/ O~ durin;3 said month oP .+ugus t, 1945, and it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is entitled to the expenditure of ell the items therein listed, said report be and is hereby .-~- approved for its full amount by the Court. No. 3200. AFi ROVAL OF TeX COLLECTOR'S :d'JNTiiLY L'XYENSE It1'ORT ' This the 10th day of September, A. D. 1945, caiae on to be examined by the Court the month expense report of E. H. Nichols, Tax Assessor and Collector for the month of August, A. D. 194 , showing an ¢etual and necessary expense of ~9.U0 incurred by him in the conduct of his offlce during said month of august, 1945, and 1t appearing to the Court that said report be and is hereby approved for the Pull amount of the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3201. APPROVAL CF L,ONT"iLY REPORT OF COUNTY 1IOME DEMONSTRATION AGENT This the lUth day of September, A. D. 1945, came on to be exemi nod by the Court the month report of idiss Sue Hawthorn, County Home Demonstration Agent of Kerr County, covering her ser- vices during the month of August, A. D. 1945, which report having been found s¢ti sf ec for ily, be and is hereby accepted by the Court. - ~ -o-o-o-o-o- IQo. 320L. TEL~IF ORARY ALLO'ufANCE TO MRS. A. J. STEVENS This the 10th day of September, A. D. 1945, name. an to be considered by the Court the application of ua•s. A. J. Steyens for fin¢nc i¢1 aid, end it ap;~e ar ing to the court that said applicant is in need of add itionul necessities of life. It is th erePore ordered that the ap- - plic ant be and is hereby allowed the sum of ~p50.00 to Le payable out oP the Goner el Fund. No. 3203. CANVAS OF SPECIAL ELECTION RETURNS ON CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS HELD AUGLCiT 25,1945. This the 10th d¢y of dap tember, A. D. 1945, came on to be opened and tabulated by the Court the returns of the Special Election for Constitutional Amendments throughout Lhe County of Kerr on the 25th day of August, A, D. 1945, ¢t1d said returns were duly canvas aed and tabul- ¢ted by the Court ¢s shown on page 64, Volume 3, Record of Election Returns of Berr County,Tesa . _o_o_o_o_ Ido. 3204. PAY.dL''NT OF OFFICERS HOLDING ~'ECI AL hZECT10N ON AUGIIST 2,5TH, 1945 This the 10th day of September, A. D. 1945, it is ordered by the Court thst the County Clerk issue vouchers on the County Tree surer 3n favor of the officers holding the Speaiel Elect ton on the 25th day of August, 1945, in the sum of x`5.00 per diem with en additional a.50 per hour for overtime, together with X2.00 to each officer xe tiu,ging his box to the County Clerk, of which said sum is payable o~;t of the General Fund of Kerr County. -n-O-U-O- No. 3205, .+UllIT OF KERR COUNTY AIYARDED SIO;d.1RD-POPE COMPANY On this the 10th day of September, 1945, came on to be considered by the Court the matter of an audit of the financial affairs and transactions of Kerr Cuunty for a two year periad from July 1, 1943 through June 30, 1945. :wd it appear ing to the Court that such audit is necessary and that several bids have been submitted by various audLors and auditing firms for said work. end it further appear iag to the court that Howard-Pope & Company had previously audited the affairs of Kerr County for various periods in a sati sPactory manner and that the contract for th e~perio d,from July 1, 1943 to June 30, 1945 should be sway dad to s¢id Howard-Pope & Company. i The rep ore, upon motion duly made, senon dad and unanimously adopted it is or dared that Ho-•+a d- Pope and Company's proposition be and is hereby accepted and Lhat upon the Fulfillment of their contract and the acceptance oP ssma by the court that the County Clerk of Kerr County, Teaes, be and 1s hereby author ized end directed to pay to Hower d-Pope & Company the sum of ~7Q5.00 out.