/99 ehowing an aggregate of x170.00 oolleoted and deposited with the County Treasurer sad St appearing that said report ie true end ao rreot, same be end Se hereby in ell raepeota ap by th• Court. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3499. HOARD OF EQUALIZATION Thin the lEth day of May, A. D. 1947, after eaoh mamDer of the Court having first taken the oath ea required by law, the Court with all members present proceeded to eaem ins and in- County or apect the inventories of tan assesame nts for 1947, rendered by the various tax payers of the/ aesesaed agai pat them by the Lan asaeeaor, E. H. Niobole, and it appearing to the Court that no-ell of said tan assessments have been Laken or es aeeaed bq the tea ens eseor for 1947, it la ordered by the oourt, sitting ea a board of equalization that Lhe ezamlae tl on of such in- vent oriea be completed et a later date. -o-o-o-o- No. 3500. TAHi1LAR STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITURES & RECEIPTS OF KERB COUNTY. Thin the 12th day of Maq, A. D. 1947, came on to be ezamiaed by Lhe Court Lhe quarterly tabular at atemenL of Jno. R. Leev ell, County Clerk of Kerr County, oovering the indebtedness, ezpenditures end race ipta of Kerr County for quarter ending April 30th, 1947, which report or statement appearing oorreot, be and is hereby approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o- No. 3501. TOPPING SIX MII.ES ON HARPER ROAD, PRBC.~1, AND FIVE MII.ES ON SODTHFOR% FROM HUNT Td CAMP WALDEMAR, PRSC. ~4 Thin the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, came on to be ooneidered the bid by C. HUIPTER STRAIN Contractor, Sen Angelo, Teaea, to furnish ell materiels, equipment and labor inoideatal to Earn iehing, heat, haul, and applying app rozimetely 33,800 gallons of OA-135 aephelt for the sum of ($0.109) Ten and Nine Tenths Cents per gallon mesa ured ea applied oa the road. The approzimate amount oP 18,000.00 gallons of OA-135 asphalt to be applied Sn Barr County Preoinc No. Oae (1'), on about 6 miles of Her per Roed to %e rr-Gil leapie Coua ty Line. The approximate amount of 15,500 gallons of OA-135 asphalt to Da applied in Kerr Covnty Preclact No. Four (4) on about 5 miles of ~Bforth Fork Roed from Hunt to Camp Waldemar. For furnishing all equipment and app roalmately 550 ou. yds. 305 ~2 Aggregate for the sum of x5.45 per cu. yd. end approz- imately 525 cu. yds. 305 ~2 aggregate for the sum of x5.45 per cu. yd. for said preoinc ta, reapeativ sly, end all workmanship and materiels to conform to Texas Highway speo if icetions. IL appearing to Lhe Court that such bid is reeaonabla and ~uat and that such bid be aooepted by the court, It Se therefore ordered, adjudged and deoreed by the Court that C. Hunter Strain be awarded said fob, eocord ing to his bid and epeoifioet to na, and that upon oompletion of said topping, proper aleima may be ii led against the_reapeot~vs preoi na to for payment. -o-o'o-o-o-o- r I Ao. 3502. IIdCREgSE OF SALARY TO COUNTY SANITARIAN, J. R. CAINES. Th la Lhe 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, it Se ordered Dq the Court that the County Clerk drew voucher on the County Treasurer in the amount of ;300.00 drawn age inet the Genorel Blind of Kerr County, payable Lo J. R. Gaines, Seaitarien, beglnnSng May let, 1947 and to oontinue through August 31e t, 1947, provided the Cemp Owaera of Kerr County depoa it the agreed sum of x600.00 ee their apportionment, to take care of the increnae of salary Prom x200.00 to x300.00 monthly. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3503. AEPROYAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY TR$pSURER Thin the 12th day of lley, p. D. 1947, oeme on to be ezamiaed end audited by the Court the quarterly report of E. Gold, County Treasurer, ooveriag the receipts and diaburnemente of $err County for quarter ending April 30th, 1947, sad it appearing to the Court after oareful sad