/ nl No. 3419. ALLOYP.WCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. This the 9th fifty oP Daoember, A. D. 1946, came a~ to be examined by the Court, the variou ~ alsins end aoeo~nts Piled against Kerr County, and its respective Commissioners' pracinota since the lest term of the Court, ell oP wh Sch cla ima end accounts were epprowed by the Court for payment by the County Clerk in amounts aul out of respective funds ea ah avn by the minutes oP acoouata allowed for Kerr County, Texan, which are made a part of this order. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Ito. 3420. rIXING AMOUNT OF BONDS FUR COUNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICERS This the 9th day of December, A. D. 1946, oame on to be oonsider ed by the Court the fin- ing of the amount of bond to be given by the respectfve County effi I3~eeinct Officers for their 1947-1948 term of aP Piee, end it appearing to the Court the amount of bond furnished bq each oP said of fic era for the 1945-1946 term of oP Tice, fast ending is au Pfici ant Yor the coming term of office, it is therefore ordered end adjudged by Lhe Court that the amount of bond Por the respect ive oounty and precinct of facers for 1947-1948 term oP of Piee be and is hereby net and fined in effi at the some amount ea the amount of their bond Por the term of office ,I ust en ing and all oP the county and pr eoinct off is ere elected at the last November election be and are hereby direated to quel ify on Sanuery 1st, 1947, by tekitg the prescribed oath or oaths of of Pice and making bond re sFe atively in the amount sa fixed by the Court herein. -o`o-o'o- No. 3421. xPPROVAL OF L10NTHLY REPORT CF TAX COLLECTOR AND ASSESSOR This the 9th day of De camber, A. D. 1946, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly ezpsnae report aP E. H. Nich ols, Tax Assessor and Collector Por the month of November, 1946, showing en ac tuel and ~ceesarq expense of X18.35 incurred by him in the Goad not aP his office during said month of November, 1946, and it appearing to the Court that said report be and is hereby approved by tbs Court for aeid month. -o-o- o-o- o- No. 3422. .APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK. This the 9th day of Deoember, A. D., 1946, came on to be exaoinad by the Court the monthl expense report oP Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk for the month oP Novamb er, A. A. 1946, showing ea actu 9l and necee eery expense of ;p477.25 incur nod by him in the doffiuot of hie office during said month oT November, 1946, and it apr Baring to tho Court that aeid County Clerk is entitled to the ezpendit ur es of ell the llama thereih lfsted, said report be an3 Sa hereby approved for its full amount by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3423. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF JUSTICE OF TiIL PEACE, PRECINCT N0. 1 This the 9th fifty of Decemb ar, A. D. 1946, name on to be eaemined by the Court the monthly report of Bob Bennett, Justice of the Peaoe of Yren anal No. 1, of Yerr County, Texas, Por the ' month of November, 1946, of Criminal Cases filed, Pines, judgment aai fury Pees collected, showing Lhe sum of 4`172.25 collected end deposited with the County Treasurer, entitling him to a See of X75.00, end St appearing to the Court that sa ld report is true end correct, same be end is hereby approved, and the County Clerk 18 hereby au thor axed end directed to pay said fee of $75.00, to-wit: 27.50 payab la out of A & B Fuhd and 47.50 payable out of General Fund -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3424. APPROVAL OF PLAT,FIELD NOTES, DEDICATION OF *RIVERDIDE PARK^ ADDITION TAE STATE OF TEXAS - ~ TH6.-0OIINfY OF KERB Oh this, the 9 day of December, 1946, oeoe on to be heard the application oP THE LEONARD H. BROWN OOMYANY, a Te»•s corporation, oP Kerrville, Kerr Co untq, Teaas, for the Texa a, and being described as Pollowa: All that certain tract or Parcel oP land, lying and being slt anted 1n $err County, Te ae , about 9 miles .~e st of $er rvi lla, its cou sty site, consisting oP 142.7 eor e9 of land in Survey ~~~^ No. 678, '.+. S. Fesaenden and 37.4 acres oP lend in Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, and more gert- is ular ly described by metes ani hounds as follows: BEGINNING at the moat easterly north corner of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg; THENCE N. 897 feet to a st elm in the east line of Survey No. 678, 'N. S. Fessenden; THLT*CE N. 16 deg. 23' W. 246 feat to a fence cor ~r for the N. E. corner of this tract; TH)SICE 5. 89 deg. 12' 'N. 837.5 Peet, N. 89 deg. 20 ' W. 374 Peet and W. 1432 feet to a fence corner Por the NW corner oP this tract; THP:NCE S. 1279 feet to a Pence corner and a one half inoh iron pipe set Por the NW cor- ner of the Hardin Tract, out oP Survey No. 6'r8, W. S. Feaseade n; THENCE N. 83 deg. 32' E. 373. feet Lo a fence corner and half inoh iron pipe set for the NE no mar aP the Her din trao t, out oP Survey No. ti78, "r7. S. Fessenden; THENCE S. 0 deg. 26` E. 389 feet to a fence corner Por the N. corner of the Yar bough tract, out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Fesaenden; TTiENCE 5. 66 deg. 27' E. 636 Peet to a Pence corner for the E. oorner of said Yar bough tract; THFSI CE S. 0 deg. 09' E 183 feet Lo an iron pipe set for the N. ern er oP the E. Johnson tract, out of Survey No. 678, d. S. Fessenden; THENCE S. 66 deg. 12' +J. 209 Peet to an it m stake Por the E. corner oP said Johnson tre ot; THNIv CE 5. 0 deg. 03' E. 232.5 feet to an iron stake in fence line set for the S. corner of said Johnson tract; THENCE with Pence line along the SW line of said E. Johnson and Yerbough tracts N. 66 deg. 32' Y7. 