~s T. J. Moore, - - - - - - - - - Commisaioher, I'recin et No. 4, i A. F. Moore, Sheriff end Jno. R. Leevell, County Clerk, and the Court having been regularly ope aed, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: --o-o-o-o-o-o-- No. 3098. ALLOhJANCE OF CLA1DEi AND ACCOUNTS. 'i This the 12th day of February, A. A. 1945, came on to be eaaminad by the Court, the var- ious ale ims end eccouhts iil ed against Kerr County and its' respect ive Commissioners' pre- einota since the last term of the Court, all oP which claims and accounts were approved by the Court for payment by the County Clark in amounts and out oS respective funds sa shown Dy the Minutes of Accounts allowed for %rr County, Teaes, which are made a part of this order. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3099. ::ONTRI.Y REPORT OF COUNTY HOME DE]AINSTRAT ION AGENT This the 12th day of February, 1945, came on to be heard the report of Mise Sua Hawthorn County dome Demonstration Agent, for the month of January;. D. 1945, which report be and is hereby accepted by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3100. APPROVAL OF t60NTHLY REPORT OF GEO. F. SNELGROYES, 3USTICE DF PEACE,PRECINCT N0. 1. On this the lath day of February, A: D. 1945, came on to be eaamined and and ited bq the Court the repprt of Geo. F. Snelgroves, Justice of the Peace of Preo inct No. 1, of Kerr County for the month of January, A. D. 1945, of Criminal Fees filed, fine s, judgment end ,jury fees collected, showing the sum of X12.00 collected and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitl- ing him aoaordiag to said report to a fee of 9.00, and it appearing to the Court that said re- port is oor rent, same be and is hereby approved, and the County Clerk end Country Treasurer are therefore authorized end directed to pay unto Justice Snelgroves the said sum of $9.00 as fol- lows, to-wiL: X6.88 out of R. &. B. Fund sad $2.12 out of General Fund. -o-o- o- o- o-o - No. 3101. APPROVAL OF TAK ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR'S 7dONTHI,Y EKPENSE REPORT. I This the 12th day of February, A. D. 1945, came on to be eaamined by the Court the monthly expo nee report of E. N, Nichols, Taz Assessor sad Collector for the month of January, 1945, oho - ~~i i ing en actual and necessary expense of $100.95 for January, 1945, ino urred by him ih the aonduc of his office during said month of January, 1945, and St appearing to the Court that said Tea Asa esaor and Co lleotor is ant itl tad to the ezpendit ure of all Lhe Stems therein listed, se id ~ be and is hereby approved for the full amount by the Court. _o-p_ob_o_ 3102, APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION OFFICERS OF KERB COUNTY FOR ONE YEAR ' This the 12th day of February, A. D. 1945, name on Lo be appointed by the Court the neoeae y etion officers for the coming year for each oP the fifteen election prat ins to of Kerr Co uhty iii shown oh peg ea 165 to 1~B,inolusive, 1n Volume 1, Record of Election Judges for %err County, sa, which is made a part hereof for all legal pure ones. 3103. ORDER DECLARING OFFICE OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACB OF PRECINCT N0. 1 VACANT 3104. AND APPOINTMENT OF JUSTICE TO FTT.T_ TAE ONEYPIRSD TERM OP SAID OFFICIS. On this 12th day of Febreery, A. D. 1945, it appearing to the Court that Lhe office of tics of the Peace of Precinct No. One (1) of %err County, Tease, should be declared vacant e sew Justice appointed by Lhe Court to fill the uneapired term of said office. WHEREUPON, on motion duly made, aecondad sad unanimously adopted, be and it is hereby order the Court that the office of Tust ice of the Pease in and for Prec inoL No. 1 of Kerr County 11 be Sn e11 things considered vacant, and that I3. 0. Chandler, being qualified and desirous serve