of way-; ]j,ihe of Tease 3t ate Highway No• 27 for a oorner; THENCE S. 33° 40' E, 50 ft. to the. place of beginning. l 6 EXTENSION OF A ROA INlpY FROM 9EC. "A NOBEL'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF INCRAY, SERR COIINTY --. TEXAS: BEGINNING at the N. W. oor rer of Sea. "A^ Yoe el'a Second Addition to the Wwn of Ingram, same being the S. aoraer of Block No. 3 of this addition; THENCE N. 30' 46' W. 135 ft. to the a, oorner of said Bloak No. 3; Ti~NCE S. 49' 22' E. 36.4 ft. to a stake for oorner; THENCE S. 30' 46' W. 128.5 ft. to set eke in the N. line of said Yoeel's Seoon d Addition; THENCE N. 61° 27` W, to the place of beginning. Which said addition is to be ffiown ea Pierson Addition, and after Dona ider ing the same, it appears to Lha Court that said addition, dedicat- ion and the field notes thereof meet the raga irementa of the law. IT IS, Therefore, Ordered, dd~udged m d Deoreed by the Court that said addition known as PIERSON ADDITION HE admitted to reoor d, and the County Clerk of Kerr Countq, Taza a, le here by directed to reoord the same in the Daed Reoorda of Eerr County, Tessa. It is fur Lhar ordered that this order be spread upon the miautea of the Commie stoner e' Court of Kerr Countq, Teaas. / ~ ~~~ -o-o-o-oro-o- ( 3 STdTE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL ;~N BY THESE PRESENTS lll...~~~ COUNTY OF KERR That We, James Hartshorn and wife, Lassie Rlta Hartshorn, of Kerr County, Tezes, sub feet to the coed iti one hereinafter net out, hereby dealgnat e, eetablieh cad dedioate a certain tract of land, decor lb ed in the attached field not ea, cad to be ka own sa Hartshorn Country Sites, Kerr County, Teaas, oontain ing nSnete en sit ea, fully deaoribed in the plat wh io w' 18 at taohad bare to and made a pert hereof. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERR PLAT OF HARTSHORN COUNTRY SITES Subdlvia#on, being a pert of original Survey No. 1350 in the Hama of B. Chia holm, sit ue tad in Kerr County, Teae a, Z, W. G. Edwar da, a duly registered sag ins ar in the State of Tessa, do hereby Der tify that the plat of Hartshorn Country Sites subdivision hereto attached, showing all linen, roeda and lots, with courses and distances and other data thereon, Don alit utea a true and oor ~~ ct repro aentatlon of said aub- dSvlsion as laid out and our veyed on the ground, that the rield not ea of the boundary lines of said aubdiv is lon are as follows: .-. All of that certain treat or parcel of lend lying and being situated in Kerr County, Teass, out of original Survey No, 1350 in the name of B° Chisholm. BEGINNING at the southeast oorner of said Survey No. 1350; TBBNCE with south line of said our vay S, 75' W. 1964.5 feet to Sta inter eeo ti on with the east right of we~y line of the Harper Road; THENCE with said road right of way lire, the following Dour ass sad di ate noes: N. 60' 15' W. 241 feet; N. 48° 15' W. 38 feet; N. 32' W. 41 feet; N. 19' 45` W. 62 feet; N. 9' 45' W, 74 feet; N. 3' W. 36 feet; N. 4° 45' E. 112 feet; N. 8° 15' E. 198 feet; N° H' 30' W° 42.3 feet; N. 16° 30• W° 170.6 Seet to a fence oorner for the N. W. oor rer of this tract; TFIF,PI with fence line, N. 60' E. 2165 feet to a point in the east llne of Survey No. 1350; THENCE with said our vay line, S, 15° E. 1536 feet Lo tho plane 02 beginning, Containing 60.09 acres. WITNESS my hen d, th ie loth day of September, A. D. 1946. /e/ 'iY. G. Edwerda Re81s6ered Erin aer in Tezea (SEAL) It is eapreasly understood end agreed that the title Lo Lha streets and avenues as shown on the above a~t~ored plat are not dad ioeted to the County as county roads, but title to said streets and avenue sahell rem+in in the sa ld Tames