838 feet Lo a fanoe oornex in the E. line of the afore- mentloved Hardin tract; THENCE S. 440 Peet toe Pence corner sei; Por the N, corner of the L. T. Ingram tract, 3urvay Nu. 678, iY. 5. Fessenden; THENCE S. fi4 deg. 55' E. 266.7 feet to a fence oorner for the N. E. corner oP said L. T. Ingram Tract; TiiFNCE S. 3 deg. 36' E. 583 feet to a stake and Pence comer on the bank of the Guadalupe River, for the S. 7J. corner of this tract; TEiP:N CE S. 70 Jag. 24' L. 293.3 Peet to a three-prong pecan tree Por the SW corner of th Lillian Council tract in Survey No• 1353, J. Gregg; THEIwCE N. lfi deg. 0• E. 262 Peet to a Yence corner for the NW oorner of the said Lillian Couhc it tract; THENCE S. 74 deg. 0' E. 355.5 Peet toe fence corner set for the NE oorner of said Lillian Council tract; THPN CE S. i6 deg. 0' W. 262 Yeet to a st elm set Por the S.E. oorner of said Lillian Council trec t; THENCE N. 74 deg. 0' W. 50.5 feet to a stalm on the N. bank of the Guadal Qpe River set for a NW oorner of a Park Site; THENCE down said river with its meanders es Po llow a: S. 18 deg. 35' W. 266 Yaet, S. 52 deg. 40' E. 125 feet, S. 66 deg. 44' E. 139 Peet, S. 53 deg. 44' E. 186 feet, S. 34 deg. 50' E. 136 Peet, S. 55 deg. 4ti' E. 99 feet, S. 64 deg. 30' E. 185 feet, N. 41 deg. 42' E. 291 Peet, N. 75 deg. 48' E. 426.5 feet and N. 71 deg. 48' E. 295 feet to a stake set Por the SE corner of this tract; THLTICE N. 24 Jag. 50' W. 505 feet to s stake in the N. Tight of way line of the Teaas Stets Highway No. 39; THEN(£ N. 77 deg. 25' E. 141 Yaet to an iron stake Por corner; THENCE N. 9 deg. 21' W. 743.8 feet to en iron stake in the S. line of the Th omen Ylooten tract in bur vey No. 678, "ri. S. P'e sse rden set for a NE corner of this tract; THENCE with the South line of said Thomas lYoo ten end Perry Fa ices tracts S. 7G deg. 13' W. 511 feet to a fence corner; iTHENCE N. 81 deg. 07' P7. 210 feet to a Pence corner, set for the 9W ca'ner oP the Perry Fai res Lrflct; THENCE N. 4 deg. 18' i:. 324.2 Peet to an iron stake set fur the NW coruer of said Perry ~F'9 irea tract; T.~NCE N. >~ deg. 22' E. 602.8 Peet to a fence corner fir the t1W co rear oY the Thos Wooten tract; THENCE S. S9 deg. 42' 1s. 3ll feet to a fence corner set for the NE corner of the Thomas ~roo ten tract; THENCE N. 21 deg. 49' d, et 20 feet the 3W co mar oP the Char lea Wooten tract and at 505 feet a fence oorner and a one half in oh iron pipe set for the N.W. oor- ~~ ner of the C. Wooten tract; THh3J CE N. 76 deg. 27' E. 363 feet to a stake set for the N.E. cor- ner of said C. Wooten tract, in the E. line of said Survey No. 1353; J. Gregg; THENCE N. 22 de 40' W. 608 feet to the lace of be Th s t ct on 0. or o aw ~~ ever 1.9 sores now ooonpied by the Teaas State Highway No. 39. ^ THIS SUBDIVISION CONSISTING OF a8 BUILDING SITES OY. TRACTS, EACH BOUNDED AS FOLLOWS: TRACT N0. 1 BEGINNING et the moat easterly north cor nsr oP Survey No. 1353, 7. Gregg; THENCE S. 22 deg. 40' E. 608 feet to a stake set Por the v. E. corner of this tract ;THENCE S. 76 deg. 27• W. 363 feet Loa fence corner and one ha1P in oh iron pipe for the S.W. oormr of'thia tract; THENCE N. 19 deg. 42' E. 687 feat to a stake tar the N.W. oorner of this treat; TAEIdCE E. 350 feet to the pleoe oP beginning. This traot oon teining 3.4 Bores of lend, out of Surve; No. 678, W. S. Fessa cd an end 1.7 acres of lend out of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg; Pore total of 5.1 acres oP land. TRACT No. 2 BEGINNING at the moat easterly north corner of Survey No. 1353, J. Cregg; Ti-IENCE N. 495 feat toe stake in the E. line of said Survey No. 678, W. S. Fesaend en, set Por the NE corner of this tract; THENCE W. 350 feet toe sta ks set Por the N.W. oorner of this tract; THENCE S. 495 feet to a stake set for the S.W, comer of this tract; THII~I CE E. 350 feet to the place of beginning.. This tract con to fining 3.98 acres oP land out oP Survey No. 678, ~w. S. Feaseaien. TRACT N0. 3 BEGINNING at a stake in the E. line of Survey No. 678, 'N. S. Fessenden sat N. 49; Peet from the most easterly North oorner oP Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg; THINC& N. 402 feet to , stake and N. 16 deg. Zi' W. 246 feet to a PBIICe oorner Por the N. E. corner of this tract; TdETICE with fence line S. 89 deg. 12' W. 837.5 feet to a stake for Lhe N. W. corner of this tract; Td]~ICE S. 192 feet, S. 15 deg. 03' E. 289.4 feet and S. 35 deg. 47' E. 117.5 feet to a stake in aor th line of roadway set for the S. W. oorner of tnis tract; THE Au'E with said roe line N. 68 deg. 05' E. 92.5 Peet, N. 84 deg. 05' E. l0E feet and S. 61 deg. 45' E. 261.7 teat to s stake set for the N. N. corner of Tract No. 2; THENCE E. 350 feet to the plena of begia- ning. This treat aonte fining 11.51 acres of land, out at Survey No. 678, W. S. Fessenden. TRACT N0. 4 BEGINNING at a stelae in the west line of a road-way set 380 feet west of the mo easterly north oorner of Survey No. 1353, d. Gregg; THPN CE N. 4B0 seat to a et eke for oorner; THENCE N. 61 deg. 45' W. 227 feet and S. 84 deg. 05' W. 92 Peet and S. 67 deg. 0` W. 83 feet to a stake in the south line of roadway near a culvert for corner; THENCE down a drew S. 35 deg. 47' E. 59 feet, S. 12 deg. 02' E. 225 feet and S. 12 deg. 10' W. 284 feet to a stake for the S. FJ. caner of this tract; THENCE E. 346 Peat Lo the place of beginning. This tract containing 4.08 enres oY land out of Survey No. 678, 'N.S.Fes seal en. TRACT N0. 5 BEGINNING at a stake in the west line of a roadway sat 373.5 Peet east and 19 feat South of the most easterly north oorner of Survey No. 135 3, J. Cr egg; THENCE W. 285 seat to fl stab in the E. line oP a well site section; THFN CE S. 22 deg. 34' E. 20 feet to the S.E. corner of said well site section; THENCE W. 60 feet to a stake for the S. '~Y. corner of said wall site section; THEN CE S. 22 deg. 34' E. 171 Peet and S. 31 deg. 32' E. 340 Peet to a stake set for the S. }y, corner oP this traot; Ti-tENCE N. 70 deg. 51' E. 242.5 feet to a stake in the west line of a roadw e9 set Por the S. E. oorner of this tract; THENCE N. 19 deg. 09' W. 410 feet to the place of beginning. This tract containing 3.08 acres of land, out of Survey No. 678, .J. 9. Fessenden. TRACT N0. 8. BEGINNING at a at aka Sn the west 2IIDe of s roadway set S. 406 -feat and 5. 