q ~ No. 3173. APPORTIOPl:aPdNT OF $10,000.00 OF THE GENERAL ROAD & BRIDCE FOND CF KERR COUNTY This the 9th day of July, d. D. 1945, ba and it Ss ordered by the Cayrtct hat $10,000.00 of Lhe unap por ti ore d Hoad d: Bridge Funds of Kerr !%o unty, be hereby apportioned and eyed it ed to the respective Commissioners' Precincts of Kerr County, in the following proportions, vi 2: To R & B Fund of Precinct No. 1, 3596 - - - - - - - ,y3500,00 To R & B Fund of Pr eciaet No. 2, 1591 - - - - - - - $1500.00 To R & B Fund of Precinct No. 3, 159b - - - - - - - $1500.00 To fi & B Fund of Precinct No. 4, 35~ - - - - - - -rp"3500.00 And the County Clerk shall ored it the account of each of said precincts with the amount theret apportioned hereunder. -o-o-o-o-o-o- i+o. 3174. TRANSFER OF $1,000.On FROM ROAD 8 BRIDGE ~1 TO ROAD AND BRIDGE j{2 'T'his the 9th day of July, A. D. 1945, the County Clerk of Kerr County be and he is hereb directed by the Court to transfer the sum of x1,000 .OC from the Rosd and Bridge fund j{1 to the road 4 Bridge Fund tf2, for the purpose. of balancing the road account when taken in connection with the Bandera Hoad job, on the minutes of the respective precincts of the Ledger Accounts o his office. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3175 The State oY Texas,: ORDER OF CWQdI SSI ONL'i2S' COURT, KERB COUNTY, TEAAS RLGULAH MEETING, JULY 9TH, 1945. County of K e r r ,. The Commisaionera' Court of Kerr County, Texas, met in i7egular Seasi on, July 9th, A. D. 1945, et the Courthouse of Kerr County in the City of Kerrville, Teaea at 3:00 o'clock P. M., with the following members present, to-w St: JUEiN S. ATKINS, County Judge Henry Eo ka rein, Commissioner of Precin of No. One soy SSOwl in, Commissioner of Precinct No. Two ZJilliam Karger, Commissioner cf Eraciact No. Three T. J. Moore, Commiss inner of lr ecinct Din, Four Jrio. R. Leevell, County Clerk, and z-offioio Clerk of County Commissioners' Court, Jhen and where the following proc ee din,^s were had, to-wits Upon motion made by Commissioner Sienry -sa kstein duly seconded by Commissioner 'Nm. Karger the following action was taken: , BS IT Oi2DERED by the L'ommiss inners' Court of Kerr County, that John S, Atkins, County Judge of Kerr County be and he is hereby authorized to enter into and execute for and on behalf of Kerr County an agreement with the State of Texas wherein Kerr County will agree to waive and relinquish any and all rights Kerr County and/or road dlst rict has or maq have for participat- ion by-the State in the payment of any County and jor road dlstr iota bonds, warren ta, or other avid enc ea of indebtedness incurred Dy Kerr County and/or road distr int in the construction, re- conatruotion, or maintenance of the county road from Hwy. 27 in Center point to Camp Verde (Approx. 6.6 M1.) upon aond it ion the H18hwgy Commission of the State of Texas will designate such road as a farm-t§-market road as contemplated by S. B. No. 348, vats of the Forty-Eighth Legislature, 1943, and construct, roc onstruot, and/or maintfl in the same at the sole cost sad expense of the :sate as a part of the designated highway system of Texas; that the designation of the road by the Highway Commission shall never form the basis oP a claim for participatiaa by the State in the paymeht of any County and/or road di striot bond a, warrants, or other evid- ences of indebted nesa against said road; to agree to remove or abate any and all eneroea hments or encumbrances on said road or right-of-vary at the sole ez panse of the County before its desig ation by the Highway Commission, and to further agree to obtain and fence its cape nse any new or additional right-of-way on location approved by the :irate HiahwaY Engineer at env time the