a1~ r motion made, seconded and unanimously adopted, be and it Se hereby ordersd by the Court that the County Home Demonstration work be continued Por one year Prom January let, 1946 at the net ~ooat of $799.92 to Kerr County in salary, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and direoted to issue and deliver unto the Home D~onst ration Agent a warrant oa the County Tree against the General Fuad for the sum of $66.66 at end of eaoh month's ae rvloe, beginning January 31st, 1946. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- I No. 3262. RE-EMPLOYMENT OF BILLIE LOU C.BStN AS COUNTY JUDGE'S ASSISTANT This 14th day of January, A. D. 1946, it appearing to the Court thffi Bill le Lou Green has Tendered satisfactory aervloe in the past as the County Judge's Aasia tent for Kerr Count whereupon, on motion made, seoo~d.ed and unanimously adopted, said Billie Lou Greeh be and is hereby re-employed Por the cure°ent year, 1946, and her salary is hereby Pized by the Court at the sum oP $60.00 per month. And the Connty Clerk be and is hereby authorized and direoted to issue and deliver unto said Billie Lou Green on or after the last day of each calendeP month beginning January 31st, 1946, a warrant on the County Treasurer against the General Fu Pot the sum oP $60.00 oover ing her monthly salary. -O-O-O-O-O- No. 3263• FI7CING SALARY OF COUNTY ATTORNEY This the 14th day oP January, 1946, it is ordered and deoreed by the Court that the sale of the County Attorney Por the ourrent year, 1946, be and Sa hereby fined ae provided bf the 1945-1946 County Budget, at the sum of $900.00 per en num, to be paid out of the General Fuad in twelve monthly iasta llmen is of $75.00 each by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or after the last day of each oalendar gonth beginning January 31 at 1946. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3264. FIXING SALARIES OF COMMISSIONERS This the 14th day of January, A. D. 1946, it is ordered and decreed by the Court that oompenaetion of the Commission era of Rerr Cau sty be and is hereby Pized by the Court for the ourrent year, 1946, aeoording to the 1945-1946 County Budget' sa follows: .Sash oommissi on er shall receive $5.00 per day ae per di em for each day served by him as s member of the Ca~ieaionera~ Court to be paid out of the Gehe ral Road and Bridge Fund, sad eaoh oommissioner aha 11 further receive ~5 .:,0 for each day served in the inspection and aupar- vieioa of County Ronda, same to be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund of hla rasps olive precinct, provided however, LhaL the botal aompeneation or salary of eaoh Commisai on er shall not, ezaeed the following emoun is agreed upon, to-wit: Commissioner of preainot No. 1 the sum oP $1,200.00 for the year 1946 Commissioner of pre ciaot No. 2 the sum of $ 700.00 for the year 1946 Commissioner of preoinot No, 3 the sum of $ 700.00 for the year 1946 Commissioner of Preo inct No. 4 the sum of $1,000.CO Por the year 1946 -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3265. The State of Teaea,: In Commis inners' Court, Kerr County, Teaea. County of Kerr .. January Term, A. D. 1946 On this 14th day of January, A. D. 1946, it appearing to the Court that Dr. Dunn E. is a oompetent end aotive physician of Kerrville, Teaas, legally qualified to practice medic under the laws of the State of Tazea, sad is in all rasps cta qualified to sot ee County Heal Officer in end for Kerr County, Texss; and, said Dr. Dunn E. Packard be and is theD81?oie ap- pointed by the Court ea County Health Officer oP Rerr County, fora period of two years or until hie suecesaor is appointed end qualified, unless sooner removed from office for esuse, ion foF~parvio ea actually rendered ae this Court may allow Prom time to time. ,;.. -o -o-O-o-O-o-o' No. 3266. ORDER DECLARING ROAD WAY FROM CATTLE CUp:2D RDNA'ZNG NORTH PAYT