/99 showing an aggregate of ¢170.00 collected and deposited with the County Treasurer and St appearing Lhat said report is true and correct, same be end is hereby in ell respeata approved by the Court. -o-oro-o-o-o- No. 3499. BOARD OF EQIIALIZATION Thin the 18th day of May, A. D. 1947, after each member of the Court hev ing first taken the oath ea required by law, the Court with all members present proceeded to eaemina and in- County or apect the inventor Sea of tea es aessme nta for 1947, rendered by the various tax payers of the/ aeseeaed agei net them by the tea asaeaeor, E. H. Nichols, and it appearing to the Court that nn~ell of geld tea assessments have been taken or assessed by the taz ~eaeaeor for 1947, it is ordered Dy the court, elLti ng es a board of equalization that Lhe esemina ti on of each in- ventories be completed et a later date. -o-o-o-o- No. 3500. TABDLAR STATEMENT OF SNDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITDRES k RECEIPTS OF %ERR CODNTY. Thin the 12th day of Maq, A. D. 1947, came on to be ezamined by the Court the quarterly Lab ul ar statement of Jno. R. Leav ell, County Clerk of Serr County, oovering the indebtedness, ezp endituree end race ipta of %err County for quarter ending April 30th, 1947, which report or atetement appearing correct, be and is hereby approved by Lhe Court. -o-o-o-o- No. 3501. TOPPING 6I% MILES ON HARPER ROAD, PREC.~1, AND FIFE MII.ES ON SOUTHFOR% FROM HUNT 1V CAMP WALDEMAR, PREC. ~4 This the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, came .on to be oonaidered the bid by C. HONTSR STRAIN Contractor, San Angelo, Tezsa, to furnish all materiels, equipment and labor Snaidental to furnishing, heat, haul, and applying app rozimately 33,800 gallons of OA-135 asphalt for the sum of (¢0.109) Ten and Nine Ibnthe Cents per gallon measured as eppl ied on the road. The approz Smate amount of 18,000.00 gallons oP OA-135 asphalt to De applied in %err County Precinc No. One (1'), on about 6 miles of Her per Road to %err-Gillespie Couhty Line. The appr oximete amount of 15,800 galloha oP OA-135 eaphalt to be applied in Barr County Preainot No. Four (4) o^ about 5 miles ofNorth Fork Roed Prom Huat to Camp Waldemar. For furnishing ell equipment and app roeimately 550 au. yds. 305 $'2 Aggregate for the sum of ¢5.45 per cu. yd. and approz- lmately 525 cu. yds. 305 ~2 aggregate for the sum of ¢5.46 per au. yd. for said pr eoino ta, reapeot lv sly, end all workmanship and materials to conform to Tezsa Highway speoif icetiana. It appearing to the Court that such bid ie reasonable end ~uat end that each bid be eaaepted Dy the court, SL Ss therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed Dy the Court that C. Hunter Strain be awarded said fob, accord ing to hie bid and apeo ificat io na, and that upon completion of said topping, proper claims may be filed egelnat the_reapeatjve preol ac to for payment. -o-o-o-o-o-o- r I No. 3502. INCREASE OF SALARY TO CODNTY SANITARIAN, J. R. 6AINE3. This the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, it Se ordered by the Court that the County Clerk drew vo uoher on Lhe County Treasursr in Lhe amount of ¢300.00 drawn age Snat the General Fund of %err County, payable to J. A. Gaines, Sanitarian, beg inn Sng May let, 1947 and to continue through puguat 31st, 1847, provided Lhe Camp Owners of %err County depoe it the agreed auID of ¢600.00 ea their apportionment, to to ke care of the inorense of salary from ¢200.00 to ¢300.00 monthly. -o-o-o-o-o-o- No. 3503. APPROPAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COt7NTY TREASGRER Thin the 12th day of May, A. D. 1947, came on to be ezamined sad audited by the Court the quarterly report of E. Gold, County Treasurer, oovering the receipts end diab urn ementa of %err County for quarter ending April 30th, 1947, and it appearing to the Court after careful end - ---- thorough eaaminat