f39 subdivision and the S. 71. Corner of this trasYt; THENCE, with N, line of said T. Mill Sams tree t~ N, t39° 50' E., 2195.2 feet to its N. E. corner, sage being the 5. E. corner oP this tract; THEN GE, w ith E, fence line of this tract, N. 0° 10' N,, 4068.3 feet to the S. E. ao roar oP a tract Irnown as the "Petersor. Iasture", which is also the N. E. corner of this tract; TfTENCE, with Peterson's ~• line and Rerrvil le Aitpart property, lV. 2721.5 feet to the p ace oP beg inns g. Containing 256.5 acres; which said rep let is to be known as a replat of Lots, 2, 3 and 4 oP said Shady Grove subdivision, and after considering the same, it apn ears to the Court that sai replat of said scbdiv ision, dedication and the field notes thereof meet the re;u irements of th law. IT IS THeREFORE Ordered, AdJudged and Decreed by the Court that said replat of Lots °, 3 and 4 of the Shady Cr we sub3lvis ion be admitted to record, and the County Clerk of Rerr Count , Texas, is hereby directed to re Cord the same in the Dead Records of Kerr County, Texas. IT IS FU:iTrPi~'R ORDI1RSD that this order be spr Cad upon the minutes of the Co ra:assion er s' Court oP &azr County, Texas. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- 2So. 3317, rAYFAENT OF OH'LrICERS HOLDING SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION This the 13th day of :.'.ay, A. D. 1946, it is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk i vouchers on the County 'IR'easurer in favor of the officers holding Spe ciel School Dle ction in the sum of "5.00 par diem to be rs.id out of the General Fund. -o-o- o-o-o - No. 3313, CANVAS OF RE'URNS OF SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION r?ELD MAY 4TH, 1946. This the 15th day of 1/uy, 1946, came on to be opened and tabulated by the Court the rate: of the Special School Election he 13 in Cypress Creak in the County of Kerr on the 4th day of Way, :;. D. 1946, and said rater ns •:~e re duly canvassed and tabulated by the Court as sho'mn on page ti7, Volume 3, Record of Election Returns of Kerr County, Texas. -o-o-o-o- S7o. 3319. EXAMINATION OF ASSESSMENT INVENTORIES BY THE COURT AS BOARD OF EQUALIZATION This the 18th day of Noy, A. D. 1946, after each member of the Court having taken oath as re qu it ed by law, the Court with all members pr wont proceeded to exa.~~ine and inspect the in- ventories of tax assessments for 194G rendered by tho var Sous tax payers of the County or asse ed e3a inst then by the Tax Assessor, E. H. N'.ch ols, and it appe nr ing to the Court that all of si,id tax ass esa!nerts ere satisfac tort', with the exc e_t ion oP ub out r,i ne, of which the County Clerk is hereby dir act to ~,^, ive pr oix:r notices for such tax Payer to appear before the Court on M„rday the 10th day oP Tune, 1946, to s'n ow cause why such property should nut be raised or lowered, as set out i.n Volwne 3, pa Ce 1?„ Mir etas of Board of Equalization. The tax assessor is hereby directed to proceed wi tt: the preparation of the ba].a nee oP the 1946 State and County Tax ko7yis accordingly. ~/ ~o-o-o -o -o- o. o-o-o- h~.. No, 3320. APPROVAL DF 6pUNTY TREgR1RER'S A~['ORT FCR q,UARTER ENDING APRIL 30TH, 1946. .. On this the 14th day OP tday, A. -, 1946, as ma m to be examined and eud ited by the go4rt q the quarterly report of E. Cold, County Treasurer, cover ing the reneipts and disbursements oP H ~I Kerr County for quarter ending April ;X~th, 1946, sod it appearing to the Court after careful N and thorough axaminati un and irspec tion oP said report together with the cancelled warrants, checks, bonds and coupons accompanying same, that said report is true sod correct, in every respect, and same be and is hereby approved in open court, all as is shovm by the c~tific ate of aypr oval :: 7f;ned by the Ce. urt and attached thereto, and the County Clerk shell record said report in the loose-leaf record in his office and file such cancelled warrants, checks, booms and coupons ir. hie office for safe-keeping and futw~e reference. -o-o-o-o-o-