239 feet from the moat easterly north corner of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg; THENCE S. 70 deg. 51' 'W. 242.5 feat to a eta ke set Por the N. W, oorner oY thistraat; THENCE S. 31 deq. 32' E. 204 '' feet, 5. 40 deg. 49' E. 398 feet end s. 46 deg. 36' E. 140.5 fa et to a etaim in the West li,pe ~ ~~ oP a roadway; Tfra'NCE with the west line of said roadway N, 11 flag. 45' E. 124 feet, N. 21 deg. 40' W. 259 feet and N. 19 deg. 09' 'W. 265 feet to the place oP beginning. This tract costa Sni g ~,. 2.16 acres of ]end out of Survey No. 678, W. S- Fessaadan. -o-O-O-O- TRdCT N0, 7 BEGINNING at a stake Sn the iht er aeotion of two roadway lines set S. 1062 feat and ,d. 22 feet from the most easterly north corner of Survey No. 1353, S. Gregg. This stake be kig the S. E. corner of this traot; THEN CG S. 85 deg. 40' W. 482.5 feet with the North line of said roadway to a stake for corner; THENCE N. 22 deg. 04' W. 468.7 feet to fl stake set for the N. YY. corner of this tract; THENCE N. 88 deg. 56` E. 319 feet to a stake in bed of creak set for the IY. E. corner of Lhis tract; THINCE down said oreek S. 40 deg. 49' $. 348 feet and S. 46 deg. 36' E. 140.5 Peet to a at eke in the west lime of roadweq for c or m r; THENCE S. 11 deg. 45' E. 46 feet to the plaoe of beginning. This tract containing 4.05 acres of land out of Survey No, 678, W. S. Fa ass rdea. TReCT N0. © BEGINNING at a stake in the N. lies of a roadway set S. 1098 Peet and 'N. 504 Peel Prom the moat easterly north corm r of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, for the S. E, corner of this tract; THENCE N. 22 deg. 04' W. 248.7 Peet to a stn ka for the N. E. corner of this tr sot; Ti~NCE S. 88 deg. 11' W. 290 Peet to a stake in the E. line oP a roadway set for the N. W. corner of this tract, 71.5 Peet; THENCE with the ],1ne oP said rca dway S. 6 deg. 07' E. and S. 10 deg. 19' E. 181 Peet to an iron bolt set for the S. W, oorner of th ie tract; 'II3EN CE N. 85 deg. aJ' E. 344.5 feet to the pla oe of beginning. Th Se tract con to in ing 1.78 acres of lend ou oP Survey No. ti78, Yl. 5. Fe sse [uien. TNxCT N0. 9 BEGINNING eta stake in the east lim of a roadway set S. 877 Peet and +f. 887 fee ~~, Prom the easterly north cor mr oP Survey No. 1353, T. Gregg, for the S. W. corner of this tree THENCE N. 6 deg. 17' 'W. 210 feet with the line of roadway to a stake set for the N.W, corner o Lhis tract; TtffEN CE N. 88 deg. 56' E. 230 feet to a stake for the N.E. nor ner of this t reel; Txffi NCE S. 22 deg. 04' E. 220 feet to a step for the S.E. corner of this tract; T'r4;NCE S. 86 I ~I, deg. 11' W. 290 feet to the place of beginsing, This tract oon to ]Wing 1.24 sores oP land, out ..-.. i of Survey No. 678, 'vY. S. Fessenden. TRdCT N0. 10 BEGINNING at a stake in the east idea of roadway set S. 210 feet and W. 1033 ie~ from the moat easterly north oor ner oP Survey No. 1353, T. Gregg, for the N. W. eor ner of this tract. 'FHEIY CE N: 87 deg. 41' E. 388.7 feet to a stake in bed of creak; THENCE down said creek 3. 31 deg. 32' E. 544 feet to a stake for the S. E. oorner oP this tract; THENCE S. 88 deg. 56 W. 549 feat to a step in the east line ~ roadway for the S. 'N. eo rn~ of this tract; THENCE with the east line oP said ro sdway N. 6 deg. 17' Yl. 132 feet, N. ].3 deg. 44' W. 220 feet and N. 27 deg. 20' W. 126 feet to the piece of beginning. This tree t~ con to ining 4.84 acres of land out oP Survey No. 678, YY. S. Fes seffi en. TR.~CT 1;0. 11. BECINNING at a stake in the east line of a roadway set S. 210 Peet and sY. 1033 feet from the most easterly north corner of Survey No. 1353, T. Gregg, for the S. ',Y. oorn er of this tract; THENCE with the east line aP said roadway N. 36 deg. 43' ~W. 227.4 feet, N. 22 deg. 0' E. 40 Ebel, N. 31 deg. 04' E. 512.5 Peet and N. 55 deg. 30' E. 173 feet, to a eta ke near Culvert for the N. corner of this tract; THEN C6 dawn creek S. 35 deg. 47' E. 59 Peet, S. 12 deg. 02' E. 225 Peet, S. 12 deg. 10' W. 284 Peet sad S. 22 deg. 34' E. 211 feet to a stake for the S. E. oor War of this tract; THENCE S. 87 deg. 41' 'd. 388.7 feet to the place of begins ing. This tract non to inina 5.65 acres of land out of Survey No. 878, W. S. Fa sseaden. ' ~ ~~ TRACT N0. 12 BEGINNING at fl staiGS in fenceline sat N. 1121.5 feet and W. 907,5 feet from th moat easterly north corner oP 3urvay No. 1353, T. Gregg, far the N. E. corner of thls Erect; ^~ TfIENCE S. 192 feet, S. 15 deg. 03' E. 269.4 feet and. S. 35 deg. 47' E. 117.5 feet to a stake in north line of roe dway Pox corner, THENCE with the N. Yd. line of said roadway 5. 55 deg. 30' W. 180 feet, 5. 31 deg. 04' W. 398 feet and S. 55 dog. 41' W. 190.5 Peet to a stake set Sor Lh S. co mar oP thin tract; THENCE N. 1102 feet to a stn ka in Pence line set for the N. W. corner of this tract; THENCE S. 89 deg. 20' E. 374 Peet to the place of begins Sng. Thin tract con tat .. ing 9.0 acres of land out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Pease nden. TRACT N0. 13 BEGINNING at a st eke in fence line set N. 1125.5 Peet end W. 2031.5 feet Prom the moat easterly north corner of Survey No. 1353, T. Gregg, for the N. Yd. corner of this tr THENCE E. 750 feet to a stake for the N. E, corner of this tract; T3NN CE S. 1102 feat to a s for the S. E. corner of this tract; THENCE S. 84 deg. 0' W. 754 feet to a ate ke far the S.W. corner of this tract; THEME N. 1172 feet Lo the place of beginning. Thin tract coot ei Wing 19.57 sores of la rH out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Fessenden. 1StACT N0. 14 BEGINNING at a ate ke in fence line set N. 1125.5 feet and W. 2031.5 ieet from the moat easterly north corner oP Slarvey No. 1353, T. Gregg, for the N. E. corner of this tra TdENCE S. 1202 feet to a stake in fence line Por corner; T14ENCE S. 84 deg. 0' W. with fence line 70 feet to a stake for corner; THENCE S. 0 deg. 26' E. 275 feet to a stake set for the S. E, corner of this tract; TSID¢CE 5. 