under the laws of the State of Tezae, and is in ell respeata quelif ied to act as County Health Offia er in end for Derr County, Tezea; and, avid Dr. Tohn Dee Jackson be ead is therefore ap- pointed by the Court ae County Health Offio er of Kerr County, for a period of two yeera or until hie euoceaeor fie appointed end 9ualified, anises sooner removed from of fine for aeuse, ead said Dr. Jaokaoa upon qualifying ea req aired by law shell receive such comps neati on for vices as Lually rendeeed as Lhia Court may allow Prom time to time. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3095. ORDER FLYING SALARY OF COUNTY ATIO RNEY. Thia the Bth day o1 January, A. D. 1945, it is ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the County attorney for the our rent year, 1945, be end is hereby Pized as provided by the 1944-1945 County Budget, et the sum oP rf900.00 per annum, to be paid out aP the Caner sl Fund in twelve monthly installments oT ~75.D0 each by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or after the last day of each oelendera month begi aping January 31st, 1945. No. 3098. TRANSFER -o- o-o-o ro ro-o- This the 8th day of January, A. D. 1945, the County Clerk De and is hereby authorized end -~ directed by the Court to Lranafer the sum of 31133.72 Prom ±bed and Bridge Fuad to Road and Bridge Frec inct No. 1 on the finano ial ledger of the Commiaeione re' praoinats, for the purpose of reimbur slag Road and Bridge //1, for the balance of the coat of the pev ing pro3ect Kerr County stookpens road, ea each pro ja of is oonaider ed ea county wide. -o-o-o-o-o- The foregoing min utea from page 69 to 74, inclusive, were read in open Court and found correct, end are hereby in all reapacta approved by the Court, this the 12th dfly of February, A. D. 19p45. ~ ,n ATTEST: t(V.$ • ~. Zs-e.~.Jl~ ~~ C1ark,Co ty curt, rr Count y,Tezes. ga, ounty curt, err ounty, ease. -o-o- -o -o-o-o- THE STATE OF TdXAS,: COUNTY OF K E R R .. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this l2tln d$y of +F~b~ruary A. D. 1945, there was begun and holden a Special Term of the Commissioner s' Court of Kerr County, et the Court House thereof, Sn the town of Kerrville, Te ass, officers present: JdiiN S: ATKLYS, County Judge, Henry Ea kateia, Commissioner, Pr eainct No. 1, D. D. Beard, Commissioner, Precinct No. 2, wm. Ifarger, Commissioner, Precinct No. 3,