approval signed by the Court and attaohed thereto, and the County Clerk shell record.aeid ~ a 7 D report in the loose-leaf record in hie office and file such cancelled warrants, checks, bonds and ooupoas in hie office for safe-keeping end future refer enoe. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3538. APPROVAL OF COUNTY CLERKS' QUARTERLY REPORT ENDING JULY 31ST, 1947. Thin the lath day of An6~t, A. D. 1907, oeme on to be eaemined by the Court the Report of Jno. R. Leav ell, County Clerk, oovering all Pines imposed and collected and Judgments rends and collected in the County Court of Kerr County, in favor of said County, including fury Peea collected by the County Clerk, if any, during the quarter ending July 31st, 1Q47, whioh report ahowa an aggregate of $531.58 oollected, and X531.58 dap oeited with the County Treasurer and it appearing that aeid report is true end correct, same be and Se hereby is all reapecte approved by the Court. -O-o-o-o- No• 3539. TABULAR STATElQ:NT OF INDEBTEDNHSS, EZPENDITURES & RECEIPTS OF RERR CODNTY. TD is the 12th day of 4ugust, p, D. 1947, name on to De eaamined by Lhe Court the quarterl ~ Leb ular at element of Jno. R. Leevel 1, County Clerk of Kerr County, covering the indebtedness, ezpendit urea and receipts of Kerr County for quarter ending July 31st, 1947, which report or ^i at element appearing correct, be and Sa hereDy approved by the Court. -o-o-o-o- No. 3540. INCREASE IN SALARY OF DEPUTY SHERIFF, CHARLES A. RO DGERS, Thin the 12th day of August, p, D. 1947, acme on to bo heard by the Court the application for an add Stional allowance to Sheriff, p. F. 19oore, for deputy hire allow enoe for the remaind of the year, 1947, Por Yrec inet No. 4, in the amount of =30,00 per month. The application bet heard and is hereby gr anted by the Court, and Sheriff A. F. Moore Se entitled to an addltional ;30.00 ellowanoa for deputy hire for the remainder of the year, .1947, and the County Treasurer shall pay direct to Deputy, C. A. Rodgers of Ingram, Tezsa, ea such deputy, Bald allowance in equal monthly inat ellmenta out oP the General Fylnd, plus the ellowenoe heretofore granted by Chia Court, and the County Clerk shall laeue proper warrants at the and oY eaoh month's sa rvia by him ae each legally appointed end qualified deputy aheriYf. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3541, HDTICE ON CODHTY.HUDGET.FC&.1948. , This the 12th day of August, p, D. 194, it Ss ordered by the Court that the County Judge ''. post proper noLiae at the Court House door and ins art news-items in August 14th, 1947, issues ~~ oP Doth newspapers, to the effect that the public hearing w 111 be hold on the proposed 1948 County Budget at the Court House in Kerr County, Rerrvil le, Texas, et 10;00 o'clock A. M., Saturday, August 16th, 1947, which is the time and place hereby eat for said public hearing on the proposed 1948 County Budget by the Court, together with the lav ying of 1947 taxes. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3542. INCREASE OF SALARY OF COCB~TTY AGENT. Thin the 12th day of August, A. D. 1947, oeme on to be considered by the Court the matter oP the 9elery of the County Farm Demonatretion Work in Rerr County, Tezsa, for the balance of the year, beginning August let, 1947, and ending September let, 1948, and it appearing to the Court that the services heretofore and now rendered by County Agent Guy Powell, ere to --~ the beat interest of the etookmen, Parmera, business men and tez payers of Rarr County and she ld be continued with en increase Sn salary Prom '1200.00 par annum to =1500.00 per annum. Therefore, upon motion duly made, seconded end unanimo uely adopted, 1t la ordered by the Court that Guy Powa 11 be and ie hereby employed ea County Agent for Rerr County for the year, beginning puguet let, 1947, and the sum of 11500.00 per annum be and is hereDy appropriated