- __ Court that sa1~ reports be and are hereby approved for the Pull amount. -d-d-o-b-n- ! SG No. 3486. APPROVAL OF b10NTHLY REPORT OF COQNTY AGENT. ^~ Thin the 14th day of April, A. D. 1947, came on to be easmined by the Court the monthly sport of County Agent, Guy Powell, which report be end Ss hereby aoo apt ed and approved by the Court and ordered filed, -o-o-o-o- No. 3487. APFROVAL OF PLAT, FIELD NOTES AND DEDICATION OF "NORTH CENTER POINT" ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF CENTER POINT, CONSZSTLNG OF 12.29 sores, pert Survey 40, Geo.Guln On this, the 14th day of tipr il, 1947, came on to be heard the ep pl ioation of L. D. Harlesa and M. 0. Brink, Sn business es Harleae end Hrink Lumber Company, of Center Point, Ker County, Tease, for the approval of a plat and field notes and dedication of a nub-division situated in Kerr County, Tezea, and being described as follows: PLAT of a Subdivision to be known as North Center Point, situated in Kerr County, Texas, about 8 miles North 40 deg. E. of Kerrville, its County asst, across the Guadalupe River, Nor from the present town of Center Point, and out of Survey y4U, George FCUian. BEGINNING at a et eke in the South right of weq line oP Teass State Highway ~27, set Nort 1002 feet sad S. 89 deg. 25' E. 451.7 feet from the S. W. corner of said Sur. X40, George Guin. THENCE with the right of way line of Texea State Highway v27, S. 89 deg. 25' E. et 140 feet the Center line of Ave. "p", at 420 Seat the oenter lino of Avenue "B^ end at 560 feet the N. E, oo rner of this tract. THENCE S. 0' deg. 12' W. 979 feet to a at aka in the North rig of way line of the Old Highway ~27, set for the S. E. corner of this tract. THENCE with the right of way line of Lhe Old Highway X27, N. 84 deg. 43' W. at 140.57' the Center line of Avenue "B^ at 521,73 feet the oenter line of Avm ue "A^ at 562.3 feet a stake set for the S.W corner of this tract. THENCE N. 0 deg. 12' E. 933 feet to the place of beginning, This trec containing a .total of 12.29 scree of land. Thin 3ubdivieion containing 3 blocks. ffiOCK A'0 1, oon:taining 18 lots, 1 end 2 which feoe on the Texea Aighway //27 and ere 60 feet in width by 125 feet in depth; Lota 3 to 16 inclusive Sete east on Avenue "p" end are 50 feet in width by 120 feet in depth; Lots 17 end 18 Pace on Old Highway ~27 end are 60 feet in width by an average depth of 112.9 feet; the exact depth being shown on the eoc ompanying plat. BLOCK NO 2, containing 36 lots of which 1,2,19 and 20 face on Texas State Highway X27 end era 80 feet in width bq 125 Peet Sn depth; Lots 3 to 16, inolusive feoe Weat on Avenue "q" end ere 60 Peet in width by 120 Peet in depth; Lota 17, 18, 35 and 36 Paoe on Old Highway X27 and are 60 feet in width and have an average depth of 131 feet the actual depth being shown on Lhe accompanying :let; Lots 21 to 34 inolusive face East on Avehue "B^ end are 50 feet in width Dy 120 Seat in depth. ffiOC% N0. 3, containing 18 lots of which 1 end 2 face on Teass State Highway #27, end are 60 feet in width by 125 feet in depth; Lote 3 to 16 inolusive feoe West on Avenue "B" and are 50 feet in 7Jidth by 120 feet in depth; Lota 17 end 18 feoe on Old Aighway #27, end ere 60 feet width by an average depth of 149.1 feet, the actual depth being shown on the aooompanging plat. This subdivtaion to have two streets or avenues the center lines of which meet the out- side bounds of this subdiv Scion at the points decor ibed in the above field no tea end ea tend entirely through the auDdivle ion Prom North to South sad have a width of 20 feat on each aide of this center line through their entire length. WHICH Subdivision is to be known ea NORTH CENTER F'02NT, to %err County, Tesac, and, after having considered tits same, it appearing to the Court that said suD-d ivielbn dedication and "i / y,~ field notes thereof meet the requirements of law, it is therefore ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECRE by the Court that said Sub-division known as North Can tar Point to Rerr County, Texas, be ad- r- mitted to record, and the County Clerk of Kerr County, Texe s, is hereby directed to record the same in the Flat Records of Kerr County, Texas. i It is further ordered that this order be spread upon the Minut ea of the Commissio nera Court oP Kerr County, Texas. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3488. CpNVA3S OF RETURNS OF COUNTY SCHOOL TRUST'::E ELECTION FII:LD AF RLL 5TH, 1947. This the 14th day of April, 1947, came on to be opened and tabulated by the Court the returns oP the County School Trustee Election held throughout the County of Kerr on the 5th day of April, 1947, end said rat urns were duly canvassed and La bul ated by the Court as shown on page 79, Volume 3, Record of Election Returns of Kerr County, Texas. -o-o-o-o- No. 3489. PAYMENT OF OFFICERS HOLDING SCHOOL TRUSTEE LT.E CTION. This the 14th day of April, 1447, it is ordered by the Court that the County Clerk isa vouchers on the County Treasurer in factor of the officers holding School Trustee Election in the sum of $1.00 per diem to be paid out of the General Fund. -o-o-o-o- No. 3490. CONTIDNAb'CE OF THE TEA!PORARY EL4PI.OYMENT OF COUNTY SANITARIAN. This the 14th day of AFril, 1947, it Ss ordered by the Court that S. H. Gaines, be and is hereby employed temporarily es County Sanitarian at a Salary of X200.00 Por the month of April, 1947, same to be pa yeble out of the General Fund of Kerr County, by proper voucher drawn against said fund by the County Treasurer on Lhe 3Cth day of April, 1947. -o-o_o-o- The foregoing minutes from page. 195 to 197,.inolusive, were read iq,opeh Cpu;t end Pound cor- reel and are .hereby ip § r peote approved by th ourt his May, p.D. 1947 ATTEST: Cler ,C~o r , e r o y ~ge, uh y our , rr ou y, ass w,< C ~ -o-o-o -o o- THE STATE OF TEXAS,: COUNTY OF R E R R .. BE IT REMF~dHERED, That on this Lhe 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, there was begun end holden a Regular Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, et the Court House thereof, in the City of Re rrville, Tez ea, offic era present: JOHN S, ATRINS, - - - - - - - - - - - County Tudge, Henry Eokete Sn, - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Yreo inct No. 1, Frank Thomason, - - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Frecinat No. 2, Herbert St Seler, - - - - - - - - - - Commissioner, Precinct No. 3, W. H. Farr, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Commisa inner, Preolnct No. 4, A. F. Moore, Sheriff end Jno. R. Leav ell, County Clerk, and Lhe Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: -o-o-oro- I~ No. 3491. ALLOWANCE OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS. ii Th1a the 12th dqv of M4Y, A. D, 1947, same on to De ezemined Dy the Court, the various i ~i claims sad ecoounts filed agai net Rerr County and its' reaps at ive Commie sloaere' precincts Iii sinoe the lest term of Lhe Court, all of which ola ima end socounta were approved by the Court Ali for payment by the County Clerk in amounts and out of reepeotlve funds ea eh own by the Minute. _ it of ecoounta allowed for Rerr County, Texas, which ere made a part of this order. -o-o-o-o-