83 deg. 32' W. 243 feet toe stake in fence line for a J. Vd. aorner oP this tract; THINCE N. 0 deg. 26' W. '1,75 feet to a fence eo rn er end one half inch iron pipe set for the N. E. corner of the Her dirt Erect, Survey No. 678, W. S. Fessenden; THENCE S. 83 deg. 32' E. 373.6 feet to a fenoa co m erg end a one Half inch iron pipe set for the N. tiJ. corner of said Her din tract; THENCE N. 1279 fa et to a fence corm for the N. W. oc Her of this tract; THENCE E. 682 fast to the place of bag inning. This tract containing E0.95 sores of land oat of Survey No. 678, W. S. .Fes sands n; TRACT NO. 15 BEGINNING at a stake in th e.3. line of a roadway set S. 54 Peet and W, 1745.5 feet Prom the. moat seater ly north corner of Survey Na. 1353, J. Gregg, for the N. E. corner of this tract; THENCE S. 707 Peet to a fenaa corner for the N.E.c orner of the Yar bough tract out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Fes aenden; THPIY CE N. 66 deg. 27' W. 636 feet to a fence corner for the N. W. corner oP said Yarbrough tract; THENCE N. 0 deg. 26' W. 114 feet to s stake Por co mar; THENCE N. 83 deg. 32' E. 243 feet to a stab for corner; THENCE N. 0 dog. 26' W. 275 Peet to a stake in fence line Por co mar; THENCE with said Pen oe line N. 84 deg. 0' E. 347 feat to the pl acs of beginning. Thin tract containing 5.83 acres of land out of Survey No. 678, 'N. S. Fessenden. TRACT N0. 16 BEGINNING at a sffike in fence line in the S. line of a roadway eat 27.5 feet south and 1492 feet west of the most easterly Was th oornar of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg; T:~NCE S. B4 deg. 0' W. with the fence line 255 Peet to ataka for corner; THENCE S. 490 feet to a stak for the S. W. corner of this tract; THENCE 5. 87 deg. 50' E. 320 feat to a star for the S. E. corner of this tract; THENCE N. 7 deg. 1D' W. 533.5 fast to Lhe place of beginning. This tract containing 3.36 acres of land out of gar vey No. 678,'~i. S. Fe assn de a. TRACT N0. 17 BEGINNING at a stake in fence line in tkre S. line of a roadway set 27.5 feet soot and 1492 feet 'west of Lhe moat eeatarly north corner oP Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, for the N.W. nornar of this tract; T?iENCE S. 7 den. 20' E. 433.5 feet -o a g .atce for thn c. W. ror~ar nr tnr tract; THENCE; N. 73 deg. 32' E. 452 feet to a stake in we at line of a ran dway for the 3.E. 1 7 b oorner of this tract; THENCE with the N. E. line of said roadway N. 27 deg. 2G' W. 149 feet, I N. 38 deg. 19' '.J. 214.8 feet, N. 72 deg. 19' W. 6B.3 Peet, S. ~98 deg. 32' W. 63.7 feet cad S. 84 deg. 0' 'N. 158 feat to the pla oe of beginning. Thin tract containing 3.35 acres oP lend o oP nlu~vey No. 6'18, rV. S. Fessen de a. TRACT N0. 1B BEGINNING at a stake in the went line of a roadway net S. 575 feet end 'J. 950 feet fr aei th3 moat ee sterly north corner of survey No. 1353, J. Gregg for the S. E. corner of this tract; TV4:NCE wlth Lhe 'N. line of said roadway N. 6 deg. I9' W. 38 feet and N. 13 deg. 44 +J. 214 Peet to a stake for the. N.E. corner of this tract; T:~NCE S. 73 deg. 32' 'N. 452 feet to a stake for the N. ~J. corner of this tract; THENOE S. 7 deg. 10' E. 1 W Peet to a stab for the ~. tiJ. Dorn er of this tract; THENCE S. 87 deg. 50' E. 476.4 feet to the place oP beginning, This tract con Laining 1.85 acres oP land out of Survey No. 578, W. S. Fesae aden. TRACT N0. 19 BEGINNING at a stake is the Y€est line of a roe dway set S. 575 Peet and W. 950 Peet from the most easterly north corner of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg for the N. E. oorner of Lh is tract; Tyr:NCE N. 87 deg. 50' W, 796.4 Peet. to a et eke far the N. W. corner of this tract; THENCE S. 217 Peet to a Panne oorner Por the. N.E. corner oP the Yar bough tract out of Survey No. 678, 'oi. S. Fea se aden; THENCE S. 66 dog. 27' E. 208 feet and E. 635 feet to a stake in the 'rY. line of roadway Yor thw S.E. corner of this tract; THENCE N. 6 deg. 17` W. 272 feet to the place of beginning. This traot ooa La in Sig 5.13 cores oP land out of Survey No. 678, 'N. 5. Fessenden. - - - - - TR..CT N0. 20 BEGINNING at a eta ke Sn the W. line of a roadway set S. 846 feet and 1Y. 920 fee Prom the most easterly north cor uer of Survey No. 1353, T. Cregg, for the N. E. oorner of this tract; THENCE W. 330 feet to a stake for the N. 'N, corner oP this tract; THENCE S. 229 Peet to an it on stake Por the S. Y'J, corner oP this tract; TEiE€3CE S. 76 deg. 06' E. 390.5 Seat to a st ek in fence line in the ti'!. line of s roadway f~ the S. E. oorner of this tract; T'rIII3CE with the iV. line oP said roadway N. 9 deg. 45' +€. 219.5 feet sad N. 6 de€S. 17' N, 106.8 feet to the place of beginning. This tract con to ini ng 2.20 cores of lam out of Survey No. 678, ',Y. S. Fasseffi en. - - - - - ^ TRACT NU. 21 BEGINNING at a eta ke is the S. Line of site No. 19 eet for the N. S'J. corn ar of cite No. 20 and being S. 846 feet and VJ. 1250 Peet from the moat easterly north oorner of r Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg; THis'NCE S. 229 feet to an iron stake for corner; THENCE S. 28 deg. 30' iY. 307 Peet to a stake end fence co rns~ in the N, line of roadway; THENCE with the N. li na of said roadway &.56 deg. 44' 7l. 71.3 feet and N. 66 deg. 32' W. 108 Peet to an iron stake for ~' corner. T3r23 CE N. 0 deg. 03' E. 232.5 feet to an iron ataka Por oorner; THE DCE N. 66 deg. 12' W. 209 feet to an iron stake 1n fence line Por corner; THENCE N. 0 deg. 09 "rJ. 183 feet to a fence corner set Por the N. E, corner of the Yarbough tra of out of Survey No. 678, W. 8. Fosse ! THENCE S. 66 deg. 27' E. 208 Peet Lo a stake Por oorner; THENCE E. 305 Peet to Lhe place of beginning. Thin tract containing 3.68 ecr es of lead out oP Survey No. 678, W. 5. Fe ssenden; TRACT N0. 22 BEGINNING at a stake in a Pence line set S. ll69 :Peet sad W. 873 Peet from the ~ moat easterly north oorner of Suroey No. 1353; J. Gregg, Por the N. E. corner of this tract; ',, THENCE N. 76 deg. 06' 1Y. 390.5 Pest to an iron stab set Por the N. 