Clerk of F:err County, Texas, is hereby directed to record the same in the Ylet i2e cords of Kerr County, '-axes. It is flrr th er ordered that this order be spread upon the :lin ales oP the Commissioners Court of Kerr County, Texas. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ho. 3425 TRAiv'SFER This The 9th day oY December, .. D. 1946, the County Treasurer of Rerr Cn only be and is hereby auth or lz ed and directed to transfer Lire sum of x42.52 from i:err County xoed ~ Bridge r'und ,r2 to ::err County ki oad i- Hri age .,arrants of 1936, to cover in tc re st ooupon due -ecemb er 12th, 1946, or. doed and ;II'idge darrant s, 1936. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- 'fhe foregoing minutes from page 170 to 182, inclusive, were read in open Court and found correct and are hereby n all resn ec is anpr wed by Co t ' of January, 199 .,TTE:;T: ~~ .~ Clerk ,Co ~t,~ rf~Te xa u ounty Cou.r t, err County, esa s. THE STATE OF TEXAS,: COUNTY OF K E R R .. HE IT REIN!.".AERED, That on this 1st day of Ja ~~ary, A, D. 1947, there was begun and holden e Special Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, et the Court House thereof, in the town of Kerrville, Texas, officers present: JnEIN S. ATKINS, County Judge, Henry Eckstein, Commissioner, Precinct LIo. 1, Fre nk Thomason, Commissioner, Precinct No. 2, Herbert Stieler Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, ul. li. Farr, Commissioner, Precinct No. 4, A. F. idoore, Sher ifP end Jno. R. Lea vell, County Clerk, end the Court having been specially opened, Lhe fallowing proceedings were had, to-wit: -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3426. .iPYROVAL OF BONDS BIND RUAL IFICATI ONS OF OFFICERS. This the 1st day of January, A. D. 1947, came on to be examined by the Court the official bonds of the following named officers, elected for Kerr County and its various precincts at the November Election 1946, and it appearing to the Court that each find ell of said bonds are good and sufficient, end that each of said bonds should be approved by the Court. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, said bonds and each of them be and ere hereby approved by the Court, end each of said ofPic ers are hereby directed to take the proper oath or oe the of office es required by law, and ell of said bonds shell be recorded by the County Clerk in the proper record of his office, to-wit: John S. elk in s, County Judge, Jno. R. Leave ll, County Clerk, E. H. Nichols, Tax assessor & Collector (State & County E Jce Burkett, Jr., County Attorney e. F. Pdoore, Sheriff E. Gold, County Tr ee surer Bob Bennett, Justice of the Peacą,Yr ec inet No. 1, F. !d. Kul'kendall, County Surveyor George M. Doyle District Clark Henry Eckstein, Commissioner, Precinct No. 1 Henry ~ekstein, Road Commie sfl oner ,Precinct No .1 ~ Frank Thorne son, County Commissioner, Precinct No. 2 Frank Thomason,. Road Commissioner, Precinct No. 2 Herbert Stieler, County Commissioner, Precinct No. 3 Herbert Stieler, Ro ed Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, W. H. Fur r, County Commissioner, Precinct No. 4 Vr. H. Farr, Road Cammissio Her, Precinct No. 4. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- I