Report oP Geo. M. Doyle Die trial Clerk of Kerr County, covering iinea imposed, judgments / ~ rendered end jary fees colleo tad inthe District Court oP Kerr County for Quarter sad ing July .-~ 31st, A. D• 1946, which report shows the collection and deposit with the County Treasurer of $10.00 and wh lch report appearing correct be and is hereby approved. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3361. PURCHASE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM H. D. C00K ' On this the 12th day of August, A. D. 1946, it is ordered by the Court that Kerr County purohaee from H. D. Cook, 0.5 sa ree out of Sur. 1458, Hy. Edmonds and 0.88 ac ree out of Sur. 696, Ieaire Hl antra, for right-oP-way purposes, Por the price of $45.00 including agreed damage: and the 9ounty C1 ark shall issue end deliver unto said H. m. Cook a warrant an the County Tre- sourer for X45.00 against R. & B. ~3 upon the delivery o2 a Warranty Deed to Kerr County Prom H. D. Cook. -o-o-o-o- No. 3362. CERTIFICATE OF CANCELLATION This the 12th day of Au goat, A. D. 1946, oeme on to be examined by the Court, Certificate of Ca ace lletion, Co lleot or 's Number 45, pros anted to the Court by E. H. Niohoda, Tax Col lector ~~ of Kerr County, and it appearing to the Court that the rasa one set out in said Certificate for the Cam ellation of the tsaea therein lie tad are g and and sufficient. It is therefore ordered by the Court that eaifl Certif SO ate De grentefl by the County Judge. -o-o-o- No. 3363. CANVAS OF RETURNS OF SPECIAL SENATORIAL (UNEXPIRED TERM) ELECTION This the 12th day of August, A. D. 1946, came on to be opened and tabulated by the Court the returns of Special Eleotion held in Kerr County on the 27th day of July, 1946, sad said rat ur na were duly oanvea sad and tabnlated by the Court as shown on Page 69, Volume 3, Reo ord of ale cti on itaturns of Kerr County, Texas. -o-o-o- No. 3364. APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERK'S QUARTERLY REPORT. This the 12th dqy of August, A. D. Y946, oar on to be eaamined by the Court the Report 'ot Jno. R, Leavell, County Clerk, oovering all tines imposed and oolledted end judgments rends: and oolleoted in the County Court of Kerr Court y, in favor of said County, including jury fees Coll eo tad by the County Clerk, if any, during the quarter ending Suly 31e t, 1948, which report showing an aggregate oP $532.53 collected, and $447.53 deposited with Lhe County Treasurer, an it appearing that said report is true and correct, same be and is hereby in all respects ap- proved by the Court. No. 3365. DR, p, B. Hill, HILL COUNTRY COW BOy/ CAMP MEETING A35~N., AND OTHERS This the 12th Say of August, A. D. 1946, acme on to bs oonaider ed the Petition Piled by Ds. P. B. Hill, Paetgr of Hill Country Cow Hoy Camp Meetibg Aasoa latioh, end 81 other aitizena of Kerr Couaty, Teaa e, that $err County tarv is to or hard aurfaoe, the road leading from State Highway No. 27 to the Hill Country Cow Boy Camp Meeting Aaeoai at ion's Tabernacle, a diatanae o about one-half mile, using the old State Highway graveled toed bed now on the ground, and it appearing to the Court that by tarviating said strip would be to the lntereat of the public, sad that seats should be approved. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded end uneaimou sly adopted, that Commissioner oP Prec inat No. 4, T. T. Moore, Sa hereby directed and authorized t j tarviate the said roadway leading from State Highway /f27 to Hill Country Cow Boy Camp Meeting Assoc let ion's Tabernacle. -o-o-o-o- No. 3366. NOTICE ON COUNTY BUDGET FOR 1947. ~~ This Lhe 12th day oP August, A. D. 1946, it is ordered by the Court that the County Judge t proper notice at the Court House door e~ ins art news-items in August 15th, 1946, issues