'N. corner oP this tract; THkidCE S. 28 deg. 30' VJ. 307 feet to a stake and Pence oorner in the N. line of a roadway for the 5. W. corner of this tract; TFirT1CE with the N. line of said roadway S. 73 deg. 30' E. 145 feet and S. 68 deg. 45' E. 170 feet to a stake Por corner; THENC7S S. B deg. 45• W. 115 feet to the intersection oP roadway lines. THENCE with Lhe N. W. line oP roadway N. 66 deg. 0' E. 235 A ^ Peet, N. 34 deg. 30' E. 1B fQat sad N. 4 deg. 18' E. 283 feet Lo the pleas Of beginning. / f This tract oont sin lnB 3.5 ac rea of land out of Sys vey No. 678, ~N. S. Fee aendea. TRACT N0. 23. BEGINNING at a stake on the N. bank oP the Guadalupe River eat S. 512.5 Seat and W. 1163 feet from the S• E, corner oP Survey No, 1353, T. Gregg, for the 5. W. corner of this trap L; Tf~II+,,NCE N. 7 deg. 25' W. 1237.5 Peet to a stake in the South line oP the Perry Fa ar ea tract in Survey No- 678, W. 3. Fes seffien, ee T, for the N. W. corner aP this tract; THENCE N. 70 deg. l3' E. 260 feet to an iron stake for the N. E. corner oP this tract; IIiFN CE S. 9 deg. 21' E. 743.8 feet to s stake in the N. riE~t of way line oP Te xae State Highway No. 39; THENCE with said right oP way line S. 77 deg. 25' W. 141 feet to stake Por oorner; THENCE S. 24 dflB• 50' E. 505 feat Loa stake et the water edge of the Cue ds lupe River, set Por ~tbe $. E. oor mr oP this tract; THENCE up said river S. 71 deg. 48' W. 295 Yest to the Plsca oP begiani ng. This tract evnt eining a total of 7.00 acres; 1.64 acres be iag out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Fessendea and 5.36 acres being out of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, less however 0.18 eq re a, out of the latter survey, now occupied by the Tezea .State Highway No. 39, but included within these bounds. TRACT N0. 84 BEGINNING at a stake on the N. bank of the Guadalupe River set 5. 512.5 feet and YY. 1163 Peet Yrom the S. E. corner oP Survey No. 1353, J, Gregg, for the 5. E. corner oP this tract; THENCE N. 7 deg. 25' W. 1237.5 feet to a stake in the South line of the Perry Faire tract 1n Survey No. 878, W. S. Feasenden, set for the N. E. corner of this tract; THENCE S. 70 deg. 13' W. 251 feet to a fe noe corner for the N, }'Y, corner of this tract; THENCE S. 2 deg. 55' W. 13G3 Peet to a stake at the wa tar edge of the Gueda lppa R1v er set Por Lae S. W. corner of Lh1s tract; THENCE down the river with its meanders N. 41 deg. 42' E. 73 feet and N. 75 deg. 48' E. 426.5 Yeet to the place of begiaaing. This tract oont sin ing a total oP 10.06 ac rea of land; 1.13 ac rea being out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Fesaenden sad A.93 anres being out oP tae Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, less however 0.44 acres, out of the letter survey, now odcupled by the Texas Ste to Highway No. 39, but in al uded within these bounds. TRACT NO, 25 BEGINNING at a stake on the N. bank of the Gue dalu pe River set 755 Peet south and 1937 feet west of the S. E. corner of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, for the S. W, corner of this tract; Ti~NCE S. 64 deg. 30' E. 185 Peet and N. 41 deg. 42' E. 218 Peet with the be nk of Bald river to a stake for oorner; THENCE N. 2 deg. 57i' E. 1303 feet to a fence corner in the S. line of P. Fair es tract out of Survey No• 678, W. S. Feasenden; THENCE N. 81 deg. 07' W. 21~ Yee t_to a fence corn ~; THENCE S. 66 deg. 0' YY. 15 feet to a stake set for corner; THINCE S. 3 deg. 20' ~J. 491.5 feet and 5. 5 deg. 25' W. 219 Peet to a stake in the north right of way line of the Texas State Higaw ay No, 39: THENCE with said right of way line S. 87 deg. 09' W. 40.5 feet to a stake for corner; TtiHSICE S. 5 deg. 25' W. 708 Peet to the place oP beginning. This tract oontaiaing a total of 8.61 cores of land; 0.81 sores oat of Survey No. 678, W. S. Fessen and 7.8 ac rea out of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, leas hoaever 0.34 acres, out of the latter our vey, now occupied by the Teaas State Hig hw ey No. 39, but in oluded within these bounds. TRACT N0. 26 BEGINNING at a stake on tae north bank of the Guadalupe River set 587 feet south and 2097 feet west of tae S. E, oorner of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, for the 5. W. corner of r tale tract; THENCE S. 34 deg. 50' E. 136 feet and S. 55 deg. 49' E. 99 Pest with the beak oP said river to a stake for the S. E. corner of th ie tract; T=iPN CE N. 5 deg. 25' E. 1422.5 Peet to a stake in the S. line of a roedwaq set Por the N. E. nor m r of this tract; THENCE with the S. line of said ros dway S. 66 deg. 0' W, 240 feet to a ate ke in fence line for corner; THffiQCE S. 8 deg. 45' V1. 596.5 feet toe stake in the north right of way line of Teaas State Highway No. 39; THINCE S. 1 deg. 40' E. 562 feet to the place of beginning. Thin tr not oomaSaiag a p II total of 6.41 acres of land; 0.56 acres being out of Survey No. 678, W. 3. Pbesenden, and / ~ p i 5.85 acres being out of Survey No. 1353, d. Gregg, less hex event 0.29 acr ea, out of the latter ~^ survey, now oc copied by the Teaas State Highway No• 39, but inol uded within these bounds. ~, TRACT N0. 27 BEGINNING at a stake in the north right of way line of the Teaas State Highway j No. 39, set N. 20 feet and W. 2280 feet from the S. E. oorner of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg; THENCE with said north right of way line 9. 74 deg. 43' E. 140 feet to a fence oorner ice a S. E, corner oP this tract; THENCE with said fence line and the W. right of way line of a reed way N. 8 deg. 45' E. 227 feet to a stn ks Por the N. E, corner of this txec t; THENCE N. 62 deg, i 58' E. 212.4 feet to a ateke for the N. W. corner of this tract; THENCE S. B deg. 04' W, 138.3 ~~, feet to a eta ke in fence line for corner; THENCE S. 74 deg. 0' E. 48.5 Peat to a fence ao rner, net fca' Lha N. E. oor ier of the Lillian Couroil tract; THENCE S. 16 deg. 0' W. 262 feat to a stake for corner; TB~1CE 5. 