~/~ ion and the Field Notes thereof meet the regVirements of the law. It Sa Therefore Ordered, ~djudged sad Dao reed by the Court that said Addition known as Henry Wallace Second Additlda be admitted to record and the County Clerk oP Kerr County, Texas, is hereby directed to re- aord the same in the Plat Records oP Rerr County, Taxes. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3215. .1I'1'ROV.iI. OF PLATTING OF LEGION HEIGHTS ADGI TION On this the 8th day of October, A. D. 1945, came on to be heard and considered the ap- plication of 0. i!. Goss, of Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas, for the aprrov al oY a plat, field notes, and dedleation oP an addition situated in the vicinity of Legion, Kerr County, Texas, and being a part of Survey No. 113, in the name of Samuel 'Nollac e, and more particularly des- cribed as follows, to-wit: Field Notes of a Survey of 24.56 acres of land made for 0, W, Goss said tract of land is known ac the "Logion Heigh is nudit ion to Lhe City of Rerrville, Kerr County, Texas", being o part of that 70 acre tract oP land out of original Survey No. 112, Samuel 77allace, that was deeded by Mrs. Clara aunt to 0. W. Goss and wife, Bessie 's. Goss, by deed recorded in the deed records oP Kerr County, Taxers, in Volume 70, page 581, and described by metes and bounds as Po 11 ows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a fence corner for the East corner of th aforesaid 70 acre tract, e point in the Southeast line of Survey PIO. 112, 1316 varas North 45 degrees East of its South corner; T4ENCE South 45 degrees west 600 feet to a stake; THENCE SSo rtn 45 degrees sJest 950.1 feet to e stare; T13ET7CE South 45 degrees Yest 1400 Peet to a stake T14F1SCE North 45 degrees 'f(est 250 feet to a st site in the Northwest line of the aforesaid 70 acre Lrsc t; TfiEP1CE t7or th 45 degrees $ast 2000 Peat to a Pence corner Por North corner of the afore- said 7O acre tract; Ti-IE P:CE South 45 degrees East 1200.1 feet to the point oP beginning, which said addition 1s to be known as "Legion •ieights Addition" and aftor donsi daring the same, it appt•ars to the Court that said Addition, 'Je dicntion and the Field Notes thereof meet the requir meats of the law. It is therefore ordered, Adjudged and Decreed by the Court that ss id Addit- ion known as "Legion iTe fights Addition" ba admitted to record and the County Clerk of Kerr Count Texas is hereby directed to record the same in the Plat Records oP Kerr County, Texas. It is further ordered that this order be spread upon the minutes of file Commissioners Court of Kerr County, Texas. -o-o-o-o-o-o -o-o- No. 8216. TEMPORARY ALLO',IANCE TO 7:1RS. A. J. STEVEP~ On this the 6th day of October, A. D. 1945, came an to be considered by the Court the ap- plication of Il"r s. A. J. Stevens for financial aid, and it appearing to the court that said applicant is in need of additional necessities of life, It is therefore ordered that the ap- plicent be and is hereby allayed the sum of •$25.00 to be pe ya ble out of the General Fund. -o-o-a-o-o-o- i No. 3217. G1tANTiiSG OF X125.00 TD THE L'f::L•C OP+y OF ADLffRAL NILII TL On this the 8th day of October, 1945, came on to be considered by the Co ur$ the proposition Prom the Kerrville Chamber of Cormierce Por Karr County to join in the expense of ++e lcoming admiral Chester '+7. Nimitz on his return to his boyhood home on Oc to bar 13, 1945, and it appear ing to the Court that the estimated expense of such affair would amount to approximately j500.i and that the City of Kerrville, The Kerrville Chamber of Commerce, and the Junior Chamber oP Commerce had agreed Lo share equally with Rerr County in the payment of said expenses. And it Further appearing to the Court that the expenditure would be altogether fitting and just in wale oming Admiral PSimitz home. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously ado: it is ordered that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Ker: villa Chamber of Co.'nmerce the sum of 125.00, being one-fourth of the estimated expense, out IoY the General Fund of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o-o-o_o-