~~~ a fee of p48.00, and it appearin€ to the Court that said report is true and correct, same be atgd is hereby approved, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and di ratted to pay said fee of .~16.OG out of the road ~ Bridge Fund and :{32.OC out of the General Fund oP Herr County, to the said Benrrett. -o-o-o-o-o-o- Ivo. 3408. APP4tOVAL OF zUAtcl RLY R]~OR^1 OF COUNTY CLERK. This the 12th day of .;overrrber,n.D., 1946, came on to be examined by the Court the .xuarterly report of Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk of Kerr County, covering fines imposed, judgments rendered and jury fees collected in the County Court of Kerr County for ~~,uarter ending October 31st, A• D. 1946, which report shrnvs the collection and dey~osit with the County Treasurer of .~498.OG' and which report appearing correct be and is hereby approved. -o-o-o-o-o- Sao. 3409. AYI-ROV,~L OF wUART~RLY REPORT OF DISTRICT CLERIC. This the 12th day oP November, A. D., 1946, came on to be examine3 by the Court the ~,uarterly report of George jf. Doyle, District Clerk of Kerr County, covering fines imposed, judgments rendered and jury fees collected in the County Court of -err ;;ounty for ^uarter ending October 31st, A. D. 1946, which report shows the collection and deposit with the County Treasurer of78.68 and which report appearing correct be and is hereby approved, P]o. 3410. :aPpHOVAL OF QUARTERLY k;;YORT OF COUNTY 'PRUASURER FOi3 ^UaRT~R EIJDING OCTOBER 31~T. This the 12th day of Tovember, ti. D., 1946, came on to be examined and audited by the Court the quarterly report of :. Gold, County Treasurer, covering the receipts aryl disburse- =Dents of Kerr County for quarter ending October 31st, 1946, and it appearing to the Court after careful and thorough examination and inspection of said report together with the cancelled warrants, checks, bonds and coupons accompanying same, that said report is true and correct, in every respect, and same be and is hereby approved in open Court, all as is shown by the Cert- ificate of ~spproval signed by the Court and attached thereto, and the County Clerk shall record said report in the loose-leaf record in his office and file such cancelled warrants, checks, bonds and coupons in his office for safe-keeping and future reference. -o-o-o-o -o -o- No. 3411. TABULAR STATEir1SI~TT OF IidDLBTli',Didl'::i5, EXI'E:~ITUttES Łt R3CEIFTS OF KERR COUNTY. This the 12th day of 2ovember, A. D. 1946, came on to be examined by the Court the quarterly tabular statement of ~Tno. R. Leavell, County C1erY, of Kerr County, covering the indebtedness expenditures and receipts of Kerr County for quarter ending October 31st, 1946, which report or statement appearing correct, be and is hereby approved by the Court. -o-o-o -o -o- iio. 3412. .iPPROVAL OF FLAT, FIELD NOTES ANr) DEDICATION PIERSON ADDITION TO INGRaPJi STATE OP' TEARS . COUNTX OF KERR On this the 12th day of November, A. D. 1946, came on to be heard and con- sidered the application of F, %. Thomas and hogers iierson of Kerrville, aerr Oounty, Texas, for the approval of a plat, field notes and dedication of an addition to the tovn of Ingram, sit- uated in Kerr County, Texas, and being a part of Survey No. 129, F. Trevino, baanded as followst TR~,CT Sao. 1 - Containing 3 blocks number ed 1, 6 and 7 as sho+Mi on the accompanying nlat and being bounded as follows: B:.GIN:'ING at a nail in concrete in the S. '.J, right of way line of Texas State highway No. 27 set 230.6 ft. north and 697.5 ft. ;J. of the SE corner of Sec. "a" .~iosel's Second addition to the town of Ingram, this corner being in the E. line of Sur. No. 129, F. Trevino at its intersection with the N. right of way line of Texas State Highway No. 27 and _ , ., . ~ ~~ _ r ., ,.., _ .. . _ - -- - -- --------