74 deg. 0' E. 32.7 feet to a stabs for oorner; TH II7CE N. 12 deg. ' E, 144 feet to the place of beginning. Thin tract containing 1.08 acres of land out of Surv No. 1353, J, Gregg, lass however 0.03 acres now odo ugied ~by the Teaas State Highway No. 39, vdi ich is 1ncl uded within the ae bounds. TRACT N0. 28 BEGINNING at a stake in the west lino of roe dwey net 207.5 Peet north end 2110 feet west of the 5. E, corner of Survey No. 1353, T. Gregg, for the S. E. oorner of this tract TBPSICE N. 8 deg. 45' E. 220 feet to the inter sea tion of roe dwey lin ea, sad stake Yor co mar; THENCE N. 63 deg. 50' W. with south line of street 122.7 feat to a stake set for the N. W. cor i ner of this tract; THIN CE S. 6 deg. 13' W. 221.5 feet to a stake net for the S. lY. corner of i this tract; THENCE S. 62 deg. 58' E. 112.4 feat to the plane of beginning. Thin tract c mtein I ~ ing 0.56 eo res out o2 Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg. ~~', THACT N0. 29 BEGINNING at a stake in the S. line oY roe dwgy sat N. 479 Pest cad W. 2186 Peet from the S. E. corner of Survey No. 1353, T. Cragg, for the N. E. corner of this tract; THENCE ~! with the south line of said roadway N. 63 deg. 50' W. 100 Peet to a stake set for the N. W. oorner of this tract; THN,ICE S. 6 deg. 04' W. 220 feet to a eta ke set for the S. W. corner of ~~~ this tract; THENCE S. 62 deg. 5B' E. 100 Yeat to a stake set for the S. E. oorner of this trec ; ' THEM CE N. 6 deg. 13' E. 221.5 feet to the pia oe of beginning. phis tract oont ei Wing 0.48 acre i ~ of land, out oP Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg. TRACT N0, 30 BEGINNING at a ateke in the S.•line of street or roe dwey net N. 523 feet and W. 2276 feet Yrom the S. E. oorner of Sin vey No. 1353, J. Gregg; THIIQ CE with the south line of sa ' roadway No. 63 deg. 50' W. 100 Peet to a stake set for the N. W. oorner of this tract; THENCE 5. 6 deg. 04' W. 293 feet to a stake set for the 5. 17. corner o2 this tract; THINCE S. 74 deg. ~~ 0' i•:. 96 feet to a stake set for the S. E, corner of This tract; THENCE N. 6 deg. 04' E. 278.3 I~ feet to the place of beginning. This tract containing 0.61 aorea of land. 0.09 acres being ~I out of Sin vey No• 678, W. 5. Fessend en, and 0.52 aorea being out of Survey No. 1353, S. Gregg, ~, TRACT N0. 31 BEGINNING at a stake in the S. line or roe dwey set N. 567 Ye et and W. 2366 feet from the S. ^n. corner of Survey No• 1353, J. Gregg; THENCE with the south line of said roadway N. 63 deg. 50' W. 100 Peet to a stake set for the N. W. com ar of this tract; THENCE S. 6 deg. 04' ~W. 308 feet to a stake net for the S. W. corner of this tract; THENCE S. 74 deg. 0' E. 96 li Seet to a stake net for the S. E. corner of this tract; TEiENCE N. 6 deg. 04' E. 293 feet to th of Snrvay No. 678, W. S. Fesaendan end 0.47 saran being out of Survey No. 13b3,~J. Gregg. ', TRACT N0. 32 BEGINNING et a stake in the S. line of street or roadway set N. 620 feet end 'N. 3474 feet fmm the S. E. corner of Survey No• 1353, J. Gregg; THENCE with the south line of said roi dway N. 83 deg. 50' W. 100 feet to a eta ke set for the N. W. comma of this trap t; THENCE S. 6 deg. 04' W. 326 Peat to a stake set for the S. W. corner of this treo t; THENCE S. 74 deg. 0' E. 96 feet to a stake set for the S. E. corner of this tract; THENCE N. 6 deg. 04' E. 311 feet to the ple ce of beginning. This tract containing a total 0.69 acres; 0.30 ear ea baicg out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Fesaendan, and 0.39 scree being out of Survey No. 1353, d. Gregg. TRACT N0. 33 BEGINNING et eatske in the N. line of street or roadway set S. 1659 feet and w. 1209 Ye et Yrom the moat easterly north corner of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, for the S. W. corn oP this tract; THENCE S. 63 deg. 50' E. 124.9 feet to a stake at the inter saotion of two road- ways, for the S. E, corner of this trsot; THENCE N. 8 deg. 45' E. 219.2 feet to a stake for th N. E, corner of th Ss tract; THENCE N. 64 deg. 54' W. 128.5 Seat to a stake set for the N. W. corner of this tract; THENCE S. 5 deg. 37' W. 216.8 seat to the place of beginning. This trac eontaining a total of 0.6 acres of land; 0.56 acres being out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Feasend and 0.04 acres out of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg. TRACT N0. 34 BEGINNING at a stake in the N. line of street or roadway set 3. 1659 feet end W 1289 feet from the moat easterly nth corner of Survey No. 1353, J. Cr egg, for the S. E. corn of this tract; THENCE with the N. line of said roadway No. 63 deg. 50' W. 100 feet to a ate ke set Yor the S. W. corner oY this tract; THENCE N. 5 deg. 06' E. 2ll.3 feet to a stake set for the N. W. corner of this tr ao t; THffidCE S. 67 deg. ]A' E. 100 feat to a stake set for the N.E. corner of Chia tract; THF?ICE S. 5 deg. 37' YY. 216.8 feet to the plane of beginning. This tree o antein Sag 0.46 acres out of Survey No. 878, W. S. Fes eenden. TRACT N0. 35 BEGINNING et a stake in the N. line of Street or r m dway set S. 1581 feet find -- W. 1469 feet from the most seater ly north corner of Sur vay No. 1353, J. Gregg, for the 5. W. oomar of this tract; THENCE with the N. line of said roadway S. 63 deg. 50' E. 100 feet to a stake set Por the S. E, corner of Lhie treat; THENCE N. 5 deg. 06' E. 211.3 feat to a stake s for the N. E. corner of this tr eo t; THENCE N. 62 deg. 10' W. 100 feet to a stake set Por the N. W. teener oP th istrao t; THENCE S. 5 deg. 25' W. 7:14 Peet to the place of beginning. This tract oonitelning 0.45 acres of land, out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Fes seffien. TRACT N0. 36 BEGTNNING at a stake in the N. line o1' street or roe dway set S. 1561 feet and W. 1469 feet from the moat easterly north o~unar of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg, for the S. E. corner of this tract; THPDICE with the N. line of said roe dway No. 63 deg. 50' W. 100 Peet to a stake sat Por the 9. W, corner of this tract; THIIQCE N. 5 deg. 43' E. 216.8 feet to a stake ' set for the N. W, nor ear o2 Lhia tract; TEEN CE S. 62 deg. 10' 8. 