No. 35d5. APPORTIONMENP OF ~2D,DDD.00 OF UNAPPORTION3D ROOD do BHIDOB FOND Th1a the Sth day of September, 1947, be and it la hereby ordered by the Court that =80,000.00 of Lhe uaepportloned Hoed & Brldge Fund of $err County, be hersby apportioned and aredlted to the reapeative oommieaioner~e preoinota of Eerr County is the following propgrti viz; Commlasloaera~ R k B Preoinot No. 1, - 3596 ~ 7,000.00 Coamiaelonere' R p H Preoinat No. 2, - 15¢ 8,000.00 Commleeionera~ H k B Preolnat No. 3, - 15¢ x,000.00 Commiesionera~ R A B Precinct No• 4, - 354 7,000.00 -o-o-o-o-o-o-oro- No. 3568. REJECTION OF CLAIM D'ILED BY J. R, GAIN83, FORMER COUNTY SANITARL4N. Thin the 8th day of September, 1947, the olelm filed herein by J. R. paiaee, Former County Sea stariaa, for two weeks paid vacation for fourteen months employment ea Sanitarian together with the misoellaneoue ezpensa, Se hereby re~eoted by the Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3587. gpl,E 1b PERMANENT gCA00L D OF ORE X2,000.00 HEAR COUNTY, TE74lS, _., COSOION gCA00L DI3T. X116 Sohool Bldg. ~ndis On thin Lhe 8th flay of September, A, D. 1947, oame on to be ooneldered by the court the proposition of The Renaon-Devidaon Company, Ino., to sell to the permanent School Faad of Esrx County, Tezaa, ow =2,000.00 Beaer County, Tease, Common Sohool Diatriot X18, 3}9< School Bldg. aon'da 9er Sea 1847-p Dated July 15, 1947; Optional Jeauary 15, 1958; maturity July 15, 1971; to yield 2.759', to Apt. date; plus accrued interest. pad it appearing to the Court that there wen suffioient un inv sated Sunda in the permanent eohool fund of Ee rr County to pur obese said bond end that euoh Doad would be a good investment. Therefore, upon ration duly made, aeooaded and uaealmoualy adopted it 1a ordered that ee Dond be pu roheaed for the benefit of the permanent soh col fund sad that upon delivery of geld bond to Chea. Sohreiaer Bank, Unino. that said bank be sad ie hereby authorized to pay The Ranaoa-Dav idaon, Ino. the sum of pE,005.01 out of the permanent eohool fund of Ee rr Co only, plus X94.58 being balanos Sntereat end premium, payable out of Available Pund. No• 3558. APPROVAL OF ANNUAL REPORT OF STATE AND COUNTY TAEES COLLECTED DELINQUENT, IN30LVERT, ETC. STATE OF TEZAB: LV COMIlI8gI0NEHS' COURT OF EERR COIINTY, TEYAg 9EPTEMHEH 8TH, 1947. COUNTY OF EERR: gETTLEIIENT WITH TAE COLLECTOR FOR YEAR, 1948, ENDING JUNE 30, 1947. It Sa ordered by the Court that E. H. Niahola, passes or affi Oo lleot or of Tezee for Barr County, Tezee, be oreditad with the following items, uncollected on the current roll, towit: County polls Roed School Ad valorem Diatriota Diatriota Totals Insolvent, Form 16 111.53 114.25 5.88 E7.80 259.06 Errors, Foam 17 74.45 19.75 4.98 171.PA 270.36 Daliaquenta ,Form 18 1105.15 10.25 87.71 424.95 1618.08 Dieoounte allowed aurreat roll 1010.33 54.61 345.81 1410.75 Totals , Zt is Ordered by the Court Chet 8. H. Niohole, pee asset and Colleotor of Tezee for Barr County, Tezee, be oharged with the following items, collected in addition to the current roll, County Road School penalty gupplementel Aaaeaa- Ad Valorem Pella DiatrSato DietrSOts & Interest Totals manta Colleotlone,Porm "F" (Net) 205.22 218.75 15.20 99.7E - 536.89 Insolvent Celle otiona 39.89 - 2.63 - 8.10 50.62 Redemption 722.49 3.50 9x.59 211.37 396.64 1427.59 Interest 8: Penalty oa Car rent Roll 43.13 2.58 2E .73 80.45 Totals a~8 -o-o-oro-o-o-o-