/ ~ ~ payable on or after the last day of each oelendar month beginning January 31st, 1946, with proper warrants an the County Treasurer. I it No, 3253• fRDF,R FIXING DISTRICT CLE'RK'S SALARY On this the 14th day of January, 194, it is'order ed by the Court that the annual salary of the District Clerk of Kerr County be and is hereby fixed as provided by the 1945-1946 budge at the sum oP X900,00 per shown, for the current year, 1946, which salary shall be paid unto I the District Clerk in twelve monthly installments of W75.00 each, out of the General Fund by I proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on or ¢fter the lust d¢y of each month's services on ~' the rounty Treasurer. -o-o-o-o- No. 3254. RP:-13+~LOYt^.LIiT AT'.D FIXING OF 1946 SALARY CF CGURTHOUSE C??STCDI AIZ, INVI.^i PARKS ~i On this the 14th day of January, 1946, it appearing to the Court that Irvin Parks has ~~rendered satisfactory service in the past as Courthouse and Jail Custodian Por Kerr County, whereupon, on motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, said Irvin Perks be and is hereby re-employed Por the current year, 1y46, and his salary is hereby fiaed by the Court at the sum ~, li of $75.00 Par month. And the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized anti directed to issue and tlel iv er unto said parks on or after the 15th and last days of each month beginning January 115th, 1946, s warrant on the County Treasurer against the General Fund for the sum of37.50 I~' covering his semi-monthly salary. i, y -o-o-o-o- ~r'o. 3255. CRD FR FIXING SALARY OF SH-RIFF AND JAIL GiJARD OF KP;RR CGUNTY. 0~. this the 14th day of Sa hoar y, 1946, it is ord~°red and decreed by the Court that the jl Stieriff~s salary for the current year, 1946, be and is hereby fixed as provided by the 1945- 1946 County Budget at the sum of ~27uC,00 per annum as follows: $2160.00 per annum as Sheriff of Kerr Cuun ty, and ~'S40.00 pnr annum as Jnil Gunrd of Kerr Cuuuty. Snid entire snlary Lu be III p+-id by the County Clerk to Sheriff A. F. ID]oore out of the General rFund in twelve monthly in- stallments of ^x.225.00 each by proper warrants drawn on Lhe County Treasurer on or after the last day of each month beginning Je ~~ary 31st, 1946. And said Sheriff shall be further allowed the sum of seventy -----teats per day for board'ng each prisoner in the County Jail plus fiftee i I cents per day for safe-keeping each prisoner. -o-o-o-o No. 3256. DEPUTY ALL077ANCI5 'PO SHERIFF A. F. NiOG RE FCR DEI°tiTY INVIN PARKS This the 14th day oP January, A, D. 1146, came on to be considered by the Court the matter I of an allowance to Sheriff A, F. ID.oore for deputy hire in Commissioners precinct IJo. 1 of Kerr bounty, and it appearing to the Court that the Sheriff is entitled to such additional dep.ay allowance for the purpose of hiring a deputy in said precinct No. 1. Therefore Sheriff A. F. T",oo re be and is hereby granted an additional allowance oP X600.00 per annum for the current yea -94~, as provided by the 171,5-1~14F County Budget, out of the General Fund, for the purpose of hiring en active deputy in said rre ci net P?o. 1, and same shall be paid by the County Treasurer direct to Deputy Irvin narks or his successor in equal montY,ly instal Lnen is of X50.00 each, upon pro , er vrarraras issued by the County Clerk, on or after the last day of each month begin- ning January 31st, 1946. -o-o-o-o- i`o• 3257• DEPUTY ALLO',VA;dCF. TO 3HiiRTFF A. F. ",;GORE '"CIi DF.'LITY C. A. RC DGII:S This the 14th day of January, A. D. 1946, came on to be c~: ns iu er ed by the Court the matt of an allowance to Sheriff A. F. N,oore for deputy hire in Commission ers~ Preo inct No, 4 of Ke County, end it appearing to the Court that the Sheriff is entitled to such additional deputy allowance for the purpose of hiring a deputy in said Precinct Nu, 4• Therefore Sheriff A. F. 1~Q idoore be an~~.~a hereby granted an additional allowance of $600.00 per annum for the current ~~ ' year, 1946, ea provided by the 1945-1946 County Budget, out of the General Fund, for the purpo oP hiring an active deputy in said precinct No. 4, and shall shall be paid by the County Trees direct to deputy 0. A. Rod ge ra or his auacesaor in equal monthly installments of x`50.00 each, upon proper warrants issued by the County Clerk, on or after the lest day of each month begin- ning Ja nuery 31st, 1946. -o-o-o-o- No. 3258. DEPUTY ALLO "dANCE TO SHERIFF A. F. Ni00RE FOR DL1'UTY pAT WASABURN Thin the 14th day of January, A. D. 1946, name on to be oon sidered by the Court the mat- ter oP an allowance to Sheriff A. F. tAoore far his off ion deputy, and it appearing to the Cour '~ that the She ri.Pf is entitled to a deputy al lowanca sufficient to pay his office deputy, during the current year, 1946. Said Sheriff is therefore granted an allowance of $720.00 per annum bout oP the General Fund for the purpose oP hiring an office deputy, as provided by the 1946 County Budget, and same shall be paid by Lhe County Treasurer direct to Deputy Pat tvashburn or hie au ccesaor in equal monthly installments of $60.00 ee oh out oP Lha General Fund, upon proper warrnnta issued by the County Clerk, on or attar the lest day of each month beginning ', January 31st, 1946. ', -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3259. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S COMI6ISSIONS. Cn thin the 14th day of January, 1946, it is ordered by the Co1~rt that the ~Commiasiona. of the County Treasurer Por the current year, -1946,. shall be end '1e hereby fined accordingly et the rate of 2~ on all re oeipte ^nd diabursementa, pot to, aacee'd horever, the suiq of $150.00 for any month, or, the aggregate of $1800.00 for the year, 1946, and said Oounty Treasurer shell draw each months' commission of $150..00 ae carne d. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3260. The State of Texas,: In Commissioners' Court of Karr County, Texas County of K e r r .. Ja nuery Term, A. D. 1946 This the 14th day of Je auary, A. D. 1946, came on to be considered by the Court the mat of the Salary of the County Farm pemonstrat ion work in Kerr County, Texas, for the bnrrent y 1946, and St appearing to the Court that the services heretofore and now rendered by County Agent l'I. H. Gardner, are to the best interest of the stockmen, farmers, business men and tan pe yarn of Kerr County and should be continued with an increase in salary from $1,000.00 per annum to $1200.00 per annum. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, it is ordered by the Court that 'N. H. Gardner be and 1a hereby employed as County Agent Por Kerr County for the yea 1946, and the sum of $1200.OU per annum be and is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the ..Road & Bridge Fund oP Kerr County for the purpose of paying the County's portion of such County I, Agent's Salary, monthly, for the period beginning January 1st, 1946 and same shall be paid by I~, the County Clerk unto sold Agent in equal monthly ins tallme nta of $100.00 each payable on or ~. after the 31st day of each end every month beginning January 31st, 1946 and ending December 31e ~'i 1946. And the County Clerk is hereby directed to furnish a Dart if led copy Of this ordEr to Ithe Eatension Service, A. & M. College of Teaes, College Station, Texas. -0-o-0-O- H6-.3261. 1'HE STATE OF TEXAS,: IA* CO-(yISSIONERS' COURT, KERR COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY OF K E R R .. JANiIARY TERY~ A. D. 1946. -~ 1 i ., _~