satiafaa toty, be and is hereby eooepted and approved bq Lhe CouT t,. and ordsred S11e4• ~ (~(~ `' a -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3149. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PRP.CINCT ND. 1. ~ This the 14th day of Play, A. D. 1945, came oa to be ezamiaed b9 the Court the monthly f - report of Bob Bennett, Jnetioe of the Pe soe of Precinct No. 1, of Berr Couffiy, Tease, for the month of April, 1945, of Criminal oases filed, fines, judgment and jury Ease Coll anted, ahow- ing tho sum of $27.05 collected and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to fl Pae of $12.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report is true and oorreo t, same be and is hereby appx oval, and the County Clerk Sa hereby authorizefl and directed to pay said $12.00 fee unto Justice Bennett out of the General Fund. -0-0-0.O - No. 3150. QUARTERLY REP OR2 OF DISTRICT CLERK Thin the 14th day of Nay, A. D. 1945, Dame on to be eaemined by the Court the report of Geo. PJ. Doyle, District Clerk of Kerr County, covering fines imposed, judgments read ed and jury fees aolleo tad in the Diatr iot Court M Berr County for quarter ending April 30, 194 , whioh report anowa the Colleotion cad dapoeit with the County Treasurer of X5.00, and whSah report appearing oorreat be end Se hereby approved. -o-o-o-o- No. 3151. MONTHLY REPORT DF COUNTY CLERK This the 14th day of 11ey, A. D. 1945, acme on to be eaemined by the Court the monthly eapense report of Jno. R, Leavell, County Clerk Por Lhe month of April, 1945, showing en eotus; cad aeaee nary ezpenae of =282.75 inourred by him in the oo nd uct of his office during Bald montl of April, 1945, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is entitled to the ez- penditurea of all the items than sin listed, said report be and is hereby approved for its full amount by the court. -o-o-o-o- No. 8152. EXAMINATION OF ASSESSMENT INVENTORIES BY THE COURT A3 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Thia the lath day Of IDiay, A. D. 1945, after eaoh Paember 6f the. Court~hav ing Brat tape the oath'eagequired by law, the Court with all members prase ntprooeedad to ezamiae and in- apecL the inventories of tan assesamenta Cor 1945 rendered by the various taz payers of the ,~ County or assessed against them by the Tea Assessor, E. N. NiohoIDa, sad it appearing to the ' Court that osoh and all of said taz ae aeeamen is are aetiafaotory, same be end are hereby app by the Court sitting ae a board of equalization, end the tnz anseasor Se hereby direotsd to owed with the praparat ion of the 194b State and County Taz Rolla noaordiagly. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3153. QUARTERLY REPORT OF CODNPY CLERE Thia the 15th day of Nay, A. D. 1845, name on to be eaeminad by the Court the report of Jno. A. Leave ll, County Clerk, Dover ing all fines imp need, ~w{gmante rendered and jury fees oolleoted in the County Court of Karr County, for quarter ending April 30th, 1945, and it appearing to the Court after oareful audit of said report that same is oorrect, and said report is approved Dy the Court accordingly. -o-o-o-o- No, 3154. TABUi.AR STATEE~NT OF INDEBTi DNESS, E7Q=ENDITURES k RECSIPTS OF KERR COUN'i'Y. This 15th day of bray, A. D. 1945, came on to be ezemin ed by the Court Lhe quarterly tabular atetemeat of Jao. R. Leaven, County Clerk of Kerr County, Hovering Lhe iadebtednesa ezpe nditurea and reo ei pta of Kerr County for quarter cad ing April 30th, 1945, rhioh report or atntement appearing correct, be and is hereby approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o-no-