No. 3585. APPORTIONMENP OF X20 ,000.00 OF UNAPPORTIONI'D ROAD k BRIDOE FDND a.l 8 Th1a the 5th day of September, 1947, be and St la hereby ordarefl Dy the Court that =20,000.00 of Lhe unapportioned Road & Bridge PUad of $err County, be hereby apportioned affi I ored iced to the respect ive oommiae ioaer'e Preoinote of Esrr~Coanty in the following proportion , vizs Commix sion era' R & B Precinct No. 1, - 3596 ~ 7,000.00 . Commiealonera' R & B Precinct No. 2, - 1596 5,000.00 Commiseioaera' R R B Preoirot No. 3, - 1596 'x,000.00 Commissioners' R k B Precinct No• 4, - 35',x, 7,000.00 -O-D-O-O-O-D-O-O- No. 3588. REJECTION OF CLAIM !'ICED BY J. R. CAIlQES, FORMER COONTY SANITARIAN. Th1a the Bth da9 of Sept ember, 1947, LDe claim filed Derain by J. R. Oeiaea, Former County Sanitarian, for two weeks paid vacation for fourteen months employment ea Sanitarian together with the mien ellaneoue azpenae, Se hereby re~eoted by Lhe Court. -o-o-o-o-o- No. 3587. SALE TO PERMANENT 9CAOOL D OF ONE X2,000.00 BESAR COTlITY, TE7CAS, ..., COSO[ON 3CBOOL DIST. /16 3~ BoDoo1 Bldg. BoAis Oa this the Bth day of September, A. D, 1947, came on to be ooaald Bred by Lhe court the pro~sos it ion of The Reneon-Davldeon Company, Ino., to sell to the Permanent School Fuad of Sett County, Tezea, o~ ~E ,000 .00 Be sat County, Te zee, Cammon School Dis tr Sat i18, 3~, School Hldg. bon'de Series 1947-A Dated July 15, 1947; Optional January 15, 1958; maturity July 15, 1971; to yield 2.7596 to Apt. date; plus eacrued interest. And it appearing to the Court Lhat there was aufflolenL uninv eeted Panda in Lhe permanent aohool fund of Ea rr County to par obese veld bond end that sash Dond would be a good investment. ~- Therefore, upon awtioa duly made, eeooaded and menimously adopted it Se ordered that ae bond be purohaeed for the benefit of the permanent eoh col fumd and that upon delivery of said boffi to Chas. Sohreinsr Bank, Uhina. that sell beak be and Se hereby euthorizad Lo pay The Reason-Dev idson, Ino. the sum of ~E,OD5 .D1 out of the permanent aohool fund of Ee rr County, plus X94.58 being balance interest and premium, peyablo out of pvallaDle Puad. -o-o-o-o-o- No• 3588. APPR0IIAL OF ANNIIAL REPORT OF 92ATE AND COUNTY TALES COLLECTED DELINQUENT, INSOLVENT, ETC. STATE OF SEZAB: IN C01![Z83IONSRS' CODRZ' OF 88RR COUNTY, T EYAS 9EPTffiIBER BTR,1949. COUNT7 OF BERR: 9ETTL8MENT YIITH TAS COLLECTOR FOR YEAR, 1948, ENDING JUNE 30, 1947. It Se ordere d by the pourt that E. B. Nichols, Assessor sad t:o lleot or of Tease for Eerr County, Tezea, be credited with the following items, uncollected on the aur reat roll, towit: County polls Road School Ad Palorem Dietr iota Diatr iots Tot ale Insolvent, Form 16 111.53 114.E5 5.88 E7.80 259.08 Errors, Foam 17 74.45 19.75 4.98 171.20 270.35 DelinqueaLa,Form 18 1105.15 18.25 87.71 424.95 1818.08 Dieoounta allowed current roll ~ 1010.33 54.81 345.81 1410.75 Totals . It Se Ordered bq the Court that E. B. Niohole, Aeaese or and Collector of Teaea for Sett County, Tezae, be charged w1tD the following Stems, oollectad in addition to LDe current rodl,. Low1t; County 9upplemant el Aeaese- Ad valorem Polls manta Colleoti oaa,Form "F" (Net) 205.22 218.75 InaolveaL Co lie otiose 39.89 - Redemptioa 722.49 3.50 Road School penalty Dietr is is Diatr io is k Interest Totals 15.20 99.7E - 536.89 E.63 - 8.10 50.8E 9D.59 211.37 396.84 1427.59 Interest k penalty on Carrent Roll 43.13 2.58 E2.73 80.45 Totals -o-o-oro-o-o-o-