t ~ ~ ~ ~ Said salary shall be paid out of the Ceneral Fund in moa thly Snatellmeata of #193.33 eaoh, pays ble oa or aft ar the last day of each oelendar month, beginning deanery 31st, 1947, with pr oper.garr ants on the County Treeaure r. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3438. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF DISTRICT CLER%. Thin the 13th day of January, A. D. 1947, it Sa ordered by the Court that the annual aelary of the District Clerk of %err County be and ie hereby fixed as provided by the 1946-1940 Budgeti et the sum of f900 .00 per annum, for the current year, 1947, which salary shall be pAid unto I'. Lhe Dia tract Clark in 12 monthly install manta of X75 .00 each, out Of the General Fund by proper warrants drawn by the County Clerk on or after the 31st day of each months' services on the County Treasurer. -o-o-o-o- No. 3439. ORDER FIXING SALARY OF SHERIFF AND JAIL CUARD OF %EHR COUNTY. This the 13th day of January, 1947, it Ss ordered end daoreed by the Court that the Sheriff' salary for the current year, 1947, be and is hereby fixed ea provided by the 1946-1947 County Budget at the sum of =2700.00 per annum as follows: X2160.00 per annum as Sheriff of Kerr County, and =540.00 per ana um ea Jail Guard of Kerr County. Said entire salary to be paid by the County Clerk to Sheriff A. F. Moore out of the General Fund in twelve monthly installments of $225.00 each by proper warrants drawn on the County Tr eaeurer on or after the last day of each month beginning January 31 at, 1946. And said ShariPf shall he further ell owed the sum of seventy cents per day Por boarding each prisoner is t:he County Jail plus fifteen cents per day for safe-keep Sng each prisoner. No. 3440. ORDER FIXING COUNTY TREASURER'S COLCdI SS IONS. On thin the 13th day of January, 1947, it is ordered by the Court that the commiasiona of the County Treasurer for the current year, 1947, shall be end is hereby fined accord ingly at the rate of 2;B on all receipts and disbursements, not to exceed however the sum of =150,00 for any month, or, the aggregate of ;1800.00 for the year, 1947, and said County Tree surer steal draw each months' commiss ion of X150.00 as earned. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3441. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE TO SHERIFF A. F. MOORS FOR DEPDTY C. A. RODGERS Thin the 13th day of January, A. D. 1947, oame on to be considered by the Court the matter of an allowance to Sher ifi A. F. Moore for deputy hire in Commisa inner s~ Precinct No. 4 of %e i County, and it eppe ar ing to the Court that the Sheriff is entitled to auah additional deputy allowance for the purpose of hiring a deputy in sa ifl Precinct No. 4. Therefore Sheriff A. P. 7doo re be and is hereby granted an additional ellowencs of 800.00 per annum for the current }rear, 1947, as provided by the 1946-1947 County Budget, out of the General Fund, for the purp aP hiring an active deputy in said Yrecinet No. 4, and shell be paid by the County Treasurer '~d4'act to deputy C. A. Rodgers or his successor in equal monthly installments of 50.00 each, upon proper warren to issued Dy the County Clerk, on or after the lest day of each month begin January 31st, 1947. _o~_o_o_ No. 3442. DEPUTY ALLOWANCE Tb SHERIFF A. F. MOORS FOE2 DEPUTY IRVIN PARKS Tpis the 13th day of Tan uar y, A. D. 1947, came on 1;o be sons idered by the Court the wetter ~I of en allow once to Sheriff A. F. lino re for do puty hire in Commisa ion area Dneai not No. 1 of %err County, and it appearing to the Court that the Sheriff is entitled to auah additional deputy el anoe for the purpose of hiring a deputy 1n said Yrec in of No. 1. Therefore Sheriff A. F. Moore be and Sa hereby granted en additional ellowam a of =600.00 per am um for the current pear, 947, ea prw Sded by the 1946-1947 County Bud getout of the General Fund, for the purpose of hiring an ec tive deputy in said Pr ecim t No. 1, and same she 11 be pald by the County Treae ure l dlr act to Deputy Irvin Parka or hie successor in equal monthly installments of ;50.00 each, b upon proper warrant s,iasued by the County Clark, on or after th~e~last day of each month Agin ~~ ping January 31st, 1947. