9 !~ showing an aggregate of $170.00 oolleoted and deposited with the County Treasurer and it _ appearing that said report Ss true end oorreot, same be sad is hereby in all respects ap by th• Court. ,I -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3499. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Thin the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, after eaoh member of the Court having first taken the oath ea required by law, the Court with all members present proceeded to ezamine and in- County or apect the inventories of tea assessments Por 1947, rendered by the various Lex payers of the/ aeseeaed ages net them by the tae asaesaor, E. H. Niahole, and it appearing to the Court that n0-ell of said tea ae seasments have been taken or asaeased by the tea ass eseor for 1947, it is ordered by the ao art, sitting ea a board of equalization that the ezamina ti on of each ia- ventoriea be completed et a later date. j -o-o-o-o- No. 3500. TABULAR 9TATEL~NT OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPEIPDI TURES k RECEIPTS OF KERR COUNTY. i 'f Thia the 12th day of May, A, D. 1947, came on to De ezemiaed by the Court the quarterly I tabular statement of Jno. R. Leev ell, County Clerk of Kerr County, aoveriag the Sade btedneae, ~i ezpenditurea end race ipta of Kerr County for quarter ending April 30th, 1997, which report or statement appearing oorreo t, De sad is hereby approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o- No. 3501. TOPPING 8I% MII.ES ON HARPER ROAD, FREC./I1, AND FIVE MILES ON SOOTHFORK FROM HUNT 1V CAMP WALDEMAR, PREC. ~E4 This the 12th day of May, p, D. 1947, oame .on to be oonaidered the bid by C. HUNTER STRAIN Contractor, San Angelo, Teaea, to furnish all materiels, equipment end labor inoideatal to Earn ieh ing, heat, haul, and applying app rozimetely 33,800 gallons of OA-135 eaphelt for the sum of ($0.109) Ten and Nine Tenths Cents par gallon measured ea applied on the road. The approzlmate amount oP 18,000.00 gallons of OA-135 eaphelt to be applied in Kerr County Precinc No. One (1'), on about 6 miles of Her per Aoad to Kerr-Gil lesple County Lina. The eppr ozimete amount of 15,800 gallons of OA-135 asphalt to be applied in Kerr County Precinct No. Four (4) on aDo ut 5 miles ofNorth Fork Roed from IIUnt to Camp weldemer. For furnishing ell equipment and app roaimately 550 cu. yds. 305 ¢'2 Aggregate for the sum of $5.45 per cu. yd. and approz- imately 525 cu. yds. 305 ~2 aggregate for the sum of $5.45 per ou. yd. for said precinc ta, reepeativ sly, end all wor kmenah ip and materials to co aform to Tease Highway ap eo if icetiona. It appearing to the Court that eaoh bid ie reasonable end iuat and that such bid De aocepted by the court, it is therefore ordered, ed~udged and deoreed by the Court that C. Hunter Strain be awarded said fob, aocord ing to hia bid and epeoifloetSo na, and that upon completion of said topping, proper claims may be filed aB ainet the_reapeot~ve preoina to for payment. -o-o-o-o-o-o- Ao. 3502. IIdCREASE OF SALARY TO COi1NTY SANITARIAN, J. R. 6AZNES. Thia the 12th day of Mey, p. D. 1947, it ie ordered by the Court that the County Clerk drew voucher on the County Treasurer in Lhe amount of X300.00 drawn against the General Fuad of Kerr County, payable to J. R. Caiaea, SeniLeriea, begSan ing Ma9 let, 1947 sad to continue through August 31st, 1947, provided Lhe Camp Owners of Kerr County depoa it the agreed sum of $600.00 ea the Sr apporti onmeat, to take care of Lhe inoreeae of salary from $200.00 to $300.00 f- monthly. ~ -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3503. APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER Thia Lhe lEth day o2 11ey, A. D. 1947, name on to be ezemiaed sad audited by the Court the quarterly report of E. Gold, County Treaeur er, cover ing the receipts sad diab urnemente of Kerr County for quarter ending April 30th, 1947, and it appearing to the Co urL after careful and