100 feet to a stake set for the N. E, corner oP this tract; THENCE S. 5 deg. E5' W. 214 feet to the place of beginning. This tract coats icing 0.46 sores of land out of Survey No. 678, W. S. Fessaode n. j TR~41T N0. 37 BEGINNING at a stake in the N. line of atreat or roadway set S. 1464 feet sad W 1666 Paet from the moat easterly north corner of Survey No. 1353, 7. Gregg, for the S. W. cor- ner of this tract; THII~CE with the N. line of said ra adway S. 63 deg. 50' S. 100 feet to a eta aeL fns the S. E. cm~ner of this tract; T:O~SICE N. 5 deg. 47' E. 217.3 feet to a eta ke eat for tl the N. E. oorner oP this trao t; Ti~PICE N. 62 deg. 10' W. 100 feat to a stake net for tlu N.W. ~ +q _ V9p oorner of this tract; THENCE S. 6 deg. 04' W. 220 feet to the place of bagitm fag. Thls tract ~ 0 containing 0.47 acres of land out of Survey No. 578, 'd. 5. Fessenden. TRACT N0. 30 BEGINNING at a stake on the N. bank of the Guadalupe River set Por the S. E. corner of the L. T. Ingram tract out oP Survey No. 1353, T. Gregg, as conveyed to him by deed recorded in Volume 69, page 608, Serr County Deed Records, Rerr County, Texas, said stake being S. 18 feet and W. 2976 feet fmm the S. E. corner of Survey No. 1353, T. Gregg; THENCE with the hank of said river S. 70 deg. 29' E. 293.3 Peet to a three pFOng paoan tree for corner; THENCE N. 16 deg. 0' E. 262 feet to a fe nos corner for the N. W. corner of the Lillian Cou ac it tract; 'j TFII~2dCE N. 6 deg. 04' E. 686 feet to a stske 1n fence line for tk~e N. E. corner of this tract; Tf~NCE N. 66 deg. 32' W. 225 feet to a fence wraer; Ti~NCE N. 23 deg. 28' E. 15 fast to a fenc corner; THPSICE N. 66 deg. 32' 'W. 520 feet to a fence corner Por the N. W. corner oP this treot; THENCE S. 440 feat to a fence corner net Yor the N. W. oorner of the L. T. Ingram trac t~ 2'rIIsIWP j S. 64 deg. 55' E. 266.7 feet to a fanoe corner net for the N. E. cor nor of the L. T. Ingram tract; Ti4:hCE 5. 3 deg. 36' E. 583 feet to the p]a ce of beginning. This tract containing a tot oP 11.16 sores; 7.66 sores being out oP Survey No. 678, W. 5. Fesaenden and 3.40 aorea bei~ ou of Survey No. 1353, T, Gregg. R OgAYAYS This subdivision also oonta in ing a system oP streets or roe dwa ys described by metes and bounds as Poll avs: SECTION N0. l: EEGINNING at a fenoe corner sat S. 1115 Peet and E. 68 Peet from the most ees terly north oorner of Survey No. 1353, T. Gregg, for the N. E. Darner of the Thomas Woo t_n tract; THENCE N. 89 deg. 42' W. 311 feet and S. 85 deg. 22' W. 602.8 feet to an iron stake set for the N. rY. oorner oP the Perry P~ires tract; TrIENCE N. 4 deg. 18' E. 30 feet to an it m bolt set for the S. W. oorner of site No. 8; THENCE N. 85 deg. 22' E. 344.5 feet and N. 85 deg. 40' E. 482.5 feet toe stake net for the S. E. oorner of Site No. 7; THENCE N. 11 deg. 45' E. 170 feet; N. 21 deg. 40' W. 259 Paet, N. 19 deg. 09' W. 695 Peek, and N, 480 feet to s stake set Por the N. E. corner of site No• 4; '"SiFNCE N. 65 deg. 45' W. 227 Peet, d. 84 deg. 05' W. 92 feet, S. 67 deg. 0' W. 83 Peet, S. 55 deg., 30' W. 173 feet, S• 31 deg. 04' W. 512.5 feet and S. 22 deg. 0' W. 40 feat to a stakeaet for a west oorner oP Site No• 11; T.yENCE S. 36 deg. 43' E. 227.4 feet, S. 27 deg. 20' E. 181 Peet, S. 13 iieg. 44' E. 220 feet, S. 6 deg. 17' E. 413.5 Peet, ~. 10 deg. 19• E. 181 feet end S. 4 deg. 1B` 3Y. 30 feet to an iron eta ke net Yor Lhe N. W, oorner of the Parry Fai roe tract; TiI~NCE S. 78 deg. 35' W. 31 feet toe stake net for the S. E. oorner of Site No. 20; THENCE N. 9 deg. 45' W. 219.5 Peet, N. 6 deg. 17' W. 416.8 feet, N. 13 deg. 44' W. 214 Peet, N. 27 deg. 20' W. 149 feet, N. 38 deg. 19! W. 214.8 Peet to a stake in the N. E. line of 31te No• 17; 1HF.NCE N. 72 deg. 19' W. 68.3 Beet, S. 88 deg. 32' W. 163.7 feet end S. 84 deg. 0' W. 690 feet to a ateke net for a S. E. oorner of Site No• 14; T"dENCE N. 30 Peet to a ateke net for the S. W. corner of Site No« 13; THENCE N. 84 deg. 0' E. 754 feet, N. 55 deg. 41' E. 190.5 feet, N. 31 deg. 04' E. 398 feet, N. 55 deg. 30' E. 180 feet, N. 68 deg. 05' E. 92.5 feet, N. 84 deg. 05' E. 102 feet and S. 61 deg. 45' E. 261.7 feet to a ateka set for the-N. W. oorner of Site No. E; TE~TCE S. 495 feet, S. 19 deg. 42' E. 687 feet d S. 21 deg. 49' E. 505 Peet to the place of beginning. TION N0. 2 BEGINNING et a fence oorner is the N. right of waq line of the Texas State High- No• 39 set 17 feet S. and 2145 feet S, from the S. E. corner of Survey No. 1353, J, Gregg, a S. E. corner of Site No. 27; T'~NCE N. 8 deg. 45' E. 447 Peet to a at eke sat Por Lhe N.E. ner of Site No. ffi; THENCE N. 63 deg. 50' W. 542.7 Peet, to a stake set for the N. W. Dorm r Site No. 32; THENCE N. 6 deg. 04' E. 90 feet ton stake aeL for the S. W. corner of Site No. 37; TH5INCE S. 63 deg. 50' E, 544.9 feet to a stake sat for the S, E. oorner oS Site No• 33; THENCE N. 6 deg. 45' E. 219.2 feet to a eta lee set for the N. E. co mar oP Site No. 33; THEl1r8 r, N. 64 deg. 54' ~~. 1~.5 Peet, N. 67 deg. 10' W. 100 feet, N. 62 deg. 10' W. 320 feet and N.66 deg. 32' W. 225 feet to a Penoe corner in the N. line of Site No. 38; THENCE N. 23 deg. 28' E. 15 Peet to a Peace corner in the S. line oY the Yerbougn tract; THEN/E 5. 66 deg. 32' 8. 426 feet, S. 56 deg. 44' E. 73.1 feet, 5.-73 deg. 30' E. 145 feet sad S. 68 deg. 45' E. 170 feat to s stake 1n the S. line of Site No. 22; THENCE S. 8 deg. 45' W. 115 feet to a stake at the intersection of two roe dw eye; THENCE N, 66 deg. 0' E. 235 feet, N. 34 deg. 30' E. 18 feet and N. 4 deg. 18' E. 283 feet to a ate lee set for the 3. E. oor~r of Site No• 20; THENCE N. 76 deg 35' E. 31 Peat to ea iron stake set for the N. W. oorner of the Perry Fa ires tract; T)iETICS S. 4 deg. 18' W. 324.2 feet, S. 66 deg. 0' W. 15 feet and S. 3 deg. 20' W. 491.5 Yeet to a stake set for the N. E, oorner of dell Site area Seetl on "B"; THENCE N. 84 deg. 35' W. 40 feet to a ' ste lee net for the N. W. corner of said Well Site area; THENCE N. 5 deg. 25' E. 482 feet to a stake agt for the N. E. oorner of building site No. 26; THENCE 5. 