No. 3218. STATE OF Tl.'XJiS, : IN COMMISSIONERS' CO UHT OF tCRR COIIlQTY, TEXAS. ~~ oZ COUNTY OF KEHR .: OCTOBER BTii, A. D. 1945. .--. SETTLEP.'@;IQT '~i ITH TAX COLLECTOR FOR TAX YEAR, 1944, E27DIP]G JUNE 30, 1945. IT IS Oft DL:RL'D by the Co~.u~t that E. H. Nichols, Assessor and Collector oP Texas for Rerr _ County, Texas, be credited with the following items, uncollected on the current roll, tow it: County Road School Discounts Totals ~d Valorem Polls Districts Districts Allowed Insolvents, Form 16 98.40 38.75 5.79 39.07 182.01 Lr rors, Form 17 24.15 12.75 3.59 26.07 66.56 Tel inquents,Form 18 1013.44 14.75 61.7C 519.60 1609.49 Disco ants allowed Current Ho11 904.46 x xx 50.13 237.21 1191.80 totals ~a2040.45 66.2 12 8.. .95 3 49.86 It is urde red by the Court that E. H. Nichols, .+ssessor and Collector of Taxes for Kerr Co nty, Te x:~s, be charged with the following items, collet tad in addition to the current roll, towit: ~.d VuIorem Polls Ho¢d School i'enalty k Totals Dlstr is is llistr ie is Inter e:~,t Suppl er:ental assessments -~ Collect io na, Norm F,(net) ;p126.04 123.50 4.52 33.94 x xx 288.00 Insolvent Collect :ons 64.59 6.OG 5.54 27.65 30.47 134.25 Redemption "Form" 93 2141.55 12.25 275.36 266.27 989.19 3684.62 , Interest ~. Penalty on Current Holl 55.52 x xx 3.35 14.77 x xx 73.64 Ta tals 2387.70 41. 288.7 34 .63 10 9.66 4 80. 1 ' -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3L19 nYpROVnL OF STATE AND COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR 1945 This 8th day of October, A. D. 1945, came on to be examin ed by the Court the State end County Taa Eolls for the year, 1945, prepared by E. H. Nichols, Assessor and Collector of Taxes .for Kerr County, Texas, and same having been Sound correct and in proper form, same were cent it ed and elProved by the Court as shown by the Corrt's Certificate of Ap^roval attached thereto, dal signed by all the mombers of this court in triplicate. -o-o-o-o-o -o-o-o- No. 32L0. YII].,L SlT1Z.::I..n.IICT OF 1945 dSSESdOh`S COP@~SSI ONS This the nth day of October, 1945, came on to be considered by the Court the application of s. H• Nichols, Assessor and Coll actor of Taxes for Karr County, for the Yull and final settl - nt bq Kerr County of x53.49 for his 1945 County Taa Assessor`s Commis signs, and it appearing to the Court that ha is entitled to such settlement, hie appl is et ion be end is hereby granted, nd the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to pay each final settlement unto assess is hols the sum of.$53.49 out of ktoad District No. 1. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~. 3221. Ti2k~N5FER:=~ This the t3th day of October, A. D. 1945, the County Treasurer of Kerr County is hereby athorized and directed to transfer ~3F1.88 from Hoad Distr is t. ~1 to County .lS de Bonds of 1931, inking; $17.12 from Caner al Fund to itoad District /~1; 33.26 Prom Road District /fl to Jury Fun ; ~6 .63 Yrom koad llistr ict j}1 to Road & Bridge Fund; $16.74 from air rort Sinking Fund to Road istr ict No. 1; and w.27,from Court Sousa & Jail to Hoad District j{1; as debits andjor credits o the respective funds to to Y.e care of reimb ur secnents for overpayments out of such funds when --, eying Tax assessors' 1945 Cory^.~i scions. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-o-o-