~/ / ion and the Field Notes th er eoP meet the regV irements of the law. It is Therefore Ordered, Ad,j udged and Decreed by the Court that said Addition ;mown as Henry YVall ace Second Add it imn ^ be admitted to record and the C., unty Clerk of Kerr County, Texas, is hereby directed to re- cord the same in the Plat Records of Kerr County, Taxes. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3215. AF1'ROVdI. OF FLATTING OF LEGION ':-IEICIPtS ADDITION On this the Bth day of Ucto be r, A. D. 1945, came on to be heard and considered the ap- plication of 0. ;!. Gass, of Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas, for the aprrov al of a plot, field notes, and dedication of an addition situated in the vicinity of Legion, Kerr County, Texas, and being a part of Survey No. 112, in the name of Samuel Wallace, and more particularly des- cribe3 as follows, to-wit: Field P7o tes of a Survey of 24.56 acres oP ].and made for 0. Y1, Gosa said tract oP land is known es the "Legion 3eigh is .:dd iti on to the City of Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas", being a part of that 70 acre tract of land out oP original Survey No. ll2, Samuel Wallace, that yras deeded by Mrs. Clara Hunt to 0. V1. Goss and evife, Bessie E. Coss, by deed recorded in the deed records of Kerr County, Texas, in Volume 70, page 581, and described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a fence corner for the East corner of th aforesaid 70 acre tract, a point in the Southeast line of Survey No. 112, 1316 varas North 45 degrees East of its &,u Uh corner; T3II~ICE South 45 degrees West 600 feet to a stake; THPNCE Idorth 45 degrees .7e st 950.1 feet to e staY.e; THET7CE South 45 degrees 7Ve st 1400 feet to a stake TtIEIdCE North 45 degrees Nest 250 Peet to a stake in the Northwest line of the aforesaid 70 acr tr se t; TiII;NCE North 45 degr oes East 2000 feet to s fence corner for North corner of the afore- said 7U acre tract; TiiC P.CE South 45 degrees East 1200.1 feet to the point of beginning, which said addition is to be known as "Legion jeights Addition" and aftor aonsi der ing the same, it appears to the Court that said Kidd ition, Dedication and the Field Notes thereof meet the requi Wants of the law. It is therefore Ur dared, Adjudged and Decreed by the Court that ss id Addit- ion known as "Legion He ighta ddditi on" be admitted to record and the County Clerk of Kerr Coun Texas is hereby directed to record the same in the Plat Records oP Kerr County, Texas. It is further ordered that this or der be spread upon the :ninutes of the Commissioners Court of Kerr (County, Texas. -o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o- No. 3216. TEMPORARY ALLO1'IANCE TO i4k2S. A. J. STEPEP7S On this the 8th day of October, A. D. 1945, came on to be considered by the Court the ap- plication of P.;r s. A. J. Stevens for financial aid, end it appearing to the court that said applicant is in need of additional necessities of life, It is therefore ordered that the ap- plicant be and is hereby all aved the sum of $25.00 to be m ye ble out of the General Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3217. G1iANTiI7G OF $125.00 TO TI-E,. ',IELC OT:T; OF ADLiIRAL NILIITL On this the 8th day of October, 1945, came on to De considered by the Court, the proposition from the Kerrville Chamber oP Commerce Por Kerr County to ,join in the expense of Jle lc oming .idmir al Chester 'a. Nimitz on his return to his boyhood home on October 13, 1945, and it appear ing to the Court that the estimated expense oP such affair would amount to approximately $500. i and that the City of Kerrville, The Kerrville Chamber of Couu˘erce, and the Senior Chamber oP ' Commerce had agreed to share equally with Kerr County in the payment of said expenses. And SL further appearing to the Court that the expenditure would be altogether fitting and ,just in welcoming ;idmiral Nimitz home. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously ado: it is ordered that the uu"ounty Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Ker. villa Chamber of Commerce the sum oP $125.00, being one-fourth of the estimated expense, out of the General Fund of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-