its fu~1 amount by the Court. //~[ a` -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3227. APPROVAL OP MOD'THLY REPORT CF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE N0. 1 This the 13th day of November, A. D. 1945, came on to be eaamined by the Court the monthly report oP Bob Bennett, justice of the pease oP Precinct No. 1, of Kerr County, Teaas, Yor the ont of October, 1945, of Criminal cases Piled, Pines, judgment and jury fees collected, show ng th su X33.10 collected and deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a Pee of X21.00, an it appearing to the Court that said report is true and correct, same be and Ss hereby approved and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to pay said Pee of X21.00, to-wit: X7.00 out of ?;. ~. B. Fund and14.00 out of the General Fund, to the said Justice Beanett. -o-o-o-o-o- Tdo• 3228. APPROVAL OF QUARTF.RlY REPORT OF DISTRICT CLERK ', This the 13th day of November, A. D. 1945, came on to be examined by the Court the quarter y ~'I report oP Ceo, M. Doyle, District Clerk oP Kerr County, covering Pines imposed, judgments rend ed i and jury fees collected in the District Court of Kerr County for quarter ending October 31st, A. D. 1945> which report shows the collection and deposit with the County Treasurer oP $23.00, ~I which re POrt appearing correct be and is hereby approved. ' ~I ~ -o-o-o-o-o-o Yo. 3229• APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COL1NTy CLER?C. This the 13th day of Drovemb er, A. D. 1945, came on to be examined by the Court the Quarter Report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, aovering all fines imposed, judgments rendered add jury Pees collected in the County Court of Kerr County, for quarter ending October 31st, 1945, and it appearing to the Court after careful audit of said report that same is correct, and sai I report is approved by the Court accordingly. -o-o-o-o- T*o. 3230. APPROVAL OF COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT FCR QUARTER EP'DING OCTOBER 3~T, 1945. This the 13th day of Povember, A. D. 1945, came on to be examined and audited by the Court the Quarterly Report of E. Gold, County Treasurer, covering the receipts and disbursements of 'err County for quarter ending October 31st, 1945, and it appearing to the Court after careful and thorough examination and inspection oP said report together with the cancelled warrants, checks uonds and coupons accompanying same, that said report is true and correct, in every re- spect, and same be and is hereby approved in open court, ell as is shown by the Certificate of I Approval signed by Lhe Court and attached thereto, and the County Clerk shall record said tab- ulation in the loose-leap record in his office and file such aanaelled warrants, checks, bonds and coupons in his office Por safekeeping and future reference. -o-o-o-o-o- n:o. 3231. TABULAR STATIIviENT GF C!`UNTY CLERK OF COUNTY'S INDEBTEDNESS, ETC., This the 13th day of November, A. D. 1945, came on to be eaem fined by the Court the ~'sbnlar'"~ Statement of indebtedness, eapenditu rea and receipts of Kerr County Por quarter ending October 31st, 1945, submitted and filed by Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk, amd it appearing to theCour I that said statement is true and correct in every respect, same be and is hereby approved by th Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3232• APPROVAL OF DEPOSITORY'S ANATUAL RE'.'ORT OF. COUNTY SCFIOOL FUNDS This the 13th day oP November, A. D. 1945, came on to be examined by Lhe Court the annual report of County School Funds Por Scholastic year ending August 31st, 1'345, to the State Depart sent of education made by Chas. .Schreiner Bank, County Depository of School Funds, and it ap- pearing to the Court that said report is correct as certified by the Depository and the County Superintendent, and said report be and is therefore approved by the Court.