is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and di rooted to pay said fee of ~ I $42.00, to-wi ffi: $28.00 out of General Fund and $14.00 out of R. & B. Fund. I C/1/°. -o-o-o-o-o-~.o-o- No. 334H. RSSICNATIDN OP. COUNTY ATTORNEY; OFFICE DECLARED VACANT;APPOINTM6NT OF JOE BURBETT, "JR., TO FILL UNEXPIRED TERM AS COUNTY ATTORNEY This Lhe 8th day of July, A. D. 1946, A. P, All icon, County Attorney of Herr County, Texas did Lender hie resignation as County Attorney of Herr County, Texan, end requested that same to effect immediately end that hie resignation be accepted. And after due consideration, said re- signati m was accepted by the Court, end said of fioe of County Attorney being vacated, and Toe Burkett, Jr., well known end capable nitizen of said County, is appointed to fill the un- eaplred term of that so vacated by said A, P. Allis on; and Joe Burkett, Tr., being qualified ex desirous to nerve out the unexpired term of said offs oe, be end Se bare by appointed by the Cour to fill the uneap it ed term of the of PSoe of County Attormy is and for Bogr Cou sty, Teaea, and he Sa directed to qualify for said ofP ice by making bond in the sum of Twenty Five Hundred end i no/100 ($2500.00) Dollars and taking the oath of office as required by law. -o-o~-o-o-o- v No. 3349. APPO1NTiJF,TIT OF THE FOLLOWLNG JUDGES 1N ELECTION PRECINCTS, TO-WIT: Thin the 8th day of Tuly, A, D. 1946, it Se ordered Dy the Court that the following named citizens of the respeotiva~vot ing precincts of Kerr County, Teaas, ere hereby appointed to Pill the position ae Judges of the following vaoatad election preoincta to-wit: Hunt Election Precinct No. 5, Bob Ned Talbert Live oak Election Preo inat No. 10, Sue Le Garland -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3350. APPROVAL OF PLAT AND FIELD NOTES OF BIVOUAC ESTATES STATE OF TEXAS.: IN THE COMMI SSI ONffii S' COURT OF KERR COIINTY, TEXAS, COUNTY 07 $ERR.: JULY 1946 TERM On th ie the Hth day of July, 1946, came on to be con eider ed the application of Clyde D. Parmelee and wife, Ber bare H. Per melee of Ke rrvilla, Herr County, Tezea, for the approval of a plat, field notes end dedio atioa oP an Ad ditlon to be known as the Bivouac Eetatea in the viain of Kerrville, Texas a~ located in Survey No. 124, F. Martinez, about four miles West of Berr- villa, Tezea, field notes of which Bald Bivouac Eetatea 18 fully described in the plat end fiel notes fully set forth in the app lioati on filed herein on July 8, 1946, to which refers me is he made, said addition is to be known sa the Bivouac Eatatae ead~Clyde D. Parmelee ae Developer. And St appearing to the Court that said addition end dedio etion and field notes meet all the requirements required by law; TT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court t said nub-divi aion known ea Bivouac Eetatea be admitted to record in the Nap and Plet Reoorda of the Couatq Clerk of Kerr County, Teaas, and that the same is ordered sad directed to be reoorde Sn aeid Map and Plat Reoorda of Kerr County, Teaas. It ie further ordered that th Sa order be spread upon the min utea of the Commi saimera' Court of Kerr County, Teaea. WITNESS our heads this the 8th dqy of July, 1946. John S. Atkins, County Judge Henry Eckstein, Commissioner Roy Nowlin, Commisalone r Wm. Barger, Commissioner T. J. Moore, Commiae iomr -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No, 3351. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF JUSTLCE OF THE PACE, PRECINCT N0. 4. Thin the Bth day of July, A. D. 1946, came on to be ezamined end audited by the Court the report of Ed Smith, Jus tioe of the Peace of Pr ecinot No. 4 of Herr County, for the pea Lod endl. June 29th, 1946, of Criminal Feea filed, fine a, Judgment and Sury fees collected ah ow ing the a -~. -~