H. Fiarta horn and wife, Lesaie Rite Ha rtah orn, and ell future purchasers of tote in ee id addition. That I, A, p. Alliem , Attorney at Law, Ker rv111e, Tezea, do haroby car tify that I bav /~ ~ ezamined the abetraot of. title to lire property in the above aentionad field notes, ehd that ! in my opinion dames H. Hartshorn end wife, Lesaie Rita Hartshorn, have indefeasible title to r- the above mentioned traot of lend. A. P. Allison We, the and are lg ned James H. Hartshorn and wife, Lassie Rite Hartshorn, are the owners i fee dimple of the above mentioned Lraot of land, end we do hereby adopt the foregoing plat an field noted es the Hartshorn Country Sites, Kerr County, Texan. ',VTTNFSS our hands this the 17 day of September, A. D. 1946. Tames H. Hartshorn Lassie Rita Hartshorn STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KERB BEFORE ME, the um eraignad authority, a Notary Publ is in and for said County, Texas, on this day personally appeared James H. Hartshorn end Lesaie Rita Hartshorn, wife of the said James H. Hartshorn, kaaan to me to De the per eons whose names are eubsaribed to the Por ego lqg inatr umeat sal soknowladgad to ma that they exeouted the same for the purpose, affi Dori eideietlon therein expre seed, sal the said Lesaie Rita Hartah ern, wife of Jemea H. Bar t~ sh a~n, having been examined by me privily and apart from her huabeffi, and having the same full; eaple fined to her, eha, the aeid Lesaie Rita Harteh ern, aokn wledgad auoh instrument to be her set end deed end deolared that she had w5111ng1y signed the same for the purposes and ooneider~ alien trier sin expressed, and that she did not wish to natr~at it. GIVEN uffier my hand and seal of office, this the 17 day of September, A. D. 1948. (,~'AL) Flo Anderson Notary Publio, Kerr County, Te xea No. 3413 APPROFAL OF APPLICATION, PLAT,AND DEDICATION OF HARTSHORN COUNTRY SITES. STATE OF TEXAS IN THE CW®[ISSIDNER!9 COURT OF SGRR COUNTY, TEXAS COUNTY OF KKRR ;?$TT&llBER 1946, T$lY On this the 12 day of November, 1948, Dame on to be oonsidared the appliastion of James H. Hartshorn and wi29, Ieeaie Rite Harrah ern, of Xerrv ill e, Karr County, Tezas, for the approv of a plat, field notes and dedioation of an Addition to be known ae Hartshorn Country Sited, 1 the via inity of Kerrville, Tezas, and boated in Survey No. 1350, B. Chi aholm, fielfl notes of which said Hartshorn Couffiry Sited is Sully described in the plat end field notes fully net forth 1n the applio ati on filed herein on November 12th, 1946, to which n9 femme is here made, said addition is to be known ae the Harteh ern Cour try Sited affi Jam as H. Hertehora ae Ibvel ope And it appearing to the oourt that said addlt ion and dedioation end field notes meet all the requirements required by law; IT IS 4'fiEREFQiE ORT~]tD, ADJUDGED AND DECREED By the Court that eeifl sub-division known e Hartshorn Country 51tes be admitted to record is the l6ap and Flat Records of the County Clerk of Kerr County, Tease, sal that the acme la order ad and directed to De re corded in said Map sal Plat Reoor da of Karr County, Tezas. IL Se further ordered that this order be apr~ad upon the Min ales of the Commieelonera' Court of Kerr Couffiyr Tezas. _o-0-a-a_a-p _o - No. 3414. CANVAS OF GENERAL ELECTION RET@!NS HELD NOVBNBER 5TH, 1946. This the 12th day of November, A. D. 1946, Dame on to be opened and tabulated the returns of the General Eleotion held thr oughaut Kerr County on November 5th, 1946, end said returns were duly opened and Lablulated'by the Court es shown on pages 70 to 77, inclusive, of YOlume 3 of the Record of K1ecL ion Returae of Kerr County, Tezas, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-