C~ q Nix Hospital, and It further appearing to the Court that Mrs. Nichols hen no Funds and no way J Ip of earning any in her present condition and that her mother and father, Mr, and Mrs. Robertson ere neither physically nor financially able to further assist her and that under these oirdum- stances and conditions that Kerr County should pay the balance of j~178.15, due and ow ipg to the Nix Hosp It al. . W:-tiREUPON, on motion duly made, seconded end unanimously adopted, it is ordered that Kerr County pay said sum of X178.15 to said Nix Hospital and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and dir ec tad to pay said sum to said Nix Hospital by voucher drawn against the General Fund of Kerr L'o un ty. -o-o-o-o-o-o -o -o -o o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes from page 147 to 153, inclusive, were reed in open C~JOUrt and found cor- rect end are hereby~/in(a~ll reppacts eppr wed by the ur th is !t f Au gust,1946. ATTEST: ~,"/- ,~"~~p,( , Clerk, Copn~~°~~ un`gaty_ ~s,r- as, e, oun ou , rr ounty, axes. 1?1E STATE OF T.~AS, COUNTY OF K E R R .. BE IT REpO;PJIDERED, That on this the 27th day of August, p. D. 3946, the was begun end holden a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, at the Court House thereof, in the City of Kerrville, Texas, officers, present: SOHN S. ATKINS, - - - - - - - County Judge, Henry Eckstein, - - - - - - - Commissioner, Praeim t No. 1, Roy Nowlin, - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, i-r ec inet No. 2, iJm. Ker gar, - - °- - - - - - - Commissioner, Pr ecin at No. 3, A. F. Idoore, Sheriff, and •Jno. H. Leave ll, County Clerk and the Court hav irg been Spec sally opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o- No. 3378. SETTLEMENT FOR INSIIItIES SUSTAINED BY ALBERT KLECK, PREC. ~3, APR II. 30TH, 1946. On this the 27th day of August, 1946,°at a spao iel term of the Commies sonars Court of Kerr County, came on to be heard and considered by the Court the me tt er oP the sattl ement of the cla of Albert K1eck, for injur sea rBCe sued on April 30th, 1946, while en employee oP Commissioners' BYedim.t No.3 in operating a paver shovel or loader. It appearing to the Court that the said filbert Kleck has incurred obligations cad expenses as the result oP said injury in the sum oP gE379.05, es follows: Keidel Memor sal Hospital ~ $443.00 Drs. Keidel end Ferry 300.00 Keidel's Drug Store 22.60 IN. Cha a. 0. Jones 10.00 :iohe attar end Lindner 27.00 ]firs. Albert Kleck 70.00 Alez '~1. Maier 4.45 Henry Anders gg Shoe Shop 2.00 It further app esr ing to the Court that Kerr County should reimburse and pay to said Albert Kleok the amount of said obliget ions and aspen se s. N?~?EUFON, by motion duly made, seconded and unan imouyly adopted, it is ord ar ed that Kerr County pay to said Alb art Kleck the sum of 879.05, out oP the General Fund of Kerr Co unty,upo the execution and delivery by the said Albert Kleck to Kerr County of a full, find and co mple release Prom any and all Further claims for damages arising out of o r sustained by reason of i said injury and the County Clark is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said Albert Kle ck said sum of $879.05, upon the dal iv cry of said relee ae. K ~- o- o-o -o- No. 3379. TRANSFER This the '27th day of August', A. D. 1946, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to make transfer in the amount of $979.05, from Road & Bridge Fund J{3 to Gene ral Fund of %err County, / ~~ to take care of pe yment of hospital statement recdered age in st an employee, Albert Kleck, for injuries rocaived April 3Gth, 1946, while working for Kerr County, Pre cinet No. 3. -a-o-o-o-o- lie foregoing minutes from (:age 153 to 154, inc lus lv e, were read in open court and found cor- rect end ere hereby in all respec to approved by the Court, this the 9th da of September, A. ] 1946. , A'iTEST: w.. ~~ C~k unty urt,4 r ouyty, xes. Ju ,County ourt, rr ounty ,Texas. u, o~ ~ -o-o-o- -o TF1E STATE OF TEXAS, COLZ]TY OF K E R R .: BE IT REMEMB1~tED, That on th ie the 9th day a2' 3epte mb ar, A. D. 1946, then wns holden a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr Couffiy, Tezea, at the Court Houe there af, Sn the City of Kerrville, Texas, offices present: John S. Atkins, - - - - - - - - - County Jtd ge Henry >;ake to Sn, - - - - - - - - - Commieaioner Precinct No. 1, Hoy Nowlin, - - - - - - - - - - -Commissioner Preolnct No. 2, Wm. Sar ear - - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ Comma ea ion er Pr eo root No. 3. T. J. Moore - - - - - - - - - - - Commisaioner Preoinet No 4, A. F. Moore, Sher itf, and Jno. R. Leavall, County C1erK and the Court 4aving been regularly opened, the following procoedinga were had to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o- N0. 3380. A1;LOWpNCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOIINPS: This the 9th day of September, A. D. 1946, Dame m to be ezaml.ned by the Court, the veri oleima and aaoounta filed agai~t Kerr County and ate respective Commisaioaera' Praoinct, since the"last term of the Court, all of whSeh olaime end aocounta were approved Dy the Court for pay t moat by the County Clark la amounts end out of reapectlve funds ae shown by the Manatee of 4 aacounte allowed for Kerr County, Te zas, which are made a pert of th ie order. -o- o- o-o- No. 3381. APPROVAL OF PLAT AND FIELD NOTES OF HILL TOP ESTATES SUBDIYISI CST PLAT --. On thle 9th day of September, A. D. 1946, oar on Lo be heard end Don aiderad the eppllaat- ion aye George H. Miere end wife Mary Miara of Kerr Cmnty, Tezne, for the approval oP a plat e Hold notes of Rill Top Este tea aubdivleion, situated in the Y1olnity of Kerrville, Kerr County Texas, and being a part ct or ig Snal Slavey No. 121 Sn the name a1 J. C. Sheffield, the field notes of which era ea Still own: BEGINNING at a point in the N. W. lino at said Survey No. 121 a its iat eraeotion with the N. E. rigDt oP way llae of the Kerrville-Methodist Enoempmmt Road: THENCE, with ea ]d survey lira N. 45' E. 861 feet to a fame oorne r; THENCE, with fence line, S. 44° 20' E. 1163.1 feel Lo a fence ao rner for the seat oorner of this tract; 1HENCE, S. 45' S0' .843 feet to a point in the N. E. rift of way line of the Ser rviile-Meth odiat EnoempaenL Road; THEN B, with eaifl reed rf.ght of way line, N. 45° N. 1155 Peet to the plane of beginning. Coate iniag 22.65 ac roe, which Bald eubdivlaion is to ba ]mown ea Hill Top Estate a, sad after Don ai daring the same, it app sera Lo the Court that said sub division ana Court. WITNESS our hands this 9th day cG September, A. D. 1946.