Court Lhat sadd~ reports be and are hereby approved for the full amount. _d_d_d_a_n_ ! 9G No. 3486. APPROVAL OF b10NTHLY REPORT OF COi7NTY AGENT. This Lhe 14th day of April, p, D. 1947, came on to be eaamined by the Court the monthly sport of County Agent, Guy Powell, whioh report be end is hereby eoo apt ed and approved by the Court and ordered filed. -o-o-o-o- No. 3487. APPROVAL OF PLAT, FIELD NOTES AND DEDICATION OF "NORTH CENTER POINT" ADDITION TO TfiE TOWN OF CENTER POINT, CONSISTING OF 12.29 acres, part Survey 40, Ceo.Guin . On thin, the 14th day of Apr 11, 1947, came oa to be heard the ap pl loot ion of L. D. Herlesa end M. 0. Brink, in business as Harleea end Brink Lumber Company, of Center Point, Ker County, Teaea, for the approval of a plat and Pield notes and dedioation of a nub-division situated in Kerr County, Texas, end being described as Poll owe: PLAT of a Subdivision to be known as North Center Point, situated in Kerr County, Teass, about d miles North 40 deg. E. of Ker rv111e, its County neat, across the Guadalupe River, Nor h Prom the present town of Center Point, and out of Survey /~40, George 8u1nn. BEGINNING at a stake in the South right oP way line of Teass State Highway X27, net Nort 1002 feet end 3. B9 deg. 25' E. 451.7 feet from the S. W. ooraer of said Sur. /~40, George Guin. THENCE with the right of way 11 ne of Texas State Highway it 27, 3. 89 deg. 25' E. et 140 feet the Center line of Ave. "q", at 420 feat Lhe neater line of peenue ^B^ end at 560 feet the N. E, oo rner of this tract. THENCE 9. 0' deg. lE' W. 979 Peet to a et aka in the North rig t of way line of the Old Highway ~27, set Por the 5. E, corner of th is tract. THENCE with the right of way line of the Old Highway ~27, N. 84 deg. 43' W, at 140.57' Lhe Center line of Avenue "B^ at 521.73 feat the center line of Avm ua "p" at 562.3 feet a stake set for Lhe S.W corner of this tract. THENCE N. 0 deg. 12' E. 933 feel to the place of beginning, This Lrac containing a total of 12.29 sores of land. Thia Subdivision oontaining 3 blocks. BLOCK NO 1, ooatein ing 18 Iota, 1 and 2 which feae on the Taxes Highway J{27 and are 60 feet in width by 125 feet in lepth; Lota 3 to 16 inclusive Pece east on Avenue "p" end ere 50 Peet in width by 120 feet in depth; Lota 17 end 18 Pao9 on Old Highway ~27 and are 60 feet in width by an average depth of 112.9 feet; the enact depth being shown on the eoc ompanying plat. BLOCK NO 2, containing 36 lots oP which 1,2,19 and 20 face on Texas State Highway X27 en ere 60 feet in width by 125 feet in depth; Lote 3 to 16, inol uaive feae West on Avenue ^p" end ere 60 Peet in width by 120 feet in depth; Lots 17, 18, 35 and 36 Pace on Old Highway X27 and ere 60 feet in width sad have en average depth of 131 feet the actual depth being shown on the eocompanying plat; Lota 21 to 34 inclusive face East on Avenue "B" end ere 50 2eet in width by 120 feet in depth. BLOCK N0. 3, contei ning 18 iota of which 1 and 2 face on Tezea State Highway ~l27, and are 60 feet in width by 125 feet in depth; Lots 3 to 16 inol us lve Paoe Nast on Avenue ^B" and ere 50 feat is ?ti dth by 120 feet in depth; Lota 17 and 18 Pece on Old Highway #27, end are 60 feet width by an average depth of 149.1 feet, the act uel depth being shown on the ecaompanyi plat. This aubdiv ision to have two streets or avenues the center lines of which meet the out- aide bounds oP Lhis subdivision et the po rota decor ibed in the above field no tee and extend enL irely through the sub division from North to South end have a width of 20 Peet on eaeh aide of this center line through their entire length. -~ 'NfiICA Subdivision is to be known ea NORTH QENTER POINT, to Kerr County, Texea, and, of having oom iderad tie eemo, SL appearing to the Court that said nub-d ivieion dedication and