l.C ~ Sue Saw thorn, County Home Demonstration Agent of Barr County, covering her eerviaee during the month of August, 1946, which rep ort hev ing been eat Sefaotory, be end Se hereby accepted by the ~ Coart end ardor ed f lied Dy the County Clerk for fut ire reference. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- 4 No, E388. APPRO4AL OF MONTfL Y REPORT OF COUNTY AGENT. Thin the 9th day of September, A. D. 1946, came on to be ezamined by the Court the month q report of W. 8. Gardner, County Agent, for the month of Augu et , 1946, which report be and Se hereby accepted by the Court and ordered filed by the Courty Clerk for future re f~renoe. i -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- NO. 3389. RL'LZNQUI:iHI~IT by KERR COUNTY OF FLttTHGR PARTICIPATION IN XERRVILLE MUNICIPAL AIRPOR On this the 9th day aP Septa mbar, 1946, came on to be considered by the Court the matter of the Pinel dispos Stion of and Fixing of the management end control of The Kerrville !dunic ipal hit port, insoPer as Kerr County has any connection therewith, y .,rd it appearing to the Court that there wsa an agreement between Kerr County end the City (oP Kerrville whereby there was an election to ba held on April 5th, 1941 in Kerr County as a iwhole, and Sn the City oY Ker rvilie Por the purpose of Guth orizing the issuance of X40 ,000.00 in bonds, for the purpose of puroha sing a site Por an air part, $20,000.00 in bon de to be ie sued by Kerr Coutrty and X20,000.00 in bonds by the City of Kerry ill e, and that said Kerr County and the City of Kerrville were to act ,~o fatly in the acquia ition of said site for said airport and ~ were to also to act loin tly in securing an appr opr iatim from Tne Civil Aar oneut ice Authority for the construction oP said airport,ytvith the Further agreement that when said site had been acquired and all construction had been wmpleted by the Civil Aer one uti os Authority, then and in that event Rerr County was to relinqu fah to the City of Ke rrvill e, the complete management ~ end cCntrol of said airport and that the City of Kerrville was to assume the full reaponsibilit f inencial and otherwise Por the proper management, upkeep and control of said airport without any recourse or demand of any nature whatsoever against Bert County Yor the ~mnagement, upkeep and emtrol of said airport, And it further a1Pearing to the Court that all of said construction, including the llght- iog of the runways, has long since been completed by the Civil Ac-ronautics Authority and that the City of Kerrville ttas had end assucaed the full management end control of said airport since its completim without any formal relinquishment of authority Prom Kerr Courrt y, .+nd it fLr that opr ear ing to the Court that it would be materially adven tageous to Kerr County and its' citizenship es a whole for Kerr County to be relieved of any and all further responsibility in connection with the operation, upkeep or management of said eirpor t, iYHEREUPON, by motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adop et ad, it is ordered that Kerr) County rel inq uiah to the City of IGerrville any and ell right to participation in the oper ation,'. upkeep and control of sold Rer rville Munioi•pal dlrport~, with the uffiere tend ing Lhat the City ~. oY Kerrville Mall hereafter forever be responsible for any and all ezpe nse incurred in the oper ation, upkeep, menegemmt end control oP asid airport, without recourse or demand against Kerr Couirty for the payment of any part of any eape ns ea irc urr ed in or incidental to the opera Lion upka ep, management or control o£ said airport. :.,~. , -o-oro -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3390. TEMPORARILY EiAi'LOYI~:NT OF SANITARIAN i ~ On this the 9th day of September, 1946, Dane o^ to be considered by the Court the matter of tbs continuetlon of the work of J. R. Gaines, Sanitarian in Kerr County, And it appearing to the Court that since the agreement between Bert County and the various Cam ps operating in Rerr County Por the employment of J. R. Gaines, Sanitarian, Dsd expired arts