t ' ~ ~ Said salary shall be pa ld out of the Ceneral Fuad in monthly in at allmeata of $183.33 eaoh, pays bl4 on or after the last day of each oelendar month, beginning January 3]e t, 1947, with ,-. pr oper.Farr ants on the County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3438. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF DISTRICT CLER%. This the 13th day of January, A. D. 1947, it is ordered by the Court that the annual salary of the District Clerk of Kerr County be end Se hereby fixed as provided by the 1996-194P Budge at the sum of $900.00 per annum, for the current year, 1947, which sal cry shell be pdid unto the Die triot Clerk in 12 monthly inatallme me of $75.00 each, out 6f the General Fuad by props warrants drawn by the County Clerk on or after the 31st day of each months' services on the County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o- No. 3439. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF SHII2IFF AND JAIL CUARD OF %EFiR COIINTY. This the 13th day of January, 1947, it is ordered end decreed by the Court that Lha Sheriff' salary for the current year, 1947, be end is hereby fixed as provided by the 1946-1947 County Budget at the sum of $2700.00 per am um ae follows: $2160.00 per annum ea Sheriff of Kerr ~,^ County, and $540.00 per em um as Jail Guard of Kerr County. Said entire salary to be paid by the County Clerk to She rlff A. F. Hoore out of the General Fund is twelve monthly installments of $225.00 each by proper warrants drawn on the County Tr assurer on or after the lest day of each month beginning January 31 et, 1946. And said Shex iPf shall be further allowed the sum oP seventy Dents per day for boarding eaah prisoner Ln the County Jail plus flftean cants per day 2or safe-keeping each prisoner. -o~v-o-o-o- No. 3440. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S COlDdISSIONS. On this the 13th d R1t of January, 1947, it is ordered by the Court that the commisaione of the County Treasurer for the ourrent year, 1947, shall be and 1s hereby fixed eacordingly et the rate of 2$ on all race ip is end disbursements, not to ezce ed how ever,the cum of $150,00 for any month, or, the aggregate of $1800.00 for the yee r, 1947, and said County Treasurer steel. draw eaoh months' commission of $150.00 as earned. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3441. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE TO SNERIFF A. F. MOORE FOR DEPUTY C. A. RODGERS This the 13th day of January, A. D. 1947, Dame on t:o be Don sSdered by the Court the matter of an allowance to Sheriff A. F. Moore for deputy biro in Commisaionera' Precinct No• 4 of Kerr County, cad iL appearing to the Court that the Sher iPf is entitled to such additional deputy ~ ~ al low sacs for tae purpose oP hY ring a deputy in ea id F'racinet No. 4. Thar afore Sheriff A. F. 6bore be and is hereby granted an additional allowance of $800,00 per annum for the current year, 1947, as pr ovidad by the 1946-1947 County Budget, out of the General Fund, for the purpos of hiring an active deputy 1n said Yreaiaat No. 4, and shall be paid by tae County Treasurer . dir cot to deputy C. A. Rodgers or his successor in equal monthly In ste llmen is of $50.00 each, upon proper warrants issued by the County Gle rk, on or of tar the lest day oY eaah month baginni January 31st, 1947. -o-o-o-o- No. 3442. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE 7b SfiER IFF A. F. LEOORE FOk DEPJTY IRYIN PARKS Tpis Lhe 13th day of January, A. D. 1947, came on to be cnas idered by the Court the matter ~~ of an allow once to Saer lff A. F. Loo re for da puty hire in Commisa ionere' Drnpoi not No. 1 of Karr County, end it appearing to the Court that the Sheriff is entitled to eaoh additional deputy el nos for the purpose of hiring a deputy in said Yrec is of No• 1. Therefore Sheriff A. F. IAOOre be and is hereby granted an additional allowam a of $600.00 per em um for the current year, 947, ea provided by the 1946-1947 County Budgat,out of the Genarel Fund, Por the purpose of