No. 332]x,. APE7.ICATION FOR FIRST AI7VANCEPS;fIT OF $500.00 TO TAX ASSE9SpRAND~.Q9LL$CTORS' CODQdISS 'i t~ Cam' therl4th day of May, A. D. 1946, came on to be considered by thg Court the applio8t- 1 _ ' i.on of i3'. H. Nichols, assessor and Collector o£ Tases Por Kerr County, for an Advance by Serr C of :j500.00 on his 1%46 County Tax Ass~seor's Commissions, and it appearing to the Court that he is entitled to such advance, his applic ~ti on be and is ':Ter eby grantai, an3 the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to pay such advance unto Assessor i7i chols in suoh amount oP ~°5 GG .00, payable as follows, to-wit: ~400.OG out of County aide Bonds, 1931, and 31CO.OG out oP General Fund. _p_p-O-e_n_n~_ ' No. 3322. TABULn.R 3TATE7~2tT OF INDEBTEffiIESS, EXPENDI TURE9 & RECEIPTS OF EERR COi?NTY. This the 14th day of May, A. D. 1946, came on to be examined by the Court the quarterly '. tabular steteme nt of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk oP Kerr County, covering the indebtedness e xpendlt ur es and receipts of Kerr County for quarter ending April 30th, 1946, which report or statement apr ear ing correct, be and is hereby approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ' No. 3323. OESIGN:vTI OfI OF ORD CLFw^S ROAD. ', On this the 14th day oP M¢y, A. D. 1946, it is hereby order by the court that the follow- ing road be designated as a Th 1rd Class Road, Fmm Pre cent Stu to 3wy. ~27 at barn oP Ed. Hen der sons' residence; 1"~7CE down Sender son and Du'~e line to old Junction ~iighw ay; TfiENCE Up said old Junction Hi ^hwap to J. }V. Cummings gate; THEf]CE Following the present traveled road ^bo ut 400 yards crossing Johnson's Creel: to the foot oP R. Jones HSIS. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes Prom page 134 to 13[3, inclusive, were correct, and are hereby in all respects approved by e Co t, t' ATTEST: C1 erk,_County our L„ r ountyT ns. J e, oun y o _~6`~ v5~!d°.,c'•°:'_'•7LKl"rY~ ad -o -o-o o-o- THE STATE OF TEXAS,: May, 1946. COUNTY OF K E R R .. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this the 20th day' of May, A. D. 1946, there was begun and holden a Special Term oP the Commissioners' Court oP Kerr County, Teaes, at the C part House thar eo P, in the City oP Kerrville, Texas, oPfic ers present: HCN. SOHN S. ATKINS, - - - - - - - County Judge, genry Eckstein, - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 1, Roy Nord in, - - - - - - - - - - - Oommiss loner, Preci oct L7o. 2, A. F. tYfoore,Sher i.Pf and Jno, R, Leavell, Co;:nty Clerk and the Court having bean speoially ope the Po llowing proceedings were had to-wit: -o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o- No. 3324. APPROVAL OF BLOCK 4, OAK iIILL ADDITION TO KERRVILLE IN COB~HISS TONERS' COURT, KERR COUNTY, TEXAS. SPP:CIAL MAY TERBd, A, D. 1946. On this the 20th day oP May, 1946, came on to be heard the application of R. 0. Chandler end Oeaer Hac kle q, oP Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas, Por the aPProval oP a plat end Pis ld notes and dedieat ion of a au b-division situated in and ad3acent to the City oP Kerrville, Kerr County Tezes, and being de so ribed ae follow a: All that certain traot or par cal of lend, lying, situet end being in Kerr County, Te aas, known as the Henschel 7.22 ac rea tree t, partly out of Survey N 116, in toe name of B. F. Cage, and partly out of Survey No. 117, in the name of John C. Hays, and being ire speoiPically described as follows: BEGTDIN ING. at the North corner of that tract of land owned by Mra. Biarm he Vann; THENCE 5. 45 degrees E. 300 Peet to a oorner in fence line; THEPICE N. 45 degr~as E, 28 Peet; VICE S. 45 degrees E. 30.5 Peet for corner; THENCE N. 40} de in open co3mt and Ponnd /3 8 I~ ..,1 E. 358 feet to a point in the N. W. Line of Remschel Avenue; ~,.