satiafeotory, be and is herebyeooepted and approved bq the Court, sad ordered f7,led. ~/ v b _ No. 3149. ~APPR04AL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF TAE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. Y. ^'1 This the 14th day of Ploy, A. D. 1945, came on to be azamined by the Court the monthly _ report of Bob Bennett, Snat ice o2 Lhe Pe ace of Precinct No. 1, of $err Cou~y, Teaea, for the month of April, 1945, of Criminal oases filed, fines, judgment and Sury fees collected, show- ing the sum of X27.05 colleated and deposited with the County Treasurer, eatitl ing him to a ~~ Pee of $12.00, end it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correot, same be and is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized end directed to pay avid p12.00 fee unto Juat ice Bennett out of the General Fund. -o-o-o-o- No. 3150. QIIARTERLY REPORT OF DISTRICT CLER$ This the 14th day of Nay, A. D. 1945, Dame on to be eaemiaed by the Court the quarterl report of Geo. M, Doyle, District Clerk of $err County, covering fines imposed, ~udgmenta read ed and fury Sees oolleoted in the Distr Sot Court of Barr County Por quarter ending April 30, 19 whioh report shave the Collection and deposit with the County Treasurer of X5.00, sad whiah report appearing correot be sad 1a hereDy approved. -o-o-o-o- No. 3151. NONTHI.Y REPORT OF COUNTY CLER$ Th1e the 14th day of Nay, A. p. 1945, acme on to be ezamine8 by the Court the monthly eapenae report of Jno. R, Leavell, County Clerk for the month of April, 1945, showing an eotus and neoea eery ezpenee of =282.75 ino urred by him in the oond uct of hie office during said moot of April, 1945, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is entitled Lo the ez- penditurea of all the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby approved for its full amount by the Dour t. -o-o-o-o- No. g]:52. EXAMINATION OF ASSESSMENT INVENTORIES SY THE COURT A3 BOARD OF EQIIALIZATION This the 14th dqy pf May, A. D. 194b, after each Poember 6f the. Court having first take the oath'ae gequirad by law, the Court with all members present pr ooeedsd to eaemlm and in- spect th6 Snventorlea of tea asseasmehta Eor 1945 rendered by the variona taz payers of the ,..~ County or ea sassed age inat them by the Taz Aeaes sor, 8. H. NiohoDa, eafl it appearing to the Court that adoh and all 07 said taz eaeeeamehto era satisfactory, same ba sad are hereby appro d by the Court stttiag ea a board oP equal izat ion, and the tnz assessor Se hereDy directed to pr Dead with the preparation of the 194b State and County Tez Rolleeoaordiagly. -o-o-o-o-o- '~ No. 3153. QIIARTERLY REPORT OF COUNIR CLER$ ~~ This the 15th day of May, A. D. 1945, Dame on to ba eaemined by the Court the 9liarfia report of Jno. R. Leave ll, County Clerk, covering all fines imposed, ~ndgmente rendered and fury fees oolleoted in the County Court of $err County, for quarter effiing April 30th, 1945, and it appearing to the Court after careful audit of said report that same is correct, and said report is approved by the Court accordingly. -o-o-o-o- No. 3154. TABLII1iR STATEMENT OF INDEBTi DNESS, EKrENDITURS3 k RECEIPTS OF $ERR COiTNTY. This 15th day of Ley, A. D. 1945, Dame on to be ezamin ed by the Court the quarterly ~ tabular statement of Jno. R, Leavell, County Clerk of Kerr County, oo veri~ the in debtadhess ezpsnditurea and rec el pta of Xerr County for quer ter effii~ April 30th, 1945, whioh report or etntement appearing correot, be and is hereby apps owed by the Court. -oro-o-o-Do-