is hereby approved, and the County Clerk 1a hereby authorized and directed to pay ae id (21.00 q ~ Yee unto Justice Bennett as follows: X4.00 out oY .toad and Bridge Fund and X17.00 out oY Gene 1 --• F and . -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3171 APPROVAL OF WOODLAND ADDITION TO INGRAM, TEKAS On this the 9th day of July, A. D. 1945, came on to be heard and conaide red the appl ioet ion of A. G. Rodgers, of Ingram, Farr County, Texea, for the approval of a plat, field notes, and dedic etion oP an addition situated in the vicinity of Ingram, Kerr County, Teaas, and bein a part of Sur vay No• 128, in the name oP Jonas Harris, bounded as follow a: All that certain tract or parcel of land, lying and beinr, situated in Kerr County, State of Teaas, out of origi 1 Survey No. 128, 1n the name oY Jonas Harrisga, bounded as follows: BEGII~ING at a stake and m nd set North 3249.7 feet and S. 74° 30'E, 635 Yeet from the South corner oP said Survey No. 128; TdIIQCE S. 74° 30' S. 793 1/4 feet to co mar Pence; TfD;NCE with fence thus; S. 22-3/4 'N. 150 fe S. 8' E. 90 feet; S. 21' 30' E. 146 Peat; 3. 10° E. 174 Peet; 5, 27° W. 114 feet; S. 7' 'o'. 90 feet to corner street; THENCE N. 83° 30' d. 690 feet to stake in East line of Sn blett tr act of land; TdENCE fi. 4° ~w. 857 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO a strip of lend 40 feet wide p s- --~ ing al and the East line of Lhe present F. H. Ball camp or Cottage Site, abutting on the South- east corner and in the South line of the above property connecting the same with the highway No. 27; with meanders thus: S, 7° 30' W, 443 feet S. 20~° W. 512 feet, which said addlt ioa is known as WOODLAND ADDI TiO N, and after con aide ring the same, it apps are to the Court that said Addition, Led is atioa end the Fie 1d Notes thereof meet Lhe requir ementa of the law. It is, therefore, Ordered, Adjudged and Decreed by the Court that said Additim known as rroo dl and Addition be admitted to reo ord and the County Clerk of Barr Couaty, Teaas, is hereby directed to record the same in the i'lat Recor da of Barr Couaty, Teaas. It is further ordered that this order be spread upon the mina tea of the Commiasionere Court oP Kerr County, Teaas. WITNESS our panda this the 9th day of July, A. D. 1945. JOHN S. ATKINS County Judge, Karr County, T e x e a HENRY ECKSTEIN ROY NOWLIN SYId KARG;.'R T. J. MOO HE Commissions ra -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3172. lURCj ASE OF 1 1S & id,V. T. I. tdODEL ISIDUSTRIAI. TRACTOR FOR FRECI4AT NO. 3 On this the 9Hi day of July, A. D. 1945, came on to ba heard the ap Flioation oY Wm.Karger Commisai over of Yrec inet No. B, to purchase 1 ". & M V.T.2.t~WDEL INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR WLTR 2 14x28 8 ply tires; 2- 8x25 10 ply tires; with front heavy axle; 1 set "D" Rear wheel weights; storage battery; 1-3 "D" Universal iiydrelic loader; 3/4 cir. yd. material bucket; rear ballast box; tractor installation charge attaching loader to tractor; tractor and full loader complete equipment for the sum of X3,496.05; and it appearing to the court that the said Frac inct ivo.3, oP derr County, Texas, is in need of same, and said application hev ing been duly heard and cons dared -~ Che seem is par eby granted. It is the raP ore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the said Ym. Karger pur these the said above mentioned I.i & L9 V.T.I.tdodel Ind uatr ial Tr aeto r, together xith all at tachmenta above described for the said purchase pr iae oP $3,496.05, upon th r conditions Lhat is to be delivered to Precinct No. 3 of Karr County, on or before the 1st day oP November, 1945, otherwise this order shall become null end void, and the County Clerk oP Ker. County is hereby authorized to issue warrant on the County Treasurer of Kerr County for the sum of m3,496.05 to be Faid out of R & B j~3 Fund in payment oP said tractor end eq uipmant, payable to BULANEY SERVICE COMPANY of San Antonio, Teaas, subject to the agra em cut ahd order oP ¢el ivar