66 deg. 0' W. 240 feet and S. B deg. 45' ~tl. 596 teat to a stake in the N, right of wqy line of Teaas Stets Hignw ay No .38; T.~CE N. 74 deg. 43' W. 33 feet to the place of beginning. FARK AND ~YEIL SITE AREAS. This aubdivlsion to have one park area, dedioeted to the use of th owners of the building sites within this subdivision, bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a stale in the N. right of way line of Texas State Highway No. 39, set N. 20 Peet and W. 2280 feet fro>~ the 5. E. corner of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg; THENCE S. 12 deg. 04' Gi. 144 feet to a stake for corner; THENCE N. 74 deg. 0' W. 83 feet to a stake on the bank of the Guadalupe River; THENCE down the river with its meanders es fol lows: .i. 18 deg. 35' W. 266 feet, S. 52 deg. 40' E. 125 feet, S. 66 deg. 44' E. 139 Peet, end S. 53 deg. 44' E. 186 feet to a stake net at Lhe water edge of the Guadalupe River for the 3. E. oorner of this tract; THENCE N. 1 deg. 40' W. 562 feet to a stake in the N. right of way line of Ta ass Mate Highway No. 39; THENCE N. 74 de( 43' '.T. 173 Peet to the place of beginning. Thin tract containing 3.24 notes oP lead out of Survey No. 1353, J. Gregg. 'I This subdivision also contains three well site erase the location end description as we 11 ~ ~ ea the numbers of the individual lots being shown on the eoeompening plat. SECTION "A" coasts tang of 29 well site lots, 20' a 20• in area and two 20' lanes between said lots for use in sarv icing of wells. k` SECTION "B" cone is ting oP 28 well site lots, Y5' a 15' in area and one 10' lane between said lots for use in servicing of wells; SECTION "C" oonaiating of two wall site lot a, 20' a 60' in er ee. ~"or oonveaience inlaying of pipe lines two alleys or lanes have been left. One running betweei bull ding sites No. 31 end No. 36 on the east and boil ding sites No. 32 and No. 37 on the west, Prom well site er ea Section "B" to a roadway running east from the Yar bough tract. The second alley or lane running between building sit ea No. 4 on the north sad No. 5 on the South, from well site arse Seot ion "C" to a roe dwey along the east line of bu Sl di ng sites No. 4 and No. 5, Ea oh of these alleys being 19 feet in width. LESS, HONEVER, tracts No. 4, 7, 10, 16, 21, 22, 25, 26, end 38, and wall eitea Nos. 21, 22, 28 Section "B" and well site No. 5, Soctioa "A", wh tab have been her etoiora oonv eyed by eaten sad bounds desori psi pn, and are not incl udad herein in this dedic at inn. which subdivision is to be known ea RIVERSIDE YAR% to Kerr County, Teaas, s~H, after having considered the same, St appearing to the Catrt that said au b-division dedication and rield notes thereof meet with the requ it ementa of law, it is that of are, ORDEREp, ADNDGED, AND DECREED by the Court that said Clerk of Kerr County, Te xes, is hereby directed to record the same in the YLet Records oP Rerr county, 'e xas. Zt is fhr th er ordered that this ar 3ar be spread upon the ;fin ut es oP the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, Texas. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- i7o. 3425 'PHA[JSFEH This the 9th day of Ce cemb er, ,. D. 1946, the County Treesur er of Xerr County be end is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of ;„+42.52 from F;err Count}• xoad ~ 3r idge fund fit to i:e rr County Woad +~- Hri3ge .~errants of 1936, to cover interest ooupon due December 12tH, 1946, on Toad and S idge ,rar rent s, 1956. -o-o-o-o -o-o-o-o- The foregoing minutes £rom page 170 to 152, inclusive, were: reed in open Court and found correct end ~ar~ejhere byOn~alh pr aspects anpr wed by Co t ' of Je Hoary, 1941 C1erk,CO ~ rr o ty,Te a u e, ounty Carr t, err Co unt y, :e xa s. f ~~~~~~L,nc~oe.~~j~~ Al~~ _o_ _o_ THE STATE OF TEXAS,: COUNTY OF K E R R .. ESE IT REIdEP.".9ERED, Thet on this 1st day of January, A. D. 1947, there was begun end holden a Specisl Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, at the Court House there oP, in the town of Kerrville, Te xe s, officers present: JOHN S. ATKINS, County Judge, Henry Eckstein, Commissioner, Precinct PIo. 1, Frank Thomason, Commissioner, Precinct No. 2, Herbert Stieler Commissioner, Precinct Nn. 3, Y1. 1I. Furr, Commissioner, Precinct No. 4, A. F. idoor e, Sheriff and Jno. R. Lea yell, County Clerk, and the Court having been specially opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3426. Ai'1`ROVAL OF AONDS ~1ND QUAI. IFI CATI ONS OF OFFICER S. This the 1st day of January, A. D. 1947, came on to be examined by the Court the official bonds of the following nerved officers, elected for Kerr County end its various precincts at the November Eleeti on 1946, and it appearing to the Court that each and all of said bonds are good and sufficient, and that each of said bonds should be approved by the Court. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, seld bonds and each of them be end ere hereby approved by the Court, and each oP said officers are hereby directed to take the proper oath or oe the of office es required by law, and ell of said bonds shell be recorded by the County Clerk in the proper record of his office, to-wit: Sohn S, etk in s, County Judge, Jno. x. Leave ll, County Clerk, E. H. Nichols, Trax .+ssessor & Collector (State & County E Joe Hurke tt, Jr., County Attorney r. F. Pdoore, Sheriff E. Gold, County Treasurer Hob Hennett, Justice of the Peac¢,Pr ecinet No. 1, F. M. Kuykendall, County Surveyor George M. Doyle District Clerk Henry Eckstein, Commissioner, Precinct No. 1 Henry cekstein, Hood CommiasSoner ,Precinct No .1 Frank Thome son, County Commissioner, 1'r ecinet No. 2 Frank Thomason, Road Commissioner, Precinct No. 2 Herbert Stieler, County Co¢wissioner, Precinct No. 3 Hor bert Stieler, Road Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, 'r'~. H. Furr, County Conimiss inner, Precinct i~o. 4 "+~. H. Furr, Road Commissioner, Precinct No. 4. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- /U~