ion foe„~arvio ea actually rendered as this Court may allow from time to time. ,_4.., _o_o_o_o_o_o_o_ No, 3266. ORDER DECLARING ROAD WAY FROM CATTLB GUARD RUNi~'ING NORTH PAST RESIDENCE OF E. G. SIEKERS, L. L. 7.8SLIE AND MRS. WILLIE SLACK PROPERTY. This the 14th day of Ja nuery, A. D. 1946, be and it is hereby ordered and declared by th Co urt,upon azamihetion of Petition oh file, that the road beginning at a Cattle Guard with tw large rock pillows, about 400 hundred Peet from the Southey et Corner of Peter Fleming Survey No. 666, Thence north about four hundred yeada to another cattle guard with two large rook pillows, the^ onto a pavement which runs north about four hundred fifty feet to the front of the residence of Mrs. E. G. Sieker, Thence west about tLree .hundred feet to the front of the residence of L. L. Leslie, thence South, in front of the re aidenae of Nra. Willie Slack and to the point of beginning, be and is hereby eatebl ished, laid out and opened es a public road of the third clans, 30 feet 1n width throughout, along the ro ute~of said road as now traveled -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3267. PURCHASE OF NEW DIESEL TRACTOR WITH HYDRAULIC ANGI~EDOZER FOR PRECINCT NO. 4. This the 14th day of January, p. D. 1946, Dame-on to be Donal dared the offers submitted by H1-Way Company, H. W. Lew Sa Equipment Company, and Wm. K. Holt Meohinery Company, offering to sell unto Precinct No. 4 of Kerr County a new Caterpillar Die eel Nod el D6 tractor, 60^ gauge equipped rith LaPlant-Choate Model R61 hydraulic side dozer (angledozer) mounted on tractor end delivered f. o. b. Kerr County for $7,240.00, on or before January 16th, 1946. And it ap- pearing to the oourt that Preo inat No. 4 is in need of such equipment end that Commissioner Moore is hereby authorized to make auah puroheae. It 16 further ordered, ad,j udged and deoread that Lhe County Clerk draw voucher in like amount on the County Treasurer payable nut oP the said R. & B. 7f4, upon the presentation of the invoice of said Wm. K. Holt Hach inert' Company, Seller. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3268. PURCHASE OF ONE SCRAPER FOR PRECINCT N0. 2 This the 14th day of January, A. D. 1946, came on to be ocnaidered the o;far auDmityed Oy Wm. K. Holt Maoh inert' Company, offering to sell to Prec inet No• 2 of Kerr County a ac raper for the pu xvhaea pr Soe of $335.00, to be shipped with Die sal Tr ao for for Precinot No. 4, withou shy charge for freight. wffi it appearing that such purohase pride is ~uat, End that Precinot No. 2 is in need of such equipment. It ie therefore ordered, ed~ud$ed and deore ed bq the Court that Hoy Nowlin, puro heee each equipment, Lhat the Codhty Clerk, upon raoeiving proper Invoice from Wm. K. Holt 1Gac hinery Company, in like amount, draw voucher on the County Treasurer pagabl out of said R. & B. ~2 Fund. -o-o-o-o- No. 3269. RESOLUTION OF COME6ISSIONERS' COURT TO PROTECT THE STATE OF TEYAS FROM LIABILITY FRO: DAtdAGE9_ RY REASON OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF STATE HIGHWAY N0. 27 APPR07CIMATELY SI%- TENTHS OF A NILE SOUTHEAST 0$ MOUNTAIN HOME,, TF,XAS, ADJACENT TO THE H. H. MEYNERS PROPERTY, HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS HIGHWAY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT IN'-THE COUNTY 0'. RERR. bVHEREA3, Lhe public convenie nce~ safety and neoeae ity of the County nad the people oP the County require that State Highway No. 27 be reconatruoted at a point approzimately siz-teethe of a mile Southeast of Mountain Home ad,ja cent to the H. H. Meynera property, since the e: highway consLSLuLes a danger end a seriour inconvenience to the publio whioh ie urgently to be remedied, and that Lhe moat practioel remedy ie that of reconstructing the highway; and WHEREAS, the County has requested the State of Tezsa to contribute finahaisl aid in the ooaatruotion of the highway; sad r WHEREAS, the County has agreed to iurnlah land and property required for the reconet ~a~ -,) i of the highway, and WHEREAS, the State of Tezas has made it known to the County that it will aeaiet the