No. 3492. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERR. Thin the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly ez. report of Jno. R. Leav ell, County Clerk for the month of April, p. D. 1947, showing en actual end necessary ezpenae of $486.25 incurred by him in the conduct of his office during said mon of April, A. D. 1947, ahd it appearing to the Court that said County Clerk is entitled to the eapanditur ea of all the items therein listed, ae id report be and is hereby approved, for its full amount by Lhe Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3493. APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR Thin the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, came on to be examined by the Court the expense re- port Por Lhe month of April, 1947 of E. H. Nichols, Tea Asaesaor end Collector, showing en actual and necessary expense of $128.10, incurred by him in the conduct of h1a off ioe, and it appearing to the Court that said report De end ie hereby approved for the Pull amount. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3494. APPLICATION FOR FIRST ADVANCEMENT ON 1947 COMMI33ION5, S! T!$ ASSES30R Thin the 12th day of May, q. D. 1947, oame oa to be oona ider ed by the Court the epplicet- Son of E. H. Nichols, Asaeae or and Collector of Tazea for Barr County for an advancement from Rerr County oP $600.00 on his 1947 County Tex Assesaor~s Commisa ions. And it appearing to the Court Lh at he is entitled to such advance, hie application be end Se hereby granted, and the County Clerk Ss hereby authorized to pay such advancement unto Asaeae or Nichols Sn such amount of $600.00, payable as follows, to-wit: $400.00 payable out of County Wide Bonds, 1931 and $200.00 out of Courthouse & Jail Sinking Fund. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3495. APPROVAL OP' MONTH[.Y REPORT OF 7IISTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT N0, 1 Th is the 12th day of May, A, D. 1997, oeme on to be examined by the Court the monthly report of Virgil Storms, Just Soe of the Peace of Preoinot No. 1, of Kerr County, Tezea, for the sum of $38.45 oollected and dap oa it ed with the County Tr assurer, entitling him Lo a Pee of $18.00, and it ap peering to the Court that said report is true end correct, same be and Sa hereby approved, end the County Clerk ie hereby authorized and directed to pay Bald Pee of $18.00 to-wit: $6.00 payable out of Road & Bridge Fund; end $12.00 payable out of the General Fund. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3496. APPROVAL OF MDNTRLY REPORT OF COUNTY AGENT. This the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, came on to be examined by the Court the monthly re- port of County Agent, Guy Powell, which report be and is hereby aocept ed end approved by the Court end ordered Plled. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No• 3497. APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF DISTRICT CLERR FOR QUARTER ENDING APRII, 30TH, 1947. This the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, came on to be examined by the Court the Aep ort of Geo. b1. Doyle, District Clerk, covering ell Pines imposed and ooll cored and judgmeata rendered end oollected Sn the DSatrict Court of Rerr County, in favor of said County, inoluding jury fees oollected by Lhe District Clerk, during Lhe quarter ending April 30th, 1947, which report showing en aggregate of $18.00 oollected end deposited with the County Treeaurer, end it appeal ing Lhet said report is true end oorrect, ease be and is hereby in all reaps cta eppr wad by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- ~ I Na. 3498. APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK PC1R QUARTER ENDING APRIL 30TH, 1047. Thla the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, oeme on to be examined by Lhe Court the Report of Sno. A. Leaveh, County Clerk, oover ing all fines imposed end oollected end judgments rendered ~ end aolleated in the County Court of Kerr County, in Pevor of sa Sd County, including jury t~ --~ t~ L, showing en aggregate of 5170.00 oolleoted sad deposited with the County Treasurer and it eppearlag Lhet said report Ss true anfl co rr sot, same be sad Sa hereby Sn all respects approved by the Court. ,I -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3499. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Th1e Lhe 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, after eeoh member of the Court having first Laken the oath ea required by law, the Court with all members present proceeded to eaamin~ and ln- Couaty or spect the inventor iea of tea assessments for 1947, rendered by the various Laz payers of the/ assess ed against them by the Lax es aesaor, E. H. Nichols, and it appearing to the Court that no ell of said tea assesamenta have been taken or assessed by the tea assessor for 1947, it is ordered by the oo art, eitting as a board oP equelizet iea that the ezaminati on of auoh is- ventoriea be completed et a later date. o-o-o-o No. 3500. TABi1LAR STATEMENT OF SNDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITIIRES & RECEIPTS OF KERR COUNTY. Th1a the 12th day of Maq, A. D. 1947, came on to be ezamiaed by the Court the quarterly tabular statement of Jao. R. Leav ell, County Clerk of Karr County, ooverin.g the indebtedness, ii ezp enditurea sad rata ipta of Kerr County for quarter ending April 30th, 1947, which report or statement appearing oorreot, De anfl ie hereby approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o- No. 3501. TOPPING 6I% MII.ES ON HARPER ROAD, PREC.~1, AND FIVE MII.ES ON SODTHFORB FROM HUNT TO CAMP WALDEMAR, PREC. ~4 This the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, came oa to be oonsidered the bid by C. HUNTER STRAIN Contractor, San Angelo, Teaea, to furnish sll materiel e, equipment and labor inoidentel to Earn iehing, beat, Raul, sad applying app rozimately 33,800 gall oas of OA-135 eaphalt for the sum o2 ($0.109) Ten end Nine Tenths Cents par gallon measured ea applied on the road. The epproz Smate amount oP 18,000.00 gallons of OA-135 eaphalt to be applied in Eerr County Precinc No. One (1), on about 6 miles of Harper Roed to Eerr-Gillespie Coua ty Line. The approximate amount of 15,800 gallons of OA-135 aeph alt to be applied is Karr County Preolnct No. Four (4) o^ aDo ut 5 miles ofNorth Fork Roed from Hunt to Camp Waldemar. For furnishing sll equipment and app roaimetely 550 ou, yda, 305 ~2 Aggregate for the sum of =5.45 per cu. yd. and approz- ~~ imately 525 cu. yds. 305 ~2 aggregate for the sum of 55.45 per cu. yd. for said pr ea incta, reapeot iv sly, end all workmanship and materials to confom to Texas Highway spec ificationa. It appearing to the Court that such bid is reasonable and ~uat and that each bid De eocepted by the court, It is therefore ordered, adjudged and deoreed by the Court that C. Hunter Strain be awarded said fob, eooord ing to his bid and epeoificatio na, and that upon oompletioa of said ~ topping, proper claims may be filed against the_reapsot;vs preoinc to for payment. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3502. IIdCREASE OF SALARY TO COUNTY SANITARIAN, J. R. GAINES. Th Sa the 12th day of May, A. D. 1847, it Se ordered by the Court Lhat the County Clerk drew vo uoher on the County Treasurer in the amount of 5300.00 drawn age inet the General Fund of Kerr County, payable to J. R. Gaines, Sanitarian, beginning May let, 1947 and to oontiaue through August Slat, 1947, provided the Cemp Owners of Kerr County deposit the agreed sum of 5600.00 ae their apportionment, to take care of the lncranae of salary Prom 5200.00 to 5300.00 ~:~~ monthly. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3503. APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER This the 12th day of May, p. D. 1947, oama oa to be eaamined end audited by the Court the quarterly report of E. Gold, County Treasurer, oover Sng the receipts sad diab ursementa of Kerr County for quarter ending April 30th, 1947, and it apgeer Sng to the Court after oeraful sad