shaving an!hggregato oP X105.00 oollectad and deposited with. the County`1?sBavFrer, a¢d it apw ' 3(p ~.,•,,: pe wring t1>~s aid report is true and correct, same be and 1s .h ereby in a17, rsapeo to approved i by the Court. 11 -o-o- o-o-o -o- No. 3315. APPROVAL OF PLAT AND FIELD NOTES OF SHADY GROVE ADDITION On this the lath day oP bsay, A. D. 1946, came on to be he erd and considered the applivati n of J. F. Johnson of Re rrv ills, Rerr County, Texas, for the approval of a plat, field notes and dedication of a subdivision situated in the vicinity oP Kerrville, Rerr County, Texas, and be- 1ng a part of 0. V. Robinson Survey No. 44, Heirs oP John Matohett Survey No, 43 and W. M. Pr itt Survey No, 1921, Rerr County, Texas, bounded as Po ll ow s: BEGINNING at a point in the E. line of the Ke rrv file Fdun icipal Airport property, in the N, line of W. M, Pruitt Survey No. 1921, 579.4 feet '.J. Prom Its N. E. corner, from wh iah a L. 0. B inch ea in di ame tar bears S. 45° E., 13.9 feet, marked X; THENCE, with E. line of said flir port property, S. 1° E. 2581.3 feet to e fence corner Prom which a L. 0. 10 inches 1n die meter, marked X, bears S. 42° E., 50 feet; THENCE continuing :a th line of said airport property, W. 185.5 feet to a corner in Pence line, being the farthest +~'. corner oP this tract; Tf~N CE with said airport property line, the follow ing courses and distances; S. 2° E., 730.7 feet; S. 4FF° 30' E., 877 Peet; S. 160 feet to a Pan e corner in the ?r. line oP Heirs of John Matchett Survey No• 43, sa:re being the N. W. corner oP the T. Williams 100 acre subdivision and the 5, W. co m~ r oP thia trsct; THENCE with N. line of said T. Williams tract, N. 89° 50' E., 2195.2 feet to its N. E. aor ne r, same being the S.E.~~, corner of this tract; TiEPT+E with E. fence line of thls tract, N. 0° 10' W., 4068.3 feet to the S. E. corner of a treat known as the "Peter eon Pes lure", which is also the N. E. corner of Lh is tract; THENCE with Peterson's 5. line and Kerrville Airport property, W. 2721.5 feet ~'~ to the place of beginning. Containing 256.5 acres; which said subdivision is to be known as S-IADY GROVE, and after considering the same, it appears to the Court that said subdivision, dedication and the field notes thereof roe et the requirements of the law. It is therefore, ORDERED, ADNDGED and DECREED by the of Urt that said subdlvision known as SHADY GROVE be ad- mitted to r coo rd, and the County Glerk of Kerr County, Texas, is hereby dire ated to record the , same in the 17e~ Reoor ds of Rerr County, Texas. It is f u~~thar or dared that this order be spread upon the min alas oP the Commla sionars Court oP Rerr County, Texas, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~~ No. 3316, APPROVAL OF REPEAT OF IATS 2, 3, AND 4, of SHADY GROVE { On th ie the 13th day oP May, A. D. 1946, Dame on to be heard and considered the applicat- ion oP S. F. Johnson oP %errvi lle, Karr County, Texas, Por the approval of a re plat, field note 9nd dadica lion of Lots 2, 3 and 4 of the Shady Grave subdivision situated in the vicinity of $errv ill e, %err County, Texas, and being a part oP O. V. Robinson Survey No. 44, Heirs oP John Yatchatt Survey No. 43 and W. Fd. Pruitt Survey No, 1921, $err Dounty, Texas, whi ah said Shady .C[ove nub diviai on ie bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the E. line of the $er rvil le Munioipal Airport property, in the N. line oP W. N.. Pruitt Survey No. 192]., 579.4 feet W. from its N. E. corner, from which a L. 0. B inches in diameter bears S, 45° E. 13.9 Peet, marked K; 19ENCE, with E. line of said airport property, S. 1! E „ 2581.3 Peet to a fanoe corner from which a L. 0. 10 inches in diameter, marked X, bears 5.42' E. 50 Peet; T~10C E, continuing with line of said airport pr oparty, W. 1Ff5.5 fact to a corner in fence line, being the farthest 'A. corner of this tract; THENCE with said airport property line, the following ooueses and distant S. 2° E., 730.7 Peet; 5. 48° 30' E., 877 feet; S. 160 feet to afence corner in the W. line oP Heirs of John Matchett Survey No. 43, same being the N. :Y. qor ner of the R. Williams 100 acre