ion and inspection of said report together with the ceaoel led warrants, check , ~O~ ~,, bonds end aoupons accompanying same, that aeid report is true end correct 1a every rea pact ~; and same De end is hereby approved in open Court, ell as is ahow^ Dy the Certificate of Appr ov~ ~'ii signed by the Court and attached Lhe reto, and Lhe County Clerk shall record said report 1n the loose-leaf record Sn hie offlce end file sash cancelled warrants, checks, bonds and coupons ii 'i in his office for safe-keeping end Put are reference. ~~~ -o-o-o-o-o-o- Ili I it No. 3504. TRANSFER, j I !,,I Thle the 13th day of May, p. D. 1947, the County Treasurer is hereby directed to transfer 6 the sum of $369.58 from ROAD & BRIDGE Fund Lo Rerr Co. Road & Bridge Warrants, 1936, being ~~ balance after first allowing credit et Austin, 1n the amount of x172.94, from the original amount ~';~I due in the principal amount of x542.52, IIII -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- I'. ~~ No. 3505. APPROVAL OF 137 PACE DELINQpENT TAX RECORD OF RERR COUNTY FOR YEARS, 1919 to 19451 INCLUSIVE, i, This the 13th day of May, p. D. 1947, came oa to be esamiaed Dy the Court the Delinquent 'i Taz dac ord prepared by E. H. Nichols, Tsa Assessor and Collector, for Lhe years, 1919 to 1945, ~, I'' inol us ive, as per Art. 7321, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925; and compiled according to Senate ~, I'~ B111 No. 407, Acts of 44th Legislature, Regular Ses eion. And it appearing to the Court that !' ~~i se id report being prepared in aac ordence with said ec t, Sa hereby in ell respects approved ~~ by the Court. -o-o-o-o- - ~ '~ No. 3506. REINSTATFJ6'ENNT OF COUIv"I'Y HOME DEMONSTAT hN AGENT AND INCREASE IN SALARY il. FROM x800,00 .Tp x1,000.00 PER ANNUM ' 0^ this the 13th day of Mey, 1947, came on to be considered by the Court, the proposit- ~II ion of Misa Mae Halle Smith, Distr iot Home Demonstration Agent, to increase the County's approp- '~.. riation for Home Demonstration Work for x800.00 to $1000.00 per year, with the esaur sacs th at ~; ~~I. in the event each ins re ese is granted, that the Home 1lsmonetrat ion Work will be reinstated in II I'; the County, And it appearing to the Court that the aerv is ea of a Home Demon stration,Agent are ~', ~I~I badly needed in the Co uaty, and that it Sa deaireDle for such work to be reinat sled and contin~e d. WHEREUPON on motion duly made, seconded and unan imo ua ly adopted, it Se ordered that Lhe I~~ _ ~~. appropriation from County Funds for Home Demonstret ion Work ih Rerr County, be end Sa hereby ', ~~ Sncreaaed from the sum of x800.00 to the sum of x1000.00 per year. ~~~ It is further ordered that if and when such work is reinstated in Rerr County, that Lhe ~'~ II ill~'~ County Clerk De sad is hereby authorized to drew monthly vouchers ag einst the Geaer al Fund, I;'I Sn the sum of y~83.33 as salary, to be paid to Lhe Aome Demonstration Agent. ~I -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- r !~~ No. 3507. PAUPER ALL OWpNCE TO MRS. J. H. HOUTIN, Formerly PHILOMEN Le BLANC FOR SIX MONTHS, I~~' This the 13th day of Mey, 1947, came on to be considered by the Court the application of Mrs. J. B. Boutin, formerly Philomen LeB lane, a disoher gad patient from State Sanatorium es of January 21, 1947, and now lives in home with brother end aged mother, end it appea rl ng to the Court that the said Mra. J. B, Boutin hex no income end is entirely unable Lo work at present, and is in need of financial aid. It is therefore ordered Dq tDe Court Lhat the said Mra. J. H. Ho ut in be and she is Dereby allowed the sum of x20.00 for a period of six monthly, the ,. first !' paytge nt being made on the 13th day of May, 1947, and a like payment each month thereafte}~, for a period of six months, by voucher drawn against the County Tr assurer again et the General !; Fund of gerr County. -o-o-o-o-o- i