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3443. RE-EElPf,OYMENT AND FI]CING OF 1947 SALARY OF COURTHOUSE CUSTODIAN, IRYIN PAH%S On this the 13th day of Jsn uar y, 1947, it appeeriag Lo thei Court that Irvin Perks has rendered satisfactory service in the past as Courthouse and Jail Custodian for Kerr County, whereupon, on motlon made, seconded and unanimously adopted, said Irvin Yar ka be and is here re-employed for the current year, 1947, and his salary Ss hereby fixed by the Court at the a of $75.00 per month. And the County Clerk be and is hereby auth or lzed and directed to issue and deliver unto said Parks on or after the 15th and last days of eaoh month beginning Janus 15th, 1946, a warrant on the County Tres surer age inat the General Fund for the sum of ;37.50 c over ing his semi-monthly salary. -o-o-o-o- No. 3444. RE-EMPLO YI~NT OF KATHRYN CRENSHpW AS COUNTY JUDGES' ASSISTANT This the 13th day of January, A. D. 1947, it appearing to the Court that Kath;yn Crenshaw has rendered se ti sfactory sere Sce in the pest as Lhe County Judges' Assistant for Kerr County whereupon, on motion made, seconded end unanimously adopted, said %athryn Crenshaw be and is hereby re-employed for the current year, 1947, and her salary i.a hereby fixed by the Court et the sum of $60.00 per month. And the County Clerk be and is hereby auth or lzed and dir acted to Issue and deliver unto seld Kathryn Crenshaw on or after the last day of each calendar month beginning January 31 at, 1947, a war rent on the Gounty Treasurer against the General Fund for the sum of ~b 0.00 covering her monthly salary. -o-o-o-o- No. 3445. FIYINC OF COUNTY ATTORNEYS' 9ALAAY This the 13th day oP Jan uer y, A. D. 1947, it Ss ordered and decreed by the Court that the salary of the County Attorney, Joe W. Burla+tt, Jr., for the ourrent year, 1947, be end is here y fixed as pro vlded by the 1946-1947 County Budget, et the sum of 900.00 per am um, to ba paid out of Lhe General Fund in twelve monthly in st allmen to of X75 .00 each by prop ar warrants drawn by the County Clerk on the County Treasurer on or after the lest day oP eaoh calendar month beglnning Tanusry 31st, 1947. No. 3446. FI7CI NG SALpR IES OF COlRJIISSIONERS _o p_ o_ This the 13th day of January, A. D. 1947, it is ordered end decreed by the Court that the compensation of the Commisaimers of Kerr County be e~ is ha reby filed by the Court for the a ur rent ye er, 1947, Each cdmmi as ion er stiall reo eive ;7.00 per day as per diem for each day served by him es a member of the Commis si mere' Court to be paid out of the Gaper al Road and Bridge Fund, and each oommias ion er shell further receive 7.00 for each day served in the in- .. , spec ti on and supervi~ on of County Roads, acme to be paid out of the Roed end Hridge Fund of his respective precinct, provided however, that the total compensation or sa le ry of each com- misai mar shall not exceed the following amounts agreed upon, to-wit: Commissioner of Pr eo inct No. 1 the aura of ~1.,H00 .00 for the year 1947 Commie stoner of Pr ec ip et No. 2 the sum of ;1,200.00 for the year 1947 Commiss loner of Precinct No.3 the sum of ;1,200.00 for the year 1947 ,~ Commiss toner of Preo inat No. 4 the sum of 1,800.00 for the year 1947' No. 3447. -o-o-o-o=o-o- ORDER FIXING SALARY Om' COUNTY AGKNT On this the 13th day of January, A. D. 1947, it is ordered by tte Court that the eelary