RESIDENCE OF E. G. SIESERS, L. L. T.83I.IE AND HITS. WILLIE SLACK PROPERTY. This the 14th dqq of January, A. D. 1946, be and it is'bereby ordered and declared by the Co urt,upon aaemination of Petition on file, that the road beginning at a Cattle Guard with tw large rock pillows, about 400 hundred feet from the Southeast Corner of Peter Fleming Survey No. 666, Thence north about four hundred yeada to another cattle guard with two large rook pillows, the^ onto s pavement which runs north about four hundred fifty feet to the front of the residence o2 Mrs. E. G. Sieker, Thence west about titre e:hundred feet to the front of the residence of L. L. Leslie, thence South, in front of the re aideaoe oY 14ra. Willie Slack and to the point of beginning, be and is hereby eatebl ishad, laid out find opened as fl publle road of the third class, 30 Poet in width throughout, slang the route~of said road ea now traveled -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3267. PURCHASE OF NEW DIESEL TRACTOR WITH HYDRAULIC ANGLEDOZER FOR PRECINCT NO. 4. This the 14th dap of Sanuar y, A. D. 1946, oameon to be con eidered the offers submitted by H1-Way Company, H. W. Lewis Equipment Company, and Wm. K. Holt Machinery Company, offering to sell unto Precinct No. 4 of Kerr County a new Caterpillar Diesel Model D6 tractor, 60^ geugi equipped with LaPl ant-Choate Model R61 hydraulla side dozer (angledozer) mounted on tractor and delivered f. o. b. Kerr County for ~7 ,248.00, on or before January 16th, 1946. And it ap- pearing to the court that Preo Sect No. 4 is in need of auoh equipment and that Commissioner Hoare is hereby authorized to make auoh puraheae. It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the County Clerk drew voucher in like amount on the County Treasurer payable out of the said R. & B. jj4, upon the presentation of the invoice of said Wm. K. Holt Machinery Company, Seller. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3E68. PURCHASE OF ONE SCFAPkk FOR PRECINCT N0. 2 This the 14th day of Sanuary, A. D. 1946, came on to be aonaidared the otter submit pad by Wm. K. Holt llaoh ins ry Company, offering to sell to Precinct No• 2 of Kerr County a scraper for the pu rohaee pr ins of ¢335.00, to be shipped with Die eel Tr eo for for Pracinot No. 4, withou say charge for freight. end it appearing that such p~rohaae pries 1H fast, nod that Precinct No. 2 is in need of auoh equipmeht. IS is thereP ors or dared, ad~udgod and deore ad bq the Court that blot' Nowlin, purchase such equipment, that the Coanty Clerk, upon receiving proper invoice from Wm. K. Holt Machinery Company, in like amount, draw voucher an the County Treasurer payabl out of said R. & B. ~2 Fund. -o-o-o-o- No. 3269. RESOLUTION OF COMMISS70NERS' COURT TO PROTECT TBE STATE OF TEYAS FROM LIABILITY FRO: DAMAGES BY REASON OF THL RECONSTRUCTION OF STATE HIGHWAY N0. 27 APPRO%IIAATELY SI7C- TENTH3.OF A MILE SOUTHEAST OP' MOUNTAIN HOME,, T$XAS, ADTACENT TO TBE H. H. Mh'YNERS PROPERTY, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO A3 HIGHWAY RECONSTRUCTIOM P807ECT IN'~THE:COUNTY 0 KERB. '+VfIEREAS, the public convenieaoe, safety and neaeasity of the County and She people oY the County require that State Highway No. 27 be reconatruotad at a point approximately aiz-tenths of a mile Southeast of Mountain Home adJacent to the H. H. Meynera property, since the ezlatL highway constitutes a danger end a seriour inoonv entente to the public which 1a urgently requ. to be remedied, and that the gloat praetioal remedy is Chat of reconstructing the highway; and WHEREAS, the County bas requested the State of Teaas to contribute finanai al aid in Lhe aonatruation of the highway; end , WiIEREpS, the County has agreed Lo furnish lend and property required for the ~a~ -. of the highway, sad WHEREAS, the State of Tezea hoe made it known to the County that it will assist the