~ p ~ month of -JUG, Ya/S, of Criminal Ceaea flied, fines, judgaeat and juryfeea~~''ool`leoted, aha~in the sum of X23.40 soil eo tad and deposited with the Conntg ~'fY~enanrar, matit ling bimto s fee o ~~ X15.00, and it appearing to the Court that seid rep art Sa t1'ue affi oorreet,"""seas ba sad ie hereby approved, and the County Clerk Ss hereby authorized and directed tb'pC-y a~did ~YS.O0 ie unto JUStioe Bennett as follows: X5.00 out ~of Road and Bridge Feud and #10.00 ont of Geaerel Fund. -o-o-o-o-a-o-o- ~- No. 3180. APPR WAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF TAK ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR. This the 13th day of August, A. D. 1945, came on to be eaemined by the Oourt the moatl ~isase report of E. H. Nichols, Tax Assessor and Collector for the month of July, 1945, al 4: ing an' eotusl eadnaomseary ezpenae of $1G.75, incurred by him in the oo nduot o2 hisoffice said month of Sa4p, 1945, sad St appearing to the Court Lhat said report ba and is approved for the full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3181. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JSF TICS OF THE PEACE OF PRECINCT N0. 4. This the 13th day of August, A. D. 1945, came on to be ea emined by the Court the monthly report of Fd SnithyJUatioe of the Peace of Precinct No. 4, of Kerr County, Te zee, for the month of June, 1946, of Criminal Cases filed, fines, ,iudgment sad fury fees collected, showing the eam oY ~L2.00 collected sad depoa ited with the County Treasure;, antitl ing him to a fee of, 19.00, and it appearing to the Court that said report So tr us a~ ooTrea t, same be and is here approved, and the Couaty Clerk is hereby authorized end directed to pay seid $9.00 fee uato. Jus tine Smith as follows: X3.00 out of Road end Bridge Fuad and p6.00 out of General Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3182. I,SONT_YLY REPORT OF CO'ONTY HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT This the 13th day of Augua t, A. D. 1945, came on to be heard the report of Misa Sue Hawthorn County Homo Demonstration Agent of Kerr County, Tears, eover ing her aerv is ee during t. month of July, A. D. 1945, which report having been Pound aetisfaatolg, be and is hereby found satiaiac tort', Do and is hereby aoc ep tad and approved by the Court, and ordered filed. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3103: COURT'S RECESS. AUGUST 13TH, 1945 r' It Se hereby ordered by the Court that the Curreat Term of Court be reoea~ed until Tnea August 14th, 1945, st 10:00 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of consider ingthe matters of the County Treasurer's Quarterly Report and any other matters that may be presented to the Court, _o_o_o_o-o-0_o_ No. 3184. COURT RE-CONVENED. AUGUSM 1~TH, 1945, at 10:00 O~CLOC[ A. M. Pursuant to adjournment taken by this Court the 13th day of Avgue t, A. D. 1945, Court re-convened this 14th day of Augua t, A. D. 1945, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of consider itg the matters of the County Treasurer's Quarterly Report and other matters that may be prey anted Lo the Court, with the following offic ere present: JOHN S. AT BINS, - - - - - - - - - - - - County Judge, HEY EC8S1'EIN, - - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinet No. 1, iPIM. KARGER, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commies inner, Precinct No. 8, T. 1. MOORE, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commise inner, Precinct No. 4, _ A. F. Moore, Sheriff, and Jno. R. Le avel 1, County Clerk, and the following proceedings were IJ had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3155. APPROVAL OF COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORTFOR QUARTER ENDING JULY 31ST, 1945. This the lath day of August, A. D. 1945, came oa to be ezamined and audited by the Court the quarterly repast of &. Gold, County;~Treasurer, covering the